Dennis, John, farmer, state legislator, congressman, was born in 1807 in Somerset county, Md. In 1837-41 he was a representative from Maryland to the twenty- fifth and twenty-sixth congresses; and was twice elected to the state legislature. He was a member of the Maryland state convention in 1850. He died Nov. 1, 1850. Dennis, John, lawyer, congressman, was born Dec. 17, 1771, in Somerset county, Md. In 1797-1805 he was a representative from Maryland to the fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth congresses. He died Aug. 17, 1807, in
Dennison, George, state legislator, congressman, was born in Luzerne county. Pa. In 1819-23 he was a representative from Pennsylvania to the sixteenth and seventeenth congresses; and he was frequently a member to the legislature. He died in 1831 in Wilkesbarre, Pa. Dennison, Walter, educator, author, was born Aug. 9, 1S69, in Saline, Mich. He is associate professor of latin at Oberlin college. He is the author of A Junior Latin
Book; and Some
Dennison, William, lawyer, banker, goverPhiladelphia, Pa. nor, cabinet officer, was bom Nov. 23, 1815, Dennis, John Benjamin, soldier, was bom in Cincinnati, Ohio. In 1853 he was a presiin Connecticut. In 1861 he was captain in dential elector; about that time was made the seventh regiment Connecticut volunteer president of the Exchange bank of Columinfantry; and in 1865 was brevetted brigabus, and also president of the Columbus and dier-general volunteers. Died Dec. 24, 1894. Xenia railroad company. In 1860-62 he was Dennis, John Hancock, journalist, statesthe twenty-second governor of Ohio, and did man, was born May 28, 1835, in Concord, much toward organizing the volunteer army for service in the civil war. In 1864-66 he was Mass. He was educated at the Boston high school and at Goodnow's preparatory instipostmaster -general. He died June 15, 1882. Denniston, Henry Martjm, naval officer, tute of Concord, Mass. In 1854 he became a reporter on the San Francisco Herald; and, was born June 13, 1840, in New York City. In 1862 he became paymaster in the United has edited papers in California, Nevada, States navy; was promoted to pay inspector 1860-61 he was Utah, and other states. in 1876; and was made pay director in 1884. a member of the California state assembly; In 1902 he was retired with the rank of was sheriff, clerk and commissioner of the rear admiral United States navy; and reLander county, Nevada; and in 1894 was a sides in Washingtonville, N.Y. member of the Nevada state senate. Since Denny, Arthur A., surveyor, legislator, 1896 he has been a member of the national congressman, was born in 1822 in Indiana. democratic committee. He was a member of the Washington terDennis, Littleton Pumell, state legislator, ritorial legislature in 1853-61; and was four was born in Maryland. He served many years years register of the land office at Olympia. in the legislature of Maryland; was a presIn 1865-67 he was a delegate from Washingidential elector in 1800, 1812, 1816, 1824, ton territory to the thirty-ninth congress. and 1828; and in 1833-34 he was a repreDenny, Collins, lawyer, clergyman, educasentative from Maryland to the twentytor, was born May 28, 1854, in Winchester, third congress. He died April 14, 1834, in Va. He practiced law in Baltimore for sevWashington, D.C. eral years. He was chaplain to the universDennis, Louis Munroe, educator, chemist, ity of Virginia; and is now professor of author, was born May 26, 1863, in Chicago, mental and moral philosophy in Vanderbilt 111. Since 1886 he has been engaged in edu-
and is now professor of Cornell university of Ithaca.
cational cheiivistry
the author of Laboratory Manual of Elementary Chemistry; and other works. Dennis, William Bickham, journalist, miner, was born Dec. 8, 1864, in Cincinnati, Ohio. He was president of the Port Townsend board of trade; and vice-president of the
Northwest mining association.' For many years he was engaged in newspaper work; was president of the Middle-West Journals' association; and editor Daily
owner of the Den^^y'l nis-Halteman block of 00m ^ !_„„...^HBi Port Townsend, Wash. was president of the Eureka Pacific consolidated mining company; and is now enga.ged in the development and operation of his own mines. „^.
^ ^y
Denny, Ebenezer, soldier, was born in Pennsylvania. He served in the continental army; and in 1787 was appointed adjutant general; and in 1789 was commissioned lieutenant. In 1790 he participated in the battle with the Miami Indians. Denny, George Hutcheson, educator, college president, author, was born on Dec. 3, 1870, in Hanover county, Va. He was educated at the Hampden-Sidney college at the university of Virginia and at the Purman university; and received the degrees of M. A., Ph,D. and LL.D. In 1899 he became professor of latin in the Washington and Lee university of Lexington, Va. and since 1901 has been president of that institution. He IS the author of The Subjunctive Sequence After Adjective and Substantive Predicates and Phrases.
legislator, congressman, 1794 in Pittsburg, Pa. He was member of the legislature of his native state. In 1829-37 he was a representative
was born a