Codman, Robert, clergyman, bishop. He
received the rudiments of his education in
the public schools; received an academic education;
An image should appear at this position in the text.
and gradu-
ated from the leading
theological seminaries
in America. He re-
ceived the degree of
D.D.; and other de-
grees have since been
conferred upon him.
He has been rector in
various important pas-
torates; for many
years has been identi-
fied with the affairs
of the protestant epis-
copal church; and has been a leading mem
ber of its conferences. He is now protestant
episcopal bishop of Maine, with headquar-
ters at Portland. He has contributed valu-
able Monographs and articles to the educa-
tional and religious press, which have been a
valuable acquisition to American literature.
Cody, Claude C., educator, author, was born Nov. 5, 1854, in Covington, Ga. Since 1879 has been professor of mathematics in the Southwestern university of Georgetown, Tex.; and is dean of the College of liberal arts of that institution. He is the author of a work entitled The Life of Dr. Mood; and part author of a textbook on Geometry.
Cody, Sherwin, litteratenr, author, was born in 1868 in Michigan. He is the author of The Art of Short-Story Writing; How to Write Fiction; In the Heart of the Hills, a novel; Story Composition; Four Ameri- can Poets: Four Famous American Writers; and The Art of Writing and Speaking the English Language.
Cody, William Frederick, scout, actor, was born Feb. 26, 1845, in Scott County, Iowa. He was employed as an Indian scout; and served till the close of the war with the seventh Kansas cavalry. After the Indian war he proceeded to collect Indians, cow. boys, scouts, trappers, and buffaloes, and produced the Wild West show for the first time in Omaha in 1883. Since then he has exhibited in all the principal cities in the world with overwhelming success. He is known as Buffalo Bill. He is part author of The Great Salt Lake Trail.
Coe, Edward Benton, clergyman, author, was born June 11, 1842, in Milford, Conn. Since 1899 he has been senior minister with. out charge of any specific congregation. In 1898 he was president of the general synod. He is the author of Life Indeed. Coe, George Albert, educator, author, wag born March 26, 1862, in Monroe county, N.Y. Since 1893 he has been John Evans professor of philosophy at Northwestern university of Evanston, III. He is the author of The Spir itual Life; and The Religion of a Mature Mind; and other works.
Coe, George Simmons, banker, was born March 27, 1817, in Newport, R.I. In 1860 he was president of the American exchange An image should appear at this position in the text. bank of New York City. He conceived the idea of combining the local banks in the clearing house and of making use of the clearing house certifi- cates. He was president of the national bank- ers association, treas. urer of the children's aid society, trustee of the mutual life insur- ance company of New York; director of the postal telegraph cable company and of the Commercial cable com- pany. He died May 3, 1896, in Englewood, N.J.
Coe, Henry Clarke, surgeon, obstetrician, was born Feb. 10, 1856, in Cincinnati, Ohio. For twenty years he has been a medical teacher; and is now professor of gynecology at the university Bellevue hospital medical college. Since 1884 he has practiced obstet. rics in New York City. He is the author of numerous medical Monographs.
Coe, John Nichols, soldier, was born July 21, 1836, in Portland, Maine. He was educat- ed in the public schools of Worcester, Mass. He has served in every position except ser- geant-major from private to colonel in the United States army; and from 1862 until the close of the civil war he served in the army of the Potomac and Virginia. Since that time he has served mostly on the frontier. In 1868-95 he served as captain of company H, twentieth infantry, a period of almost twen- ty-seven years, which is probably longer than any other officer ever served as captain of the same company. He is now a retired col. onel of the United States army; and resides in Albany, N.Y.
Coes, Loring, manufacturer, legislator, in- ventor, was born April 22, 1812, in New Wor- cester, Mass. He invented an improved form of screw wrench; and in 1840 began their manufacture in Worcester, Mass. He has been a member of the Massachusetts legisla- ture; and in 1885 was a representative to the general court.
Cofer, M. H., lawyer, jurist. In 1881 he was chief justice of the supreme court of Kentucky.
Coffee, John, soldier, congressman, was born June 2, 1772, in Prince Edward county, Va. In 1833-36 he was a representative from Geor- gia to the twenty-third and twenty-fourth congresses. He did good service in the war of 1812 as a general; in the subsequent cam- paigns among the Indians; and was known as Brave Jack Coffee. He died Sept. 25, 1836, in Telfair county, Ga.
Coffee, Paul, mariner, philanthropist, was born in 1759 in one of the Elizabeth Islands. He was a trader and established colonies of negroes that he had purchased in Africa;