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until his machines are used in all parts of the world. He died in May, 1896, in New York City.

De La War, Lord, colonial governor. In 1610-11 he was colonial governor of Virginia.

De Lee, Joseph Bolivar, physician, founder, author, was born on Oct. 28, 1869, in Cold Springs, N.Y. He was educated at the grammar school of New An image should appear at this position in the text. York City; attended the college of the City of New York; in 1888 graduated from Chicago high school; and in 1891 from the Chicago medical college, now the Northwestern university medical college. He also studied in Vienna, Berlin and Paris. He has been demonstrator of obstetrics and a lecturer on obstetrics in the Chicago medical college; and since 1897 has been professor of obstetrics in that institution. He makes a specialty of obstetrics and gynecic surgery. In 1895 he founded the Chicago Lying-In hospital and dispensary; in 1899 opened a hospital in connection with same; and is now medical director and secretary of the medical board. He is the author of over fifty Monographs on obstetrics and allied subjects. He is the author of Obstetrics for Nurses; Notes on Obstetrics; and Yearbook of Obstetrics.

De Leon, Edwin, journalist, author, was born in 1828, in South Carolina. He was European diplomatic agent of the confederacy during the civil war. He was the author of Thirty Years of My Life on Three Continents; The Khedive's Egypt; also Askaros Kassis, the Captain, a novel; and Under the Star and Under the Crescent. He died in 1891 in Washington, D.C.

De Leon, Thomas Cooper, soldier, journalist, playwright, author, was born May 21, 1839, in Columbia, S.C. In 1861-65 he was in the confederate service. In 1873-96 he was owner and editor of the Gossip and the Gulf Citizen of Mobile, Ala. He organized the Mobile mardi gras carnival; and managed it for twenty-five years. He invented and de- signed carnivals of Pensacola, Vicksburg, Bi- Centennial and other celebrations. He is the author of Cross Purposes; and other works.

Delery, Francois Charles, litterateur, author, was born in 1815 in Louisiana. She was the author of Essay on Liberty; Studies of the Passions; King Cotton; and Confederates and Federals. She died in 1858.

De Lisle, Moreaw, lawyer, jurist. He was judge of one of the territorial courts of the United States sometime prior to 1884. Dell, John C., railroad president, was born May 31, 1841, near Bascom, Ga. In 1888 he became president of the Sylvania railroad of Georgia.

De Lestry, Louis Edmund, journalist, author, was born Jan. 1, 1860, in Louisiana. He received a thorough education; and in 1887 An image should appear at this position in the text. graduated from the Heidelberg university. His first journalistic engagement was during the Russo-Turkish war. In 1890 he published a History of Helena, Mont.; and in 1897 compiled quite an elaborate historical work of St. Paul for the Pioneer Press of that city. He is also the author of Leaves From a Notebook, a collection of his short stories. In 1897 he established De Lestry's Western Magazine of St. Paul, Minn.

Dell, William H., soldier. In 1898 he was commissary-general of subsistence in the United States army, with the rank of brig- adier-general.

Dellenbaugh, Frederick Samuel, explorer, artist, author, was born Sept. 13, 1853, in McConnellsville, Ohio. He is the author of The North Americans of Yesterday; The Romance of the Colorado River; Breaking the Wilderness; and numerous reviews and articles and several stories.

Dellet, James, lawyer, jurist, congressman, was born in 1788 in Ireland. He moved to Alabama in 1818, where he was appointed a judge of the circuit court; and frequently represented his county in the state legisla- ture. In 1839-41 and 1843-45 he was a rep- resentative from Alabama to the twenty- sixth and twenty-eighth congresses. He died Dec. 21, 1848, in Claibourne, Ala.

Del Mar, Alexander, journalist, mining en- gineer, political economist, author, was born Aug. 9, 1836, in New York City. He An image should appear at this position in the text. received a thorough edu- cation at the New York university and other institutions. In 1854 he edited the Daily American Times; and he edited also Hunt's Merchant's Magazine in 1860; ed- ited the Social Science Review in 1864; and edited the Financial Chronicle in 1865. He organized and was director in 1866-69 of the United States bureau of statistics; and in 1876 was mining commissioner to the United States monetary commission. He has been United States rev. enue commissioner; commissioner to Italy, Holland and Russia; and for thirty years he has been a successful mining engineer. He is now editor of the Cambridge Encyclopædia. He is the author of History of the Precious Metals; History of Money in Ancient States; The Law of Payment; Politics