HERRINGSHAWS LIBRARY OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. pendiums of English, American, and Literature
English Literature of the Nineteenth Century; and critical edition of Milton, with notes and life. He died Aug. 18, 1869, in Philadelphia, Pa. Cleveland, Chauncey Fitch, lawyer, congressman, governor, was born Feb. 16, 1799, in Hampton, Conn. He was in the Connecticut legislature for ten terms in 1826-1848; and was twice elected speaker. He was appointed attorney for the state in 1833; was the thirteenth governor of Connecticut in 1842-44. In 1849-53 he was a representative to the thirty-first and thirty-second congresses. He died June 6, 1887, in Hartford, Conn. Cleveland, Cynthia Eloise, lawyer, lecturer, author, was born Aug. 13, 1845, in Canton, N.Y. She has been eminently successful as a lawyer, lecturer and writer; and was vice-president of the Woman's national temperance union. She is the author of a political novel entitled See Saw, or Civil Service in the Departments; and Is It Fate? Cleveland, Elizabeth Hannah Jocelyn, author, poet, was born in New Haven, Conn. She is the author of No Sects in Heaven, and Other Poems. Cleveland, Frances Folsom, wife of President Grover Cleveland, was born in 1864 in Buffalo, N.Y. She was the youngest of the many mistresses of the white house. She is also the first wife of a president married in the white house, and the first to give birth to a child there, their second daughter having been born in the executive mansion. Cleveland, Frederick Albert, educator, lawyer, was born March 17, 1865, in Sterling, 111. He practiced law for six years at Bellingham, Wash. In 1900-03 he was instructor in finance in the university of Pennsj'lvania and since that time has held the same professorship in the New York university. He is the author of First Lesson in Finance; Business Education and Accountancy and other works. Cleveland, Grover, twenty-second president of the United States, was born March IS, 1837, in Caldwell, N.J. In 1855 he entered a law office in Buffalo as clerk, at four dollars a week, and was admitted to the bar in 1859. He was cal
torney of Erie county for three years, ginning January 1863. In 1865 he a candidate for attorney, trict was beaten. He
was dis-
elected sheriff of Erie
county in 1870 for three years. He was elected mayor of Buffalo in 1881 for the term beginning Jan. 1, 1883. In 1882-85 he was the twenty- seventh governor of New York. July 8, 1884, the democratic national con-
vention met in Chicago. The rules required a two-thirds vote to nominate. On the first ballot Grover Cleveland received 393 votes; Thomas F. Bayard, Delaware, 170; Allen G. Thurman, Ohio, 88; Samuel J. Randall, Pennsylvania, 78; Joseph McDonald, Indiana, 56; John G. Carlisle, Kentucky, 27; Roswell P. Flower, New York, 4; George Hoadly, Ohio, 3; Samuel J. Tilden, New York, 1, and Thomas A. Hendricks, Indiana, 1 vote. The second vote stood; Cleveland, 683; Bayard, SlVj; Hendricks, 45%; Thurman, 4; Randall, 4, and McDonald, 3. Cleveland's
nomination was made unanimous by
of Indiana, who was for vice-president by acclamation. The election in November was very close, the popular vote being 4,911,017 for Cleveland and 4,848,334 for Blaine, giving Cleveland 63,683 plurality. In the state of New York the Cleveland electors carried the state by 1,047 plurality, giving him the 36 electoral votes of that state and a majority of 37 in the electoral college. He resigned as governor of New York Jan. 6, and was inaugurated President March 4, 1885.
Thomas A. Hendricks, then nominated
The democratic national convention met at St. Louis June 5, 1888, and unanimously renominated Cleveland for president. Allen G. Thurman was nominated for vicepresident. They were beaten at the November election. Grover Cleveland was again to the presidency of the United States and served in 1893-97. He died June 24, 1908, in Princeton, N.J.
Cleveland, Helen M., educator, author, was in Sheffield, Mass. She is the author of Vivid Scenes in American History; Letters from Queer and Other Folk; and Stories of
Brave Old Times. Cleveland, Henry Russell, litterateur, author, was born in 1809. He was the author of The Classical Education of Boys; and Life of Henry Hudson. He died June 12, 1843, in St. Louis, Mo.
Cleveland, Horace William Shaler, landscape gardener, author, was born Dec. 16, 1814, in Lancaster, Mass. In 1845 he established himself as a landscape gardener; and has designed many public parks and cemeteries, notably the parks of Minneapolis. He is the author of Hints to Riflemen; Landscape Architecture; and Voyages of a Merchant Navigator. Cleveland, Jesse, merchant, patriarch, was born in February, 1785, in Spartanburg, S. C. He settled in Spartanburg in 1810; opened the second store in that place and was its leading merchant for forty-one years. He became the patriarch of the county and the founder of the largest, wealthiest and most influential families of northern South Carolina. He died Dec. 3, 1851, in Spartanburg, S.C. Cleveland, Jesse F., merchant, congressman, was born in Decatur, Ga. In 183537 he was a representative from Georgia to the twenty-fourth and twenty-fifth con-