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HERRINGSHAW'S LIBRARY OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. French, Arthur Willard, civil engineer, educator, author, was born July 13, 1868, in Battle Creek, Mich. In 1893-94 he was civil engineer for the Platte river paper mills of Denver; Col. Since 1899 he has been professor of civil engineering at the Worcester polytechnic institute. He is the

author of Stereotomy. French, Augustus C, lawyer, governor, was bom in New Hampshire. He was for several years the president of the board of trustees of McEndree college, 111.; and professor of law in that institution. He was the eighth governor of Illinois in 1846-53. He died Sept. 4, 1864, in Lebanon, 111. French, Benjamin Franklin, author, was born June 8, 1799, in Richmond, Va. He was the author of Biographia Americana; Memoirs of Eminent Female Writers; Historical Collections of Louisiana; History of the Iron Trade in the United States; and Historical Annals of North America. He died May 30, 1877, in New York City. French, Burton Lee, lawyer, legislator, congressman, was born Aug. 1, 1875, near Delphi, Ind. He is a successful lawyer of

Moscow, Idaho; and


1898-1903 was a


of the Idaho state legislature. In 1903-09 he was a representative from Idaho to the fifty-eighth, fifty-ninth and sixtieth congresses as a republican. French, C. E. G., lawyer, jurist. He was an early emigrant to California; and in 1875 was appointed from that state as chief justice for the United States court for the territory of Utah. He died in Utah. French, Calvin H., clergyman, college president, was born June 13, 1863, in Wellsville,

Ohio. In 1888 he graduated from Lake Forest university; later receiving the degree of A.M. from that institution; in 1891 he graduated from the Union theological seminary of New York City; and in 1900 received the degree of DD. from Wooster university. In 1891-98 he was pastor of the presbyterian church at Scotland, S.D.; and in 1897-98 was Since 1898 principal of Scotland academy. he has been president of Huron college of

South Dakota. manufacturer, congressAug. 6, 1835, in Seymour, Conn. In 1859 he undertook the manufacture of ear springs in Seymour, Conn.; and has gradually acquired an interest in a variety of other profitable manufactures in that vicinity and the state. He was a member of the Connecticut house of representatives in 1860 and 1868; and in 1887-89 he was a representative to the fiftieth congress as a democrat. French, Charles Grafton Wilberton, lawyer, jurist, statesman, was born Aug. 23, 1820, in Berkeley, Mass. He was for many French,

man, was



years trustee of the state library of Sacramento. Cal.; was a representative in the state legislature in 1873; and in 1875 was appointed chief justice of the supreme court of the territory of Arizona, and was reap33

pointed in 1880.



died in Phcenix, Ari-


French, Charles W., educator, author, was born April 5, 1858, in Woodstock, Vt. In 1896-1900 he was a member of the joint commission on English requirements for admission to college. He is now principal of the Hyde Park high school of Chicago, 111. He is the author of Life of Lincoln; Words of Lincoln; and Introduction to the Study of Browning. French, Daniel Chester, artist, sculptor, was born April 20, 1850, in Exeter, N.H. He graduated from the Amherst high school; studied one year at the institute of technology at Boston, Mass.; received the degree of A.M. from Dartmouth college; and In 1876-78 his studied in Florence, Italy. studio was in Washington, D.C.; in 1878-87 in Boston and Coricord, Mass.; and in 18771900 in New York City. Since its foundation he has been vice-president of the national sculpture society. In 1900 he received the medal of honor at the Paris exposition. His best known works are The Minute Man of Concord; Status of Rufus Choate, in the Boston courthouse; and statue of the republic, at the World's Columbian exposition.


Edwin Ruthven,

educator, clergy13, 1828,

man, state senator, was born Dec.

He has served two in Chesterville, Maine. terms as a member of the Maine state senate in 1870-71; and for over a quarter of a century has been resident trustee of Maine Wesleyan seminary and college at Kents Hill,


French, Ezra B., government official, congressman, was born in Kew Hampshire. He became secretary of state of Maine; and in 1859-61 he was a representative from Maine to the thirty-sixth congress. He was also a member of the peace congress of 1861; and was appointed second auditor of the United States treasury. He died April 24, 1880, in Maine. French, Ferdinand Courtney, educator, author, was born Dee. 14, 1861, in Berkeley, Mass. Since 1894 he has been professor of philosophy in Vassar college. He is the author of The Concept of Law in Ethics. French, Frank, artist, author, was born 22, 1850, in London, N.H. He was educated in the public schools of New England; and at the academy of New Hampshire. In 1893 he received a bronze medal for wood engraving from the Columbian exposition at Chicago, 111.; and in 1901 received a silver medal from the Pan-American exposition at Buffalo, N.Y. In 1900 he exhibited at the Paris exposition; and in 1904 received a gold medal at the St. Louis exposition. He is a member of the Artists' fund society; is a member of the Kit-Kat club; and a member of the Salmagundi club of New York City. His specialty is portraits. He is the author of Home Fairies and Hear*Flowers.
