HERRINGSHAWS LIBRARY OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. was the author of a work entitled Life of Bishop E. M. Marvin. He died Oct. 1, 1900, in St. Louis, Mo. Finotti, Joseph Maria, clergyman, author, was born in 1817 in Italy. He was the author of French Grammar; A Month of Mary; Life of Blessed Paul of the Cross; Italy in the Fifteenth Century; Diary of a Soldier; The French Zouave; Herman the Pianist; and The Spirit of St. Francis de Sales. Bibliographia Catholica Americana, his most important work, was never completed. He died Jan. 10, 1879, in Denver, Colo. agriculturist, chemist, Fireman, Peter, scientist, was born April 4, 1863, in Russia.
studied in
of Odessa,
in transporting commissary and ordnance stores for the government. During
the construction of the first railroads in the United States he undertook to connect New York and Philadelphia by rail. He represented the town of Nottingham in the New Jersey legislature in 1855. He died June 22, 1880, in Trenton, N.J. Fish, Carl Russell, educator, author, was born Oct. 17, 1876, in Central Falls, R.L Since 1900 he has been associate professor of American history at the university of Wisconsin. He is the author of The Civil Service and the Patronage; Syllabus of Lectures on American History; and other
Konigsburg, Zurich and Bern; for several years was engaged in farming in Western Oregon; and in 1888-92 studied in Germany and Switzerland. Since 1904 he has been in charge of the Portner chemical research laboratory of Alexandria, Va.; and since 1906 has been a manufacturing chemist. Firm, Joseph L., inventor, was born March Since 1859 19, 1837, in Williamsburg, N.Y. he has been engaged in the Frank Leslie
Fish, Charles Everett, educator, was bom. 26, 1854, in Cotuit, Mass. He began teaching in Chicopee, Maine; and later opened a private school for boys in Worcester, Maine. He is principal of the Rhineland school for girls of Poughkeepsie, N.Y. Fish, Daniel, soldier, lawyer, bibliographer, was born Jan. 21, 1848, in Cherry Valley, 111. In 1864-65 he served as a private soldier in the fqjty-fifth
publishing house. He is the inventor of a process of printing on glass from electrotype plates in colors or otherwise. Fischer, George Alexander, litterateur, auHe is the thor, was born in Troy, N.Y. author of Beethoven, a Character Study; and This Labyrinthine Life. Fischer, Henry W., journalist, author, was bom Jan. 10, 1856, in Prussia. He is exchange editor of the New York American. He is the author of Private Lives of Kaiser William II and His Consort. Fischer, Israel F., lawyer, congressman, was bom Aug. 17, 1858, in New York City. In 1895-99 he was a representative to the fifty-fourth and fifty-fifth congresses as
regiment Illinois infantry. In 1872 he es-
a republican. Louis, physician, author, was He has 21, 1864, in Austria. made a specialty of diseases of children; and is a practicing physician of New York He is the author of Infant Feeding City. in Health and Disease; Diseases of Infancy Fischer,
and Childhood; and other works. Fischer, Martin Henry, physician, author, was born Nov. 10, 1879, in Germany. Since 1905 he has been professor of pathology at the Oakland school of medicine. He is the author of Physiology of Alimentation. Fish, Asa Israel, lawyer, was bom in Febraary, 1820, in Philadelphia, Pa. In 185a62 he was one of the editors of the Amencan Law Kegister of Philadelphia, Pa. Among his many contributions to legal literature are notes to Troubat and Haly's Selwyn's Nisi Practice, Tidd's Practice, He was well known as a ShakesperPrius Philian scholar. He died May 5, 1879, in adelphia, Pa. Fish, Benjamin, civil engineer, legislator,
was born
1785 near Trenton, N.J, In war with England, he was
1812, during the
tablished and edited the Delano Eagle. In 1876-79 he was probate judge of Wright county, Minn. ; and since 1880 has prac-
law in MinneapMinn. In 1887 he was judge advocate of the Minnesota grand ticed olis,
army of the republic. Since 1887 he has been an attorney of the court house and city hall. Since 1901 he has been a commissioner to revise and codify the general laws of Minnesota; and since 1904 has been chairman of the committee. In 1905 he reported to the legislative session a body of laws condensing the legislation of nearly forty years into about oneseventh of the original bulk, which was adopted and went into effect in 1906. He is the author of Lincoln Literature. Fish, Hamilton, lawyer, state senator, congressman, governor, cabinet officer, was born Aug. 3, 1808, in New York City. For several years he was a commissioner of deeds for the city and county of New York; and in 1837 was elected to the state In 1843-45 he was a represenlegislature. tative to the twenty-eighth congress; and in 1847 was elected to the state senate to He was the sixteenth govfill a vacancy. ernor of New York in 1849-51 ; and in 185157 he was United States senator. In 186977 he was secretary of state. He died Sept. 7, 1893, in Garrison, N.Y. Fish, Hamilton, legislator, congressman, was born April 17, 1849, in Albany, N.Y. He was educated in private schools in Putnam In 1868 he countv and in Switzerland.