gree of B.A. from Williams college; and did post-graduate work in philosophy at Columbia university, receiving the degree of M.A. In 1899-1900 he was connected with the division of forestry; and since 1905 in editorial work for tfie forest service. In 190102 he was a fellow in psychology at Clark university; and in 1902-05 was on the editorial staff of the New York Evening World. He is the author of A Night With Alessan-
gresses. In 1839 he was engaged in mercantile pursuits in Charleston, S.C. He died May 19, 1841, jn Charleston, S.C.
Cleveland, John Fitch, journalist, was bom Feb. 4, 1819, in Clymer, N.Y. He was at different times Albany correspondent of the New York Tribune, editor of the weekly
and semi-weekly editions, and news editor. He was a stockholder in the paper from 1848. In 1862 he became an assessor of internal revenue. He became financial editor of the Tribune; and subsequently compiler of the Tribune Almanac. He died Oct. 9, 1876, in jSTew York City.
Cleveland, Moses, founder, was born Jan. 1754, in Canterbury, Conn. In 1796 he ascended the Cuyahoga in command of a small reconnoitering party, and fixed upon the site of the future Cleveland, superintending the laying out of this town into building lots and providing for its settlement. He died Nov. 16, 1806, in Canterbury,
congress1829, in Duanesburg, N.Y. He was in the city councils of Jersey City in 1861-62; president of the board of aldermen one year; and was mayor of the city in 1864-66. He rendered the union cause some financial help in 1864. In 186971 he was a representative from New Jersey to the forty-first congress. He died in New Jersey. Cleveland, Richard Jeffrey, diplomat, auOrestes,
Clevenger, Shobal Vail, physician, author, 24, 1843, in Florence, Italy. He is a physician of Chicago; and son of the noted sculptor of the same name. He is the author of Treatise on Government Survey-
was born March
Cleveland, Richard Gilmore, clergyman, bishop. In 1886 he was Roman catholic bishop of Cleveland, Ohio. Cleveland, Rose Elizabeth, author, poet,
was born
in 1846 in Fayetteville, N.Y. the daughter of Richard Cleveland, a noted presbyterian clergyman. She was the mistress of the White House during the first administration of her brother, ex-President Grover Cleveland. She is the author of a number of essays, poems and novels, the
principal of which are George Eliot's Poetry and Other Studies; and The Long Run, a novel. Cleveland, Stephen, naval ofiioer, was born in 1740, in East Haddam, Conn. Soon after the Declaration of Independence he was commissioned a captain in the navy; and
brought from Bordeaux valuable munitions of war. His commission is supposed to have been the earliest issued by the American Government. He died in 1801 in Salem, Mass. Cleveland,
journalist, author, 1872, in Plainfield, N.J! university for nearly three years; in 1897 graduated with the de-
was born
He attended Harvard
Comparative Physiology and PsycholLectures on Artistic Anatomy and Sciences Useful to the Artist; Spinal Concussion; and Jurisprudence of Insanity. He ing;
was born in 1773 in Massachusetts. In 1829-34 he was United States vice-consul at Havana, Cuba. He was the author of Voyages and Commercial Enterprises; and Voyages of a Merchant Navigator of the Days that are Past. He died in 1860. thor,
recognized as the most faithful likeness of the great statesman, was selected by the postoffice department as best adapted for representation on the fifteen-cent United States postage-stamp. He died at sea Sept. 23, 1843, off the coast of Gibraltar.
Conn. Cleveland,
Crisis of
Shobal Vail, sculptor, artist, was born Oct. 23, 1812, in Middletown, Ohio. Specimens of his work are now preserved in the art galleries of the Boston athenseum, the New York and Philadelphia historical societies, the Metropolitan museum of art in New York, and the Academy of fine arts in Philadelphia. His bust of Daniel Webster,
man, was born March
and The
died Jan. 11, 1899, in Chicago,
Charles P., lawyer, congressman, author, was bom Feb. 23, 1830, in Germany. He filled the offices in New Mexico of United States marshal, attorney-general, as well as several others. In 1867-69 he was a territorial delegate from New Mexico to the fortieth congress. In 1868 he published a small work on the Resources of New Mexico. Clever,
Clewell, John Henry, educator and college president, author, was born Sept. 19, 1855, in
Winston-Salem, N.C. In 1875 he graduated with the degree of A. B. from the Moravian college, from which institution he subsequently received the degrees of A.M. and Ph.D.. In 1877 he grad-
uated with the degree of B.D. from the Moravian theological seminary; and he also received a diploma from
Union theological seminary. He has attained prominence in the educational world; and since 1884 has been president of the Salem academy and college at Winston-Salem, N.C. He is the author of Wachovia in North Carolina; and other works.