HERRINGSHAW'S LIBRARY OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. thor of Geraldine; and Ode on the Death of Walter Scott. He died in Boston, Mass. Day, Thomas, lawyer, jUrist, author, was born July 6, 1777, in New Preston, Conn. He was judge of the city court of Hartford in 1818-31; and was one of the committee to prepare the statutes of 1808, 1831 and 1834. He reported the decisions of the court of errors from 1805 to 1853, published in twenty volumes. He was an original member of the Connecticut historical society; and was its president in 1839-55. He died March 1, 1855, in Hartford, Conn. Day, Thomas Fleming, journalist, author, was born March 37, 1861, in England. Since 1890 he has edited The Rudder; and has been president of the Rudder publishing company of New York City. He is the author of Songs of Sea and Sail; On Yachts and Yacht Handling; Hints to Young Skippers;
and on Yacht Sailing. Day, Timothy C, congressman, was born ih Cincinnati, Ohio. In 1855-57 he was a representative from Ohio to the thirtyfourth congress.
died April 15, 1869, in
Cincinnati, Ohio.
Day, William A., lawyer, government, ofwas born in Illinois. In 1876, 1880 and 1884 he was a delegate to the democratic national conventions. He was a member of the Illinois state legislature; and served as mayor of Champaign, 111. For ten years he fteial,
was counsel
Day, William Rufus, lawyer, jurist, cabinet officer, was born April 17, 1849, in Ravenna, Ohio. In 1886-90 he was the judge of the court of common pleas. In 1890 he was district judge of the United States court for the northern district of Ohio. In 1898 he was secretary of state. Since 1899 he has been judge of the United States circuit court for the sixth circuit. Day, Wilson Miles, journalist, publisher, was bom Nov. 5, 1850, in Clarion, Pa. He was night editor of the Cleveland Leader in 1871-92; and then founded the Iron Trade Review of Cleveland, Ohio. In 1895-96 he was president of the Cleveland chamber of commerce; and in 1896 was director-general
New York City. He is the author Organ Sonatas and Waltzes.
church of of
Daye, Stephen, the first printer in the English-American colonies, was bom in 1611 in London, In connection with the founding of Harvard college in 1638, the first printing-press was established in the United States. He was supposed to be a descendant of John Day, one of the most eminent and wealthy of early English typographers. By direction of the magistrates and elders in 1639 he printed th Freeman's Oath, which was the first issue of the colonial press. The second work printed was an almanac in 1639,
made by William Pierce, a mariner; then the Psalms, newly turned into metre, for the edification and comfort of the saints in 1640. He died Dec. 22, 1668, in Cambridge, Mass. Dajrton, Alston Gordon, lawyer, jurist, congressman, was born on Oct. 18, 1857, in Philippi, W.Va. In 1878 he graduated from the university of West Virginia; in 1879 he was appointed to fill out an unexpired term as prosecuting attorney of Upshur county, W.Va.; and was elected and served as prosecuting attorney of Barbour county for a four-years' term in 1884-88. In 1893-1905 he was a representative from West Virginia to the fifty-fourth, fifty-fifth, fifty-sixth, fifty-seventh and fifty-eighth congresses; and was re-elected to the fifty-ninth congress, but resigned in 1905 to accept the position of United States district judge. He is now United States judge for the northern district of West Virginia for the term of 1905-09. Dayton, Amos Cooper, clergyman, physician, author, was born Sept. 4, 1813, in Plainfield, N.J. He was a baptist clergyman and physician of Tennessee. He was the author of Theodosia; The Infidel's Daughter; Baptist Facts and Methodist Fiction; Baptist Question Book; Cliildren Brought to Christ; and Pedobaptist and Campbellite Immersion. He died June 11, 1865, in Perry, Ga. Dayton, Charles Willoughby, lawyer, jurist,
He was
five years.
died Dec. 25, 1877, in
N.Y. Dayas, William Humphries, musician, composer, was born Sept. 12, 1864, in New York. He was organist in the Fifth avenue presbyterian church; and then in St. Andrew's
New York New York
1846, in
educated in the
schools; at the college of the City of New
York; and in 1868 he graduated with the degree of LL.B. from the Columbia law school. In 1868-1906 he practiced law. In 1881 he
Cleveland centennial. He is now president of the Cleveland printing and publishing company. Dayan, Charles, educator, lawyer, congressman, was born, July 16, 1793, in Amstex'dam, N.Y. In 1831-33 he was a representative from New York to the twenty-second congress and a state senator in 1827-38. He was acting lieutenant-governor in 1829; a member of the assembly in 1835-36; and was also district attorney for Lewis county for ville,
was a representative New York state
in the
1884 was presidential elector and secretary of the electoral college
York. In 1884-88 and 1892 he made in favor of Grover Cleveland in New York and other states; and in 1893-97 was postmaster of New York City. In 1894 he was a delegate to the New York state constitutional convention; and in 1904 of
campaign speeches