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of Money; and a score of other Monographs and historical works.

Delmar, Jack, civil engineer, author, was born in 1793 in Gibraltar, of American parents. During 1835-53 he was employed in the United States treasury. He was the author of Golden Roses; and Travels in Morocco.

He died in 1865.

Delmar, John, jurist, financier, founder, was born Sept. 6, 1838, in Ireland. In 1867 he became a justice of the peace; and was one of the organizers of the Citizen in 1886, but did not assume the presidency until 1887. He is a director in the City savings bank and of the Fifth avenue bank of Brooklyn, N.Y. Delmar, Manuel, author, was bom in 1795 in Cadiz of American parents. He was the author of an educational series of Spanish and English Grammars; and History of Mexico. He died in 1864. Delmas, Delphin Michael, lawyer, educator, was born April 14, 1844, in France. In 186683 he practiced law in San Jose, Gal.; in 1883-1906 he practiced law in San Francisco; and is now practicing law in New York City. He is the author of Speeches and Addresses.

De Long, George Washington, naval officer, explorer, author, was bom Aug. 22, 1844, in New York City. He was a lieutenant-commander in the United -States navy in 186981. The Voyage of the Jeahnette, including his journals of his latest expedition, edited by his wife, appeared in 1884. He died Oct. 30, 1881, in Siberia. De Luce, Percival, painter, artist, was bom in 1847 in New York. He was a pupil at the

Antwerp academy;





at Brussels and an associate of the national

academy of design. Demand, Herman D., educator, was born March 10, 1856, in Smithton, Mo. He has taught schools in Illinois; has been school commissioner of La Fayette county. Mo.; and for the past twelve years has been superintendent of public schools of Lexington.

Demarest, David D., clergyman, theologian, author, was born July 30, 1819, in Oradell, N.J. In 1865–98 he was professor of pastoral theology and sacred rhetoric in the Theological seminary. He was the author of History and Characteristics of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church; Practical Catechetics; and The Huguenots on the Hackensack. He died June 21, 1898, in New Brunswick, N.J.

Demarest, James,, clergyman, author, was bom June 28, 1832, in Williamsburg, now a part of Brooklyn, N.Y. He is financial secretary of the Theological seminary of New Brunswick, N.J. He is the author of Duty of the Reformed Church in the Future as Foreshown by Its Course in the Past. Demarest, John Terhune, clergyman, author, was born in 1813 in New Jersey. He is a clergyman of the Dutch reformed church. He is the author of Exposition of the Effi'


cient Cause of Regeneration; Exposition of the First Epistle of Peter; Commentary on the Second Epistle of Peter; Commentary on the Catholic Epistles; and Christocracy. Demarest, Mrs. Mary Augusta Lee, poet, was born June 26, 1838, in New York City. She was the author of My Ain Countree and Other Poems. She died Jan. 8, 1888, in Los Angeles, C'al..

Demarest, William Henry Steele, clergyman, educator, college president, was born May 12, 1863, in Hudson, N.Y. In 1888-91 he was a pastor in Walden and Catskill, N.Y. In 1901-06 he was professor of history in the theological seminary. Since 1906 he has been president of Rutgers college. Dembitz, Lewis Naphtali, lawyer, author, was bom Feb. 3, 1833, in Posen. From 1853 he was in the practice of law ; and in 1884-88 was assistant city attorney of Louisville, Ky. He was the author of Kentucky Jurisprudence; and Land Titles in the United States, in two volumes. He died in 1907 in

New Brunswick



Demby, Edward Thomas, educator, lecturer, clergyman, was born in 1869 in Wilmington, Del.



a noted professor of

Hebrew, Greek and French; has been dean of a theological college; and head master of St. Paul's academy of Mason, Tenn. He has traveled extensively; is a well-known lecturer; and is the author of several works. Dement, James, pioneer, founder. He was a founder and the first settler of Springfield, Ohio. Subsequently he entered and held by certificate from the government a large tract of land, which he laid out in town lots. He died in 1817 in Springfield, Ohio. Deming, Benjamin F., public official, congressman, was bom at Danville, Vt. He was clerk of the court in his native county for sixteen years. In 1833-35 he was a representative from Vermont to the twenty-third congress. He died July 11, 1834, in Saratoga Springs, N.Y. Deming, Clarence, journalist, author, was bom Oct. 1, 1848, in Litchfield, Conn. He is the author of By-Ways of Nature and Life. Deming, Henry Champion, lawyer, soldier, congressman, author, was born in 1815 in

Middle Haddam, Conn.

He was

a member

of the Connecticut legislature in 1849-50, and 1859-61, serving as speaker during the latter year; and in 1851 was a member of the state senate. He was mayor of Hartford for six years. In 1861, as colonel of the twelfth regiment of Connecticut volunteers, he went to New Orleans and participated in the capture of that city. In 1862 he was appointed mayor of New Orleans; and in 1869-72 was United States collector of internal revenue for his district. In 1863-67 he was a representative from Connecticut to the thirtyeighth and thirty-ninth congresses. He was the author of a Life of General Grant. He died Oct. 9, 1872, in Hartford, Conn.

Deming, Horace Edward, lawyer, author, bom March 31, 1850, in Palmyra, N.Y.
