thor of Sanitary Conditions at Camp Thom- as During 1898; Nome Nuggets; Seward's Land of Gold; and several medical Mono- graphs.
French, Lillie Hamilton, journalist, litter- ateur, author, was born in 1854 in Wash- ington, D.C. She is a journalist of New York City. She is the author of Hezekial's Wives; and American Homes and Their Decorations.
French, Mansfield, clergyman, educator, college president, was born Feb. 21, 1810, in Manchester, Vt. He was the founder of Marietta college, Granville female seminary; and principal of Circleville female college, Ohio. He was president of the Xenia fe- male college and agent for Wesleyan uni- versity. He died March 15, 1876, in Pear- Balls, N.Y.
French, Nathaniel Stowers, educator, au- thor, was born in 1854 in Prospect, Maine. Since 1875 he has been a teacher in the Roxbury high school of Boston, Mass. He is the author of Animal Activities.
French, Owen Bert, civil engineer, geo- desist, author, was born Dec. 7, 1865, near Cleveland, Ohio. Since 1889 he has been assistant in the United States coast and geodetic survey. He is part author of Gil- lespie's Higher Surveying.
French, Pinckney, surgeon, educator, was born May 10, 1852, in Audrain county, Mo. He was for several years surgeon for the Chicago and Alton railroad and the Wabash railroad. In 1882-83 he was professor of Burgical anatomy in the college of physi- cians and surgeons of Chicago, Ill.
French, Richard, lawyer, jurist, congress- man, was born in Kentucky. He became a prominent judge in that state; and the town of Frenchburg was named for him. He was a member of the legislature from Clark county in 1820 and 1822; a presidential elector for Jackson in 1829. In 1835-37, 1843-45 and 1847-49 he was a representa- tive to the twenty-fourth, twenty-eighth and thirtieth congresses. He died in Ken- tucky.
French, Robert Carver, educator, college president, was born Dec. 10, 1863, in Berke- ley, Mass. He was educated at the Bristol An image should appear at this position in the text. academy of Massachu setts; graduated from the state normal school at Bridgewat er; and received the degree of B.S. from the Occidental college of Los Angeles, Cal. He has been principal of the South Dartmouth high school; was teacher of English in the Chauncy Hall school of Boston; and was superintendent of schools at Orange, Mass. He filled a chair in the department of pedagogy and training California normal school at Chico; and filled the same chair in Oregon normal school at Monmouth. He is now president of the eastern Oregon state normal school; and resides in Weston, Ore.
French, Samuel Gibbs, soldier, planter, was born Nov. 22, 1818, in Gloucester coun ty, NJ. In 1843 he graduated from the United States military academy; and was a lieutenant in the third regiment of the United States artillery in the war with Mexico; became a captain in the general staff in 1848; resigned in 1856; and then became a planter near Greenville, Miss. He was a major-general in the confederate ar- my during the civil war; and served in thir- ty-five battles.
French, Robert, lawyer, jurist. In 1701 he was an associate justice of the supreme court of Pennsylvania.
French, Thomas, educator, electrician, sci- entist, was born Jan. 15, 1848, in Cincin- nati, Ohio. He is a fellow of the American association for the advancement of science. In 1899 he was associate editor of the Journal of Terrestrial Magnetism.
French, W. H., typefounder, was born May 14, 1850, in Griggsville, Ill. For eleven years he was agent and assistant general manager of the associated press in Chicago, and New York City. For twenty-two years he has been secretary and director of the Barnhart brothers and Spindler, typefound. ers at Chicago, Ill. He is president of the Printers supply company of St. Louis; is an officer and director in a dozen other com- panies; and a trustee of Cornell univer- Bity at Ithaca, N.Y.
French, Willard, soldier, lecturer, author, was born June 1, 1854, in Boston, Mass. He served in the British army; and was com- missioned lieutenant-colonel. He has lec- tured on art in all parts of the United States; and has been engaged in journal- ism. He is the author of several books.
French, William A., lumber merchant, manufacturer, statesman, was born March 2, 1849, in Pelham, Ontario, Canada. An image should appear at this position in the text. During 1882-83 he served as a member of the Michigan state legisla- ture. He has attained success as a lumber merchant and manu- facturer at Dundee, Mich. He was state land commissioner for four terms in 1894-99; and is the only state officer that ever held a third and fourth term. He is promi- nently identified with the business and pub- lic affairs of Dundee, Mich.
French, William Henry, soldier, author, was born Jan. 13, 1815, in Baltimore, Md. He served in the army of the United States during the Mexican, Seminole, and civil Wars. He was the author of Instruction