was subsequently assigned to various commands. In 1862 he was appointed brigadiergeneral for services at Pea Ridge; and was promoted to major-general on the recommendations of Generals Grant, Sherman and MePherson. In 1865-66 he made an Indian campaign; and in 1866 resigned. In 1867-69 he was a representative from Iowa to the fortieth congress. He is the president of the Fort Worth and Denver city railway; and
various other railroads. He is also chairman of the board of directors of the Colorado and southern railway; and during the war with Spain was offered the appointment of major-general to command the corps. In i898 he was a member of the commission to investigate the conduct of the war department in the Spanish-American war. The state of Iowa has honored him by placing his equestrian statue upon the soldiers monument at the Iowa state capitol; and his statue in bold relief is also upon the pedestal of General John A. Logan's monument; and also in the relief upon the pedestal of the statue of General William T. Sherman in thp national capital. Dodge, Henry, soldier, congi-essman, governor, United States senator, was bom Oct. 12, 17S2, in Vincennes, Ind. He was brigadier-general of Missouri troops in 1812; and distinguished himself especially in the Black
HaAvk war. He was governor of Wisconsin territory, and superintendent Indian of affairs, serving as such in 1836-41 and 1845-48. In 1841-45 was a territorial delegate from Wisconsin to the twenty-seventh and twenty-eighth congresses; in 1848-57 he was United States senator from Wisconsin; and was the first United States senator from Wisconsin. He died June 19, 1867, in Burlington, Iowa. Dodge, Henry C, soldier, was bom in New York. He graduated from the United States military academy; and in 1865 was brevetted captain for services at the battle of Cold Harbor. He was lost at sea Jan. 37, 1873. Dodge, Henry Nehemiah, dentist, author, poet, was bom May 19, 1843, in New York City. Since 1870 he has practiced his profession in New York City and Morristown, N.J. He is the author of Christus Victor, a poem; A Student's Reverie"; and The Mystery of the West. Dodge, Joshua Eric, lawyer, legislator,
was bom
Oct. 25, 1854, in Cambridge, Mass. member of the Wisconsin state legislature. Since 1898 he has been an associate justice of the state supreme
In 1891-92 he was a
court of Wisconsin. Dodge, Mary Abigail Gail Hamilton poet, author, was born in 1838 in Hamilton,
Mass. She was a noted essayist and magazinist of Hamilton, Mass. She was the auNew Atmosphere; Gala Days, thor of a Woman's Wrongs; Red -Letter Days; Sum-
mer Rest; Battle of the Books; Twelve Miles from a Lemon; Sermons to the Clergy; First Love is Best; What Think ye pi Christ; Country Living and Country Thinking; Skirmishes and Sketches; Wool-Gathering; AVoman's Worth and Worthlessness Little Folk Life; Nursery Noonings; Our
Common School System; Divine Guidance; The Insuppressible Book; A Washington Bible Class; and Biography of James G. Blaine. She died Aug. 17, 1896, in Hamilton, Mass. Dodge, Martin, lawyer, state enator, was born in 1851 in Auburn, Ohio. He attended Hiram college for four years, and the Buchtel college for one year.
then entered the Ohio state and Union
admitted in 1877.
and was the
In 1879-82 he-
practiced law in
that time in Cleveland, 0. For about six years he was engaged in real sas;
estate and in building operations and for three years was business manager of The Sun and Voice. In 1891 he was elected a member of the Ohio house of representatives from Cleveland; and in 3893 was appointed chairman of the Ohio road commission. He received the re-election to the seventy-first and seventy-second general assemblies; and in 1897 was elected a state senator. In 1898 he was a candidate for
Dodge, Mrs. Mary Barker, author, poet, in Pennsylvania. She is the author of Belfry Voices; and The Gray Masque.
was born
Mrs. Mary Mapes, author, poet, in 1838 in New York City. She has edited the Saint Nicholas Magazine since 1873. Her writings for young people include Hans Brinker; Donald and Dorothy; Rhymes and Jingles; Irvington Stories; Few Friends; The Land of Pluck; When Life is Young, poems for young people. She has also written Theophilus and Others; Along the Way; and a volume of Short Poems. She died Aug. 21, 1905, in Tannersville, N.Y. Dodge, Melvin Gilbert, librarian, editor, was bom Feb. 17, 1868, in East Rodman, N. Y. In 1891-1901 he was librarian of Hamilton college; and since 1901 has been associate librarian of Stanford university of California. He is the editor of Fifty Years Ago; and The Delta Upsilon Decennial Catalog. Dodge, Nathaniel Shatswell, author, was born Jan. 10, 1810, in Haverhill, Mass. He was the author of Stories of a Grandfather about American History. He died about 1900 in Boston, Mass.
was born