in 1871, and chief of tlie bureau of medicine and surgery, with the rank of commodore. He died April 12, 1877, in Philadelphia, Pa.
Fonda, John G., soldier, was born in New York. In 1861 he became first lieutenant in the second regiment Illinois cavalry; and in 1865 was brevetted brigadier-general of
Folwell, Amory Prescott, educator, civil engineer, author, was born Jan. 15, 1865, in Kingston, N.Y. He was for nine years professor of municipal engineering in Lafayette college of Easton, Pa. He is now editor of the Municipal Journal and Engineer. He is the author of Sewerage; Water Supply Engineering; and other works.
Folwell, William Watts, soldier, educator, author, was born Feb. 14, 1832, in Romulus, N.Y. He was educated at Ovid academy, Hobart college and at the university of Berlin. In 1861-65 during the civil war he was first lieutenant to major and brevet lieuteniint-eolonel in the fiftieth regiment New York engineers. In 1865-69 he was in business in Ohio. In 1869-84 he was president of the university of Minnesota. In 1876 he was commissioner to the centennial exposition from Minnesota. In 1889-92 he was president of the Minneapolis society of fine arts; and since 1889 a member and since 1894 president of the park commissioners of Minneapolis, Minn. In 1895-1901 he was a member of the state board of charities and correction; and in 1902 was president of the Minneapolis improvement league. In 1875-1907 he was professor of political science in the university of Minnesota; and He is the author is now professor emeritus. of Public Instruction in Minnesota; Lectures on Political Economy; and numerous Monographs and Addresses. Folz,
Samuel, merchant, public
was born Sept. 18, 1859, in Hillsdale, Mich. He was educated in the public and private schools
Early in life he engaged in mercanstate.
tile pursuits; and became proprietor of a
In prosperous store. 1880 he opened branch stores in Otswego Schoolcraft, Mich.
In consolidated
three stores; and has established the largest clothing house in Kalamazoo county at Kalamazoo, Mich. For years he has been prominently identified with the business and public aft'airs of his city, county and state; in 1900 was elected mayor of Kalamazoo, Mich.; and has filled numerous other positions of trust and honor.
Fonerden, John, physician, educator, was born in 1804 in Baltimore, Md. He was professor of obstetrics in Washington university of Baltimore in 1845-46; and resident physician of the Maryland hospital for the insane 1846-69. He died May 6, 1869, in New York City. author, Fontaine, Edward, clergyman, was born in 1814 in Virginia. He was the author of How the World Was Peopled, a He died in series of ethnological lectures. 1884 in Mississippi. Fontaine, Francis, author. He was the author of The Exile; and Etowah, a Romance of the Confederacy. Fontaine, Lamar, soldier, civil engineer, poet, was born Oct. 10, 1829, in Washington county, Texas. In the civil war he held the commission of major of cavalry in the confederate army. He is the author of Oenore;
and Only a
Fontaine, William Morris, soldier, educator, author, was born Dec. 1, 1835, in Louisa county, Va. He was educated at Hanover academy of Virginia; in 1859 received the degree of A.M. from the university of Virginia; and studied in 1869-70 in the Royal school at of mines Freiberg. He was a second lieutenant of artillery in the confederate states army until 1862; then first lieutenant of ordnance In 1873until 1865. 78 he was professor of chemistry and geology in the university of West Virginia; and since ]87S has been professor of geology and natural history in the university of Virginia. He is a fellow of the American geographical society. He is the author of Resources of West Virginia; Report of the Second Pennsylvania geologic survey; and
Monographs and bulleby the United States geo-
tins published logical survey.
Joseph Ives, clergyman, college was born Nov. 17, 1796, in Watertown, Conn. In 1839 he became pastor at lOioxville, Tenn.; and the same year was chosen president of Washington college, Tenn. He died April 21, 1840, near Knoxville, Tenn. Foot,
Foot, Samuel Alfred, lawyer, jurist, statesman, was born Dec. 17, 1790, in Watertown, N.Y. He was district attorney for Albany county in 1819-21. He was judge of the court of appeals in 1851; and in 1856-57 served two terms in the state legislature, where he introduced resolutions condemning