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HERRINGSHAWS' LIBRARY OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. Dodge, Nehemiah, manufacturer, jeweler,

was born

in Providence, R.I.

He was



manufacturing jeweler in America. Jabez Gorham and other noted jewelers and silversmiths served apprenticeship with him. His work was of the finest quality of gold and silver, and of choicest design. He became one of the wealthiest citizens of Providence. died in Providence, R.I. Dodge, Ossian Euclid, vocalist, concert manager, was born Oct. 22, 1820, in Cayuga, N.Y. He was the first to take a company overland from New York to San Francisco; and was the first manager that ever gave an entertainment in the Mormon tabernacle


Lake City. He died Nov. 4, 1876, London, England. Dodge, Raymond, educator, psychologist, was born Feb. 20, 1871, in Woburn, Mass. In 1893-94 he was assistant librarian at Williams college. Since 1902 he has been professor of psychology at the Wesleyan university of Middletown, Conn. He has made researches on theory of visual space. Dodge, Hajnmond Eadie, journalist, author, was born Feb. 24, 1854, in Troy, N.Y. Since 1896 he has been editor of the Money Magazine of New York City. He is the author of Republican Reference Book; and Necessary Monetary Reforms; and American Curat Salt



Dodge, Raynal, soldier, machinist, botanwas born Sept. 9, 1844, in Newburyport, Mass. He served through Banks' campaign in Louisiana during the civil war. He is the author of Ferns and Fern Allies of New Engist,

Alexander; Coesar; Gustavus Adolphus; Patroclus and Penelope, a Chat in the Saddle; and Riders of Many Lands. Dodge, Thomas H., lawyer, inventor, philanthropist, author, was born Sept. 27, 1823, in Eden, Vt. He published in 1850 a book entitled A Review of The Rise and Progress and Present Importance of the Cotton Manufactures of the United States. He made several valuable inventions, including a printing press. He became interested in the large manufacturing enterprises of Worcester, Mass. Dodge, Walter Phelps, author, was bom in 1869. He is a litterateur now living in London; and practices at the English bar. He is the author of Three Great Tales; As the Crow Flies from Corsica to Charing Cross; and A Strong Man Armed. Dodge, William Earle, merchant, congress-

man, philanthropist, was


Dodge, Theodore Ayrault, soldier, author, May 28, 1842, in Pittsfield, Mass. He is a captain and brevet lieutenant-colonel in the United States army; and noted as a military historian. He is the author of The Campaign of Chancellorsville ; A Bird's-Eye View of our Civil War; Great Captains;





Dodge, Richard Elwood, educator, geograwas born March 30, 1868, in Wenham, Mass. Since 1897 he has been professor of geography in the Teachers' college of Columbia university of New York City. He is the author of Reader in Physical Geography for Beginners; and Dodge's Geog-

was born


of the Iowa senate. He was chairman of the democratic convention in 18S7. In 1890 he was appointed lieutenantcolonel on staff of Governor Horace Boies. While a member of the Iowa state senate


pher, author,



in Hartford, Conn. In 1833-79 he was head of the firm of Phelps, Dodge and company of New York City. In 1865-67 he was a representative from New York to the thirtyninth congress; and was also a delegate to the Philadelphia loyalists' convention of 1866. He was elected president of the New York chamber of commerce three times in succession. He died Feb. 9, 1883, in New York City. Dodge, William Wallace, lawyer, state senator, author, was born April 25, 1854, in Burlington, Iowa. During 1885-93 he served as


Dodge, Richard Irving, soldier, author, was born May 19, 1827, in Huntsville, N.C. He was a colonel in the United States army; and saw much service in Indian campaigns. He was the author of The Black Hills; The Plains of the Great West; Our Wild Indians; and A Living Issue. He died June 16, 1895, in Sackett's Harbor, N.Y. Dodge, Robert, lawyer, author, was bom in 1820 in New York. He is a lawyer of Flushing, N.Y. He is the author of Diary Sketches and Reviews; Lectures on Austria; Memorials of Columbus ; Tracts of the West Advance, Civil and Political, of the United States; and Tristram Dodge and His De-


he was instrumental in passing a bill creating the




September as a legal holiday, to be known as labor day and consequently he is known throughout the state


Iowa as the father

of labor day.




author of The Fraternal and Modern Banquet Orator. Dods, John Bovee, clergyman, author, was born in 1795 in New York City. He was the author of Thirty Sermons; Philosophy of Mesmerism; Philosophy of Electrical Psychology; Immortality Triumphant; and Spirit Manifestations Examined and Explained. He died March 21, 1872, in Brooklyn, N.Y.

Dodson, John Milton, physician, scientist, 17, 1859, in Berlin, Wis. Since 1882 he has practiced medicine in Chicago, 111. Since 1901 he has been dean of students in the Rush medical college. He is a member of the American association for the advance-

was bora Feb.


of science.