Domingo; The Last Cigar, and Eight Other Poems; and In the Tropics. He died in 1875.
Faber, Eberhard, merchant, manufacturer, 6, 1822, in Bavaria. In 1861 he built the first lead-pencil factory in the United States. He also introduced the manufacture of penholders, gold pens and rubber goods of all varieties, connected with the stationery trade. He died March 2,
was born Dec.
1879, in
New York
Faber, John Eberhard, manufacturer, was
born March 14, 1859, in New York City. He entered the office of his father, the wellknown lead pencil manufacturer, and in 1879 took charge of the business in America. His factory in Brooklyn is conducted under the name of the E. Faber pencil company. Faber, William Frederic, clergyman, auwas born Feb. 37, 1860, in Buffalo, N.Y. He is rector of Grace episcopal church He is the author of of Lockport, N.Y. Thoughts for Thought; The Church for the Times; and other works. thor,
Faelten, Carl, musician, composer, born Dec. 21, 1846, in ThUringia. In 188597 he was with the N. E. Conservatory of Boston. He founded the Faelten pianoforte school of Boston, Mass. He is the author of The Conservatory Course for Pianists.
Fagan, Charles A., lawyer, financier, was born July 1, 1859, in Pittsburg, Pa. In 1887 he began the practice of law; and in 1894 was appointed assistant district attorney.
He and
director of the German national bank also director of the Iron city sani-
tary manufacturing company. Fagg, Thomas J. C, lawyer, jurist. In 1866 he was appointed an associate justice of the supreme court of Missouri; and resided in Pike,
Fahnestock, Alfred Hamilton, educator, clergyman, author, poet, was born Feb. 26, He was educated in 1842," in Warren, Pa. Blair Hall academy of Chester county. Pa.
and at the college of
Jersey. In 187073 he was instructor latin in the college New Jersey. He of studied theology for three years at Prince-
from seminary, which institution h e 1871. in graduated Since 1875 he has been ton
of the First of Syracuse, N.Y., and has attained distinction as an eloquent clergyman. He is the author of The Autograph Thanksgiving Souvenir; The Bride's Gift to Her Friends; has translated Dies IrjE; and his poems have appeared in sev-
ward presbyterian church
eral standard collections.
Fagnani, Charles Prospero, educator,
411 cler-
gyman, author, was born Oct. 29, 1854, in New York City. In 1873-79 he taught in the public schools of New York City. In 1882-86 he filled pastorates in Yonkers, N.Y. Since 1892 he has been a, professor in the
Union theological seminary of New York City. He is the author of A Primer of Hebrew. Failor, Isaac Newton, educator, college president, author, was born Feb. 9, 1851, in Lima,. Ohio. In 1875-76 he was president of the Rust normal institute at Huntsville, Ala. In 1878-82 he was president of the New Orleans university. Since 1898 he has been principal of a high school in New York City. He is the author of Inventional Geometry; and Plane and Solid Geometry. Fair, Campbell, clergyman, theological writer, was born April 28, 1843, in Holymount, Ireland. He was a curate of Birk-
enhead, England, and a missionary in IreHe was a rector in New Orleans, New York City, Baltimore, and Grand Rapids; and became dean of Trinity cathedral of land.
Omaha, Neb. Some of his Sunday school books and church tracts have attained a circulation of nearly a quarter of a million He died in 1902 in Omaha, Neb. copies. ,Fair, James Graham, miner, United States senator, was born Dec. 3, 1831, near Balfast, Ireland. In 1865 he became superintendent of the Ophir mine, and in 1867 of the Hale and Norcross in Nevada. In 188187 he was United States senator from Nevada. He died Dec. 28, 1894, in San Francisco, Cal.
Henry Arnold, physician, auwas born May 5, 1855, in Catskill,
Fairbairn, thor,
Since 1878 he has practiced medicine He has been president of He is the the Medical society of kings. author of The College Warden; and numer-
in Brooklyn, N.Y.
ous Monographs. Fairbairn, Robert Brinkerhoff, clergyman, author, was born in 1818, in New York. He was warden of St. Stephen's college, of Annandale, N.Y. He is the author of The Child of Faith; Sermons Preached at St. Stephen's; Morality in its Relation to the Grace of Redemption; and Unity of Faith as Influenced by Speculative Philosophy. He died in 1899 in Annandale, N.Y. Fairbank, Calvin, clergyman, abolitionist, author, was born Nov. 3, 1816, in Pike, N.Y. For one of his many adventures in behalf of the slaves Mr. Fairbank was sentenced to fifteen years' imprisonment at Frankfort, Ky. On being pardoned in 1849, he at once tried to prevent the passage of the Fugitive slave bill, and on its becoming a law he This time he was resisted its execution. kidnapped and sentenced to fifteen years' imprisonment at hard labor. During the war he was released, but the floggings he had suffered and the filth and want in which he had lived made him an old man at In 1865-75 he was employed by forty.