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HBRRINGSHAWS LIBRARY OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. in Bridgeport, Conn. Since 1905 he has been president of Lombard college and the Rider

divinity school at Galesburg, 111. He is the author of Prayers for the Home; and History of the Universalist Church. Fisher, Lucius George, soldier, manufacturer, was born Nov. 27, 1843, in Beloit, Wis. During the civil war he served in the Shenandoah valley; and was promoted to color sergeant; and subsequently served in the navy department until the close of the civil war. He was the founder of the Union bag and paper company, which now has a capital stock of twenty-seven million dollars; and of which corporation he is the chairman of the board of directors. Fisher, Mary, educator, author, was born April 12, 1858, in Marshall county, 111. She is the author of Twenty-five Letters on EngGroup of French Critics; lish Authors; Biographical and Critical Review of American Literature; and Gertrude Dorrance, a



novel. Fisher,

Michael Montgomery, educator, clergyman, author, was bom Oct. 8, 1834, in He has been professor of Kockville, Ind. latin at the university of Missouri since 1871. He is the author of The Three Pronunciations of Latin; and Education. Fisher, Nathaniel, clergyman, was born July 8, 1742, in Dedham, Mass. He was prominent in organizing the protestant episcopal church in New England. In 1777 he was ordained bishop of London; and had charge of the churches in Annapolis and

noted author and clergyman of the methodist church. Fisher, Philip,

born 1637;





She has also been a




Daughters of the Republic of Texas for seven years and a,

the Woman's state press association, and other organizations. Her parents were killed by the Indians in 1839; herself and little brother were taken prisoners, but rescued in a few hours by the Texas rangers. In 1848 she became the wife of the Rev. 0. Fisher, a-




erson college with the college with the degrees of B.S. and M.S. 1869-71 he was In with the Rogers locomotive works of Paterson,




1873-75 he was in the engineering department of the Pennsylvania lines from chain-

Worth, Texas.

Missionary, Church Aid, W. C. T. U., Literary, and the Ladies' Prohibition club of Austin, Texas, where she now resides, and is a highly honored



Washington and

In 1871 he entered the ministry port, HI. of the methodist episcopal church as pastor, presiding elder and superintendent of church In 1891 he became president of extension. the Fort Worth university, Texas. He died Fisher, Mrs. Rebecca Jane Gilliland, was born Aug. 31, 1832, in Philadelphia. She has been president of the following associations:


He came

to Maryland in and was appointed superior of the mission; and obtained for it several thousand acres of land under Lord Baltimore's conditions of plantation. These lands were cleared and put under cultivation by his direction, and for two centuries met the cost of maintaining worship in these parts of Maryland. He died in 1652 in Maryland. Fisher, Redwood S., merchant, journalist, author, was born in 1782 in Philadelphia, Pa. He was the author of The Progress of the United States of America from the Earliest Periods, Geographical, Statistical, and Historical. He also edited a Gazetteer of the United States. He died May 17, 1856, in Philadelphia, Pa. Fisher, Robert Joseph, manufacturer, inventor, was born Jan. 23, 1857, in Athens, Tenn. In 1884-96 he was cashier of the national bank of Athens, Tenn., of which inHe is the stitution he was the organizer. inventor of the S. Fisher booli typewriter; and has taken out nearly a hundred patIn 1899 he was awarded the John ents. Scott medal by the city of Philadelphia for meritorious inventions. He is proprietor of the Athens hosiery mills of Athens, Tenn. Fisher, Samuel Brpwnlee, civil engineer, railroad manager, was born Oct. 24, 1846, In 1868 and 1871 he in Cherry Fork, Ohio. graduated from the in

Granville, Nova Scotia in 1778-82. He died Dec. 20, 1812, in Salem, Mass. Fisher, Oscar Louis, clergyman, college president, was born Aug. 12, 1844, in Free-

in 1907 in Fort



to assistant


1885-90 he was chief engineer Milwaukee and Northern railway; has been chief engineer of various other railroads; and since 1895 has been consulting engineer of the Missouri, Kansas and Texas railway and other railroads. Fisher, Samuel Reed, clergyman, author, was born June 2, 1810, in Norristown, Pa. He was a clergyman of the German reformed church of Chambersburg, Pa. He was the author of Exercises in the Heidelberg Catechism; The Rum Plague, a translation from Zschokke; The Family Assistant; and Heidelberg Catechism Simplified. He died June 5, 1881, in Tiffin, Ohio. Fisher, Samuel Sparks, soldier, lawyer, author, was born April 11, 1833, in St. Joseph county, Mich. During the civil was he was acting brigadier- -general on the eastern shore of Virginia. He published six volumes of gineer. of the
