HERRINGSHAWS LIBRARY OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. Frank, Thomas, educator, clergyman, was born Sept. 17, 1856, in Jackson, Miss. He
was elected professor of ecclesiastical history in the university of the South in 1882; chaplain of the university in 1883; and vicechancellor in 1890. He is now bishop coadjutor of Tennessee. Frankel, Lee K., chemist, public official, author, was born Aug. 13, 1867, in. Philadelphia, Pa. In 1894-99 he was engaged in business as a, commercial chemist. In 1908 was vice-president of the New York state conference of charities and corrections. He is the author of Common Ibense Charity; and other works. Frankland, Frederick William, actuary, mathematician, scientist, author, was bom April 18, 1854, in JIanchester, England. He was educated at the
college university school; and at the uniIversity London. of Iln 1874 he became his Ifather's private asJsistant at the chemiresearch laboraical Itory in the
Ischools. Since 1886 he I
Zea1889 government insurance commissioner. In 1893 he became associate actuary of the New York life insurance company; and in 1891 was a delegate from New Zealand to the international congress of hygiene and demomgraphy. He has written chiefly on mathematical, metaphysical and sociological subjects; and is the author of various papers in the proceedings of the London mathematical society; and in proceedings of the American association for the advancement of science. He is also the author of Collected Essays and Citations, treating on theology, metaphysics and other scientific [statist
Franklin, Benjamin, philosopher, congressman, statesman, scientist, governor, author, was born Jan. 17, 1706, in Boston, Mass.
After various vicissitudes, when seventeen years of age he went to
the help of Governor Sir William Keith, he visited Engwhere he re1 a n d, mained nearly two years. In 1732 he commenced the publication of Poor Rich-
Almanac, which
he continued until 1737; and after that_ established a newspaper. He held the various offices of state printer, clerk of the general assembly, and postmaster of Philadelphia.
He was
the father and patron of the Philosophical society, and of the Pennsylvania university and hospital. In 1741 he published the General Magazine. In 1744-54 he was a member of the provincial assembly,
in 1758 concluded a treaty with the Indians at Carlisle. He became postmastergeneral of America. He was sent to England as an advocate and agent for the province on two occasions, remaining there eleven years. On the breaking out of the revolution he returned to America, and took an active and important part in public affairs; was a signer of the declaration of independence; and in 1775-76 he was a delegate from Pennsylvania to the continental congress; and in 1778 was sent to France in a diplomatic capacity, where he remained until 1785. In 1785-90 he was republican governor of Pennsylvania; and was a member of the convention which framed the federal constitution, and signed that instrument. He made important discoveries in electricity; wrote and published much on a variety of themes; and his Life, Writings and Correspondence, issued in ten volumes, are an important feature in all the best libraries of the country. He diedApril 17, 1790, in Philadelphia, Pa. Franklin, Benjamin, clergyman, author, was born in 1819 in Rhode Island. He was
an episcopal clergyman of Shrewsbury, N.J. the author of The Creed and Modern Thought; and The Church and the Era. He died in November, 1898, in Shrewsbury, N.J. Franklin, Benjamin J., soldier, lawyer, congressman, governor, was born in 1839 in Mason county, Ky. He served in the confederate army as a captain; and in 1871 was elected circuit attorney for the twenty-
He was
fourth circuit of Missouri. In 1875-79 he was a representative from Missouri to the forty-fourth and forty-fifth congresses as a democrat. In 1896-97 he was governor of the territory of Arizona. He died May 19, 1897, in Phoenix, Arizona. Franklin, Edward C, physician, author, was born March 12, 1822, in Flushing, N.Y. He served during the civil war as a surgeon He is the auof the Missouri volunteers. thor of The Science and Art of Surgery. Franklin, Frank George, educator, author, was born April 29, 1861, in Plover, Wis.
Since 1904 he has been professor of history and political science at the university of the pacific in San Jose. He is the author of The Legislature History of Naturalization in the United States. Franklin, James, printer, publisher, was born Feb. 4, 1697, in Boston, Mass. In 1717 he set up a business of paper and calico printing. In 1719 he issued the first number of the Boston Gazette; and in 1732 he issued the first newspaper ever published in Rhode Island. He died in 1735 in Boston,
Mass. Franklin, Jesse, soldier, congressman, govUnited States senator, was born