siderable attention as a satirical poet under name of Christopher Caustic. He was the author of Country Lovers and the Terrible
Tractoration ; poems by which he Is remembered. He published Original Poems j The Ladies' Monitor; American Gerk's Companion; Democracy Unveiled; Pills, Poetical, Political, and Philosophical; and Laws of Patents for New Inventions. He died Nov. 11, 1837, in Boston, Mass. Festetitts, Mrs. Kate Neely, litterateur, author, was born in 1837 in Virginia. She is a writer of children's books whose home has been in Washington since 1885. She is the author of Ellie Randolph; and Year at
Dangerfield. Fethers, Ogden Hoffman, educator, lawyer, was bom Sept. 20, 1845, in Sharon, N.Y. In
1863 he graduated from the Fort Edward collegiate institute and subsequently received the degrees of A.M. and LL.D. For many years he was regent of the university of Wisconsin; and in 1889 was commissioner from Wisconsin to the celebration centennial of constitutional government. He was United States commissioner to the Paris expoeition of 1900; is a noted lawyer of Janesville. Wis. Fetter, Frank Albert, educator, business man, author, was born March 8, 1863, in Peru, Ind. He has been successively professor of economics in Indiana university, in Leland Stanford university, and since 1901 in Cornell university. He was secretary of the American economic association in 190105. He is the author of The Principles of Economics ; and of numerous monographs on economic theory, finance and taxation. Fetter, Norman, lawyer, author, was born Since 1, 1864, in Fountain City, Wis. 1889 he has practiced law in St. Paul, Minn. He is the author of Hand-book on Equity Jurisprudence; and Law of Carriers of Passengers. Fetterolf, Adam H., educator, college president, was bom Nov. 24, 1841, in Montgomery county, Pa. Since 1883 he has been president of Girard college of Philadelphia. Feuchtwanger, Lewis, chemist, author, was bom Jan. 11, 1805, in Bavaria. He was a noted chemist of New York City who came to America in 1829. He was the author of Popular Treatise on Gems ; Elements of Min-
eralogy; Treatise on Fermented Liquors; and Practical Treatise on Soluble or Water Glass. He died June 25, 1876, in New York City.
Feudel, Arthur, painter, artist, was bom March 27, 1857, in Saxony. He has painted portraits of Rev. D. A. Daney, Rev. Luther Pardee and others. Among his general works are Faust and Marguerite and Queen Eliza;
beth and Mary Queen of Scots.
Few, Ignatius
A., educator, college presi-
was born April 11, 1789, in Georgia. He was elected to the presidency of Emory college in 1837, opened the new institution dent,
in 1838,
and resigned
1839. because
died Nov. 28,
1845, in
Athens, Ga.
Few, William, soldier, jurist, congressman, United States senator, was born June 8, 1748, in Maryland. In 1778 he was surveyorgeneral of the state, and presiding judge of the Richmond county court. In 1780-83 and 1785-88 he was a delegate from Georgia to the continental congress. In the next year he assisted in forming the national constitution, which he duly signed. In 1789-93 he was United States senator. In 1796 he was a member of the convention which framed the constitution of the state of Georgia. During the latter years of his life he resided in the city of New York, of which he was mayor; and was elected to the legislature of New York. He died June 16, 1828, in Fishkill, N,Y. Fewkes, Jesse Walter, ethnologist, naturauthor, was born Nov. 14, 1850, in Newton, Mass. During 1895-97 he was special ethnologist Smithsonian institute; and is now ethnologist Bureau of American ethnology. He has written valuable professional monographs; and edits the Journal ot American Ethnology and Archaeology. alist,
Fezandie, Clement, educator, author, was Sept. 15, 1865, in New York City. He was an instructor of mathematics and natural sciences in the New York schools. He is the author of Through the Earth.
Ffoulke, Charles Mather, educator, merchant, manufacturer, was born July 25, 1841, in
Quakertown, Pa. His
as teacher of the Friends' school in Philadelphia, Pa.; and afterward for two years was principal of the Friends school in
Quakertown. In 1861 he entered the wool business in Philadelphia, from which he retired in 1872; and since that time he has not been engaged in any commercial busihe studied art in Europe, particularly as expressed in paintings and in tapestries. He subsequently made many trips abroad for the same purpose; remaining there permanently in 1882-87. He owns one of the largest, most varied and important collections of antique tapestries in the world. For several years past he has been occupied in writing a history of the Barberini Collections of Tapestries; General History of Tapestries; and The Art Tapestries in America. He has frequently published articles on all these subjects; and has lectured on them ness. In 1872-74
before art societies in the principal cities ot America. He is a director of the Fletcher manufacturing company of Providence, R.I., in which company his children will be the
terests for over a century. For several years he was president of the Chevy-Chase club of Washington, D.C.; and is a member of various clubs and societies in America and Europe. Fiala, Anthony, explorer, author, was bom Sept. 19, 1869, in Jersey City, N.J. In 1894-