graduated from Columbia college; and in 1873 was admitted to the practice of law. In 1869-71 he was private secretary to his father,
who was
secretary of state of the
United States under President Grant's administration. He served eleven years in the assembly of the state of New York; and in 1895 and 1896 was speaker. In 1903-08 he was assistant treasurer of the United States at New Yoriv City. During 1909-11 he was a representative from New York to the sixtyfirst congress as a republican. Fish, Hamilton, soldier, was born June 27, 1873. During the Spanish-American war he was first sergeant of troop L under Captain Capron. He was killed at the head of his command, June 34, 1898, being the first United States volunteer killed in battle in
Cuba. Fish, Henry Clay, clergyman, author, was born Jan. 27, 1820, in Halifax, Vt. In 1851 he became pastor of the First baptist church He was the author of of Newark, N.J. Primitive Piety Revived; The Price of Soul Liberty; Harry's Conversion; Harry's Con-
Handbook of Revivals; Bible Lands He Illustrated, and several compilations. died in Newark, N.J. flicts;
Melanthon Williams, physician, was born March 20, 1828, in Kortright, Del. In 1872 he became professor of physiology in the medical department of the university of Fish,
California. Fish, Nicholas, soldier, was born Aug. 28, 1758, in New York City. He was appointed adjutant-general of the state in 1786; and was a supervisor of the revenue under Washington in 1794. He died June 20, 1833, in New York City.
Fish, Nicholas, lawyer, diplomat, was born Feb. 19, 1846, in New York City. In 187177 he was secretary of legation at Berlin, Germany; and was charge d'affaires to the Swiss confederation in 1877-81, and United States minister to Belgium in 1882-86. In 1896 he was one of the presidential electors from New York. He died Sept. 15, 1902, in
New York
Fish, Pierre Augustine, educator, author, was born Feb. 17, 1865, in Chatham, N.Y. In 1880 he graduated from Cornell university. He has received the degrees of D.Sc.
Prescription Writing; and Elementary Laboratory Guide for Students in Materia Medica and Pharmacy; and other works. Fish, Preserved, shipping merchant, bankwas born July 3, 1766, in Portsmouth, R.I. He was elected president of the Tradesman's bank; and was a member of the chamber of commerce in 1801-46. He died July 33, 1846, in New York City. Fish, Stuyvesant, railroad president, was born June 34, 1851, in New York City. In 1883 he was made second vice-president of er,
the Illinois central, becoming president in 1887. He is also president of the Yazoo and Mississippi valley railroad. Fish, William Hansell, lawyer, jurist, was born May 13, 1849, in Macon, Ga. In 189196 he was circuit judge. Since 1896 he has been an associate justice of the state supreme court of Georgia. Fish, Williston, lawyer, author, was born In Jan. 15, 1858, in Berlin Heights, Ohio.
1881 he graduated from West Point military academy; and, since 1898 has practiced law in Chicago, 111. He is the author of Won at West Point; and Short Rations. Fishback, William Meade, lawyer, legislator, governor,
auExercises in Physiology; Comparative Physiology; Book of Veterinary Doses, Therapeutic Terms and
1831, in
New York
In 1891 he was with the Death Valley expedition which was sent out by the deCity.
New York
the advancement science. He is the
and D.V.M. from the state veterinary college. He is a professor of comparative physiology and pharmacy at Cornell university. He is a fellow of the American association for
Culpeper county, Va. He was a, member of the Arkansas legislature during two constitutional conventions; and was elected United States senator in 1864 by the union legislature, but declined to serve. In 1877, 1879 and 1885 he was elected a member ot the Arkansas state legislature; and in 189294 was the nineteenth governor of Arkansas. He died in 1903 in Little Rock, Ark. Fishbum, William, soldier, state legislator, was born in 1760. He was on the staflt of General Anthony Wayne, to whom he was aide-de-camp at the capture of Stony Point; and afterward attained the rank of majorgeneral. He died Nov. 3, 1819, in Walterborough, S.C. Fisher, Albert Kenrich, biologist, author, was born March 31, 1856, in Sing Sing, N.Y. He was educated in Holbrook's military high school at Sing Sing; and graduated from the college of physicians and sur-
agriculbiological survey of port i o n s of California,
make a
Nevada, Arizona and Utah. ^In 1892-98 he also made biological surveys m various other western states. In 1899 he was a member of the Harriman Alaska expedition; and has been assistant chief in the United States biological survey. He was one of the founders of the AmeriT-,