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HBRRINGSHAWS LIBRARY OP AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. French, George, lecturer, author, was born In 4, 1853, in North Clarendon, Vt. 1876-96 he was editor of weekly and daily newspapers. He is the author of Printing in Relation to Graphic Art. French, George Bradford, manufacturer, lawyer, jurist, was born July 28, 1853, in Raudolph, Mass. His father, Calvin French,




more than

French, Henry Willard, war correspondlecturer, author, was bom June 21, 1853, in Hartford, Conn. He was educated in Hartford, New Haven, Berlin and Leip-


1880 Mr. French was

1887-1901 was connected with the law department of the city of Cambridge. In local affairs he has gained prominence, having served several years as one of the trustees of the public library, as collector of taxes, town treasurer, and as special justice. He was one of the organizers in 1891 of the Commercial club, and has ever since acted as its secretary, and holds that position in In politics he is a several other societies. republican, and in 1882, 1883, 1884 and 1906 was the chairman of the town committee. French, George Hazen, educator, entomologist, was born March 19, 1841, in Tully, N.Y. He was educated at the normal school of Cortland, N.Y. ; and received the degree of A.M. from the Illinois agricultural colHe was assistant state entomologist lege. of Illinois in 1877-78; and also filled the position afterward for parts of two years. He has written for scientific publications; and is the author of several Monographs. He now fills the chair of biology and curator in the southern Illinois normal university.

French, Henry Flagg, banker, lawyer, jurist, college president, author, was born Aug.

He was assist14, 1813, in Chester, N.H. ant district attorney for Suffolk county in 1862-65; and in 1865 was elected the first president of the Massachusetts agricultural college. In 1876 he was appointed assistant secretary of the United States treasury, at Washington, and continued in that office under successive administrations. In 1857 he published a treatise on Farm Drainage. French, James J., clergyman, educator, college president, was born in April, 1859, in St. Charles, Mo. In 1879-87 he was a teacher, in 1885-87 was vice-president, and in 1905-06 was president of St. Joseph's college at Cincinnati, Ohio. Since 1906 he has been rector of the Holy Cross seminary at Notre Dame, Ind.


a lecturer


writer of Boston; and war correspondent. He is the author of Art and Artists in Connecticut; Our Boys in China; Our Boys in Through ArcIndia

ty years a leading manufacturer of shoes and prominent in loHis educal affairs.

associated with his father in manufacturing, but since 1885 has practiced law; and in




cation was acquired in the public schools of his town, the Chautauqua course, the Boston university law school, and in the ofiSce of Judge Charles J. McFrom 1873 to Intire.







Nuna the Brahmin Girl; Gems

of Genius;

Lance of Kanana; Oscar Peterson; Colonel Thorndike's Adventures and the novels, The Only One; Castle Foam; Ego; Out of the Night; The Cloud; John Olmstead's Nephew; Desmonde, M. D.; and other works. French, John R., journalist, congressman, was born May 28, 1819, in Gilmanton, N.H. He was elected to the Ohio legislature in 1858 and 1859; and in 1861 was appointed a government clerk in Washington. In 1864 he was a tax commissioner for North Caro;

He was a delegate to the state constitutional convention of 1867 ; and in 1867lina.

69 he

was a representative from North Car-

olina to the fortieth congress as a republiHe died Oct. 2, 1890, in Boise City, can.


French, John William, educator, clergyman, author, was born in 1810 in ConnecHe was an episcopal clergyman of ticut. Washington in 1842-56; and from the latter his death professor of ethics at Point. He was the author of a work on Practical Ethics. He died July 8, 1871, in West Point, N.Y.




French, Joseph Lewis, journalist, founder, author, poet, vra,s born Aug. 16, 1858, in New York City. He founded the New West,

monthly magazine of Kansas and in 1890 founded the Wave, weekly of San Francisco, Cal. author of Christ in Art; and A Desire, a volume of poems. a,

City, Mo.; a literary




Breath of

French, Mrs. L. Virginia, educator, author, in 1830 in Virginia. She was the author of Wind Whispers, a collection of poems; Legend of the South; and My Rosea, the Romance of a June Day. She died March 31, 1881, in McMinnville, Tenn.

was born

French, Leigh Hill, capitalist, author, was born Oct. 1, 1863, in Grover, N.H. In 1897 he practiced medicine in Washington, D.C. During the Spanish-American war he was major in the third cavalry United States volunteers, popularly known as the rough riders. In 1902 he was admitted to the bar; and has become prominent in the development of Alaska. He is president of the New Rochelle home for the aged. He is the au-