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D., business man, public statesman, was born March 31, 1873, in Dover, Del. He was educated in the public schools of his native city; studied at the Wilmington conference academy; and at the business college. In 1904-06 he was a representative and speaker in the Delaware house of representatives. For three terms he was secretary of the republican state committee of Delaware ; and for three terms was a member of the Kent county republican committee of Delaware. He is now secretary and treasurer of the Delaware fire insurance company; and is prominently identified with the business and public affairs of Dover, Del. He was colonel on the staff of Governor Preston Lee of Delaware; was secretary to United States senator H. A. Richardson; was treasurer of the republican state committee of Delaware ; and resides in Dover, Del. He was a prominent factor in the election of United States senator H. A. Du Pont; and also in the election of Hon. H. A. Richardson, United States senator from Delaware. official,






born Aug. 30, 1768, in Boston, Mass. He was the author of The Lay Preacher, or Short


for Idle Readers. 1812, in Philadelphia, Pa.


died Jan.


Denning, William, statesman, was born in York. In 1809 he was elected a representative from New York to the eleventh congress, but resigned before that congress met. Dennis, Adolphus, manufacturer, inventor,


founder, was bom May 13, 1857, in Clermont county, Ohio. He was one of the founders of the Capital city commercial college

of Des Moines, Iowa. He invented the Jewett typewriter; also invented a change-making machine; and also invented the ten-key adding machine. In 1897 he organized and was president of the Bankers adding machine company, manufacturers of Cleveland, Ohio. Dennis, Alfred Lewis Pinneo, educator, author, was bom May 21, 1874, in Syria. In 1905-06 he was a lecturer of history in




since 1906 has been

professor and chairman of the department of history at the university of Wisconsin. He is the author of Eastern Problems at the Close of the Eighteenth Century.

Dennis, Charles Henry, journalist, was born Feb. 8, 1860, in Decatur, 111. For ten years he was managing editor of the Chicago Record; and is now chief editorial writer of the Chicago Daily News. Dennis, David Worth, educator, college president, author, was bom April 8, 1849, in Economy, Ind. In 1879-81 he was president of the college at Wilmington, Ohio; and since 1884 has been professor of biology in Earlham college. He is a member of the American association for the advancement of science. He is the author of Key to Fossils of Richmond, Ind.; and One Hundrea Lessons About Plants.

Dennis, Elias S., soldier, was bom in New York. In 1861 he was lieutenant-colonel in the thirtieth regiment Illinois volunteer infantry; and in 1865 was brevetted majorgeneral of volunteers.


died Dec. 16, 1894.

Dennis, Frederic Shepard, educator, surgeon, author, was born on April 17, 1850, in Newark, N.J. In 1879 he became a professor in the Bellevue hospital medical college of New York City; and since 1883 has been visiting surgeon of Bellevue and St. Vincent's hospitals of

New York


George R., physician, railroad president, United States senator, was bom April 8, 1833, in White Haven, Md. He was president of the Eastern shore railroad; was a delegate from the state at large to the national whig convention at Philadelphia in 1856; and also to the democratic national convention at New York in 1868. He was Dennis,

elected to the state senate of

Maryland in

1854 and 1871; and to the house of delegates in 1867. In 1873-79 was United States senator.

Dennis, cier,

Graham Barclay, journalist, finanwas born on June 1, 1855, in England. He was educated in



Cincinnati public schools; and in Beth-



college. In 187577 he was city editor of the Dayton Journal of Ohio; and the following year was made manager. In 1879-85 he was a banker and broker of Dayton, Ohio; and in 1880-85 also published the Farmers' Home. In 1885-86 he was a publisher of Spokane, Wash; and ever since then he has been a real estate and mining broker of that city. In 1888-94 he was president of the Ross Park electric railway; president of the Old Dominion mining and milling company; president of the Insurgent gold mining company; president of the Warehouse and realty company and a director of various other corporations. In 1904-07 he was chairman of the publicity committee of Spokane, Wash. He has been president of the Northwestern publicity league; in 1888-90 was chairman of the city council; in 1888-90 was also chairman of the school board; and in 1889 was vice-president of the Northwest industrial exposition. In 1894-1900 he was president of the Northwest mining association: and is a director of the Exchange national bank.

Dennis, James Shepard, clergyman, author, was born Dec. 15, 1843, in Newark, N.J. In 1873-91 he was principal and professor in the theological seminary of Beirut, Syria. He is the author of Foreign Missions After a Century; and Christian Missions and Social Progress.