HERRINGSHAWS LIBRARY OP AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. Frost, William Goodell, educator, college president, author, was born July 2, 1854, in
Le Roy, N.Y.
He was educated at Beloit 1876 graduated from Oberlin afterward studied at Wooster university of Ohio and at Harvard and Gottingen universities; and has received the degrees of D.D and Ph.D. In 1879-83 he was professor of Greek language and literature at Oberlin college of Ohio; and since 1892 has been president of Berea college of Kentucky. He is the author of Inductive Studies in Oratory; and Greek Primer. Frost, William Henry, journalist, author, was born March 18, 1863, in North Providence, R.I. He has been a member of the staff of the New York Tribune since 1887. He was the author of The Wagner Story Book; The Court of King Arthur; The Knights of the Round Table; and Fairies and Fol^ of Ireland. He died in 1902 in college; college;
New York
Frothingham, Arthur Lincoln, Jr., educator, lecturer, author, was born June 21, 1859, in Boston, Mass. He is now professor of ancient history and archaeology in Princeton; and founded the Princeton College Bulletin. He is the author of A History of Scripture; and Medieval Art Inventories of the Vatican.
Frothingham, Ellen,
was born March
litterateur, author, 25, 1835, in Boston, Mass.
She published several fine translations from Lessing, Auerbach, Goethe, and Grillparzer. She died in 1902 in Boston, Mass. Frothingham, Eugenia Brooks, writer, auwas bom Nov. 17, 1874, in Paris, France. She is a writer of Boston, Mass. She is the author of The Turn of the Road; and The Evasion. Frothingham, George Edward, physician, surgeon, author, was born April 23, 1836, in Boston, Mass. For twenty-two years he filled the chair of ophthalmology and aural surgery in the university of Michigan; and in 1889-1900 practiced his profession in Detroit, Mich. He was for some time editor and proprietor of the Ann Arbor Register; and in 1889 was president of the Michigan thor,
state medical society. 1900, in Detroit, Mich.
died April
Frothingham, James, painter, was bom 1781 in Charlestown, Mass. His works had sale chiefly in New York and Salem. His copy of Stuart's Washington was much admired; and his original portraits were in
praised for fidelity Jan. 6, 1864.
Frothingham, Jessie Peabody, writer, auwas born in Boston, Mass. She was educated abroad. She has translated from the French the Journal of Maurice de Guerin; and Obermarn by Senancour. She is the author of Sea-Fighters from Drake to Farragut; Sea -Wolves of Seven Shores; and thor,
Running the Gauntlet. Frothingham, Nathaniel Langdon, clergyman, author, was born July 23, 1793, in
Boston, Mass. In 1815-50 he was pastor of the First congregational church of Boston, Mass. He was the author of Deism or Christianity: Sermons in the Order of a Twelvemonth; and Metrical Pieces, Original and Translated. He died April 3, 1870, in Boston, Mass. Frothingham, Octavius Brooks, clergyman, author, was bom Nov. 26, 1822, in Boston, Mass. He was at one period art critic for the New York Tribune. He was the author of Stories from the Lips of the Teacher; Stories from the Old Testament; The Religion of Humanity; The Cradle of the Christ; Memoir of W. H. Channing; The Safest Creed; Beliefs of the Unbelievfers; Creed and Conduct; The Spirit of the New Faith; The Rising and the Setting Faith; Visions of the Future; Lives of Gerrit Smith, George Ripley, Theodore Parker; History of New England Transcendentalism; Boston Unitarianism; and Recollections and Impressions. He died Nov. 27, 1895, in Boston, Mass. Frothingham, Paul Severe, clergyman, author, was bom July 6, 1864, in Jamaica Plain, Mass. Since 1900 he has been pastor of the Arlington street church of Boston, Mass. He is the author of The Temple of Virtue; and other works. Frothingham, Bichard, journalist, author, was bom Jan. 31, 1812, in Charlestown, Mass. In 1852-65 he was managing editor for the Boston Post; and in 1839-40, 1843 and 1849-50 was a member of the Massachusetts state legislature. He was the author of History of the Siege of Boston; The Rise of the Republic; History of Charlestown; Life of General Joseph Warren; and The Command in the Battle of Bunker Hill. He died Jan. 20, 1880, in Charlestown, Mass.
Frothingham, Washington, clergyman, auwas born Feb. 28, 1822, in Fonda, N. Y. His most important work as a clergyman has been the establishment of the West side presbyterian church of Albany, N.Y. He is the author of Atheos, or Tragedies of Unbelief; The Martel Papers; Scenes in the Reign of Terror; and Our Book. Fruit, John Phelps, educator, author, was born Nov. 22, 1855, in Pembroke, Ky. He has held numerous professorships in Kentucky and Tennessee; and since 1897 has been professor of English languages and literature in the William Jewell college. He is the author of The Mind and Art of Poe's Poetry Editor of Lyoidas and The Ancient thor,
Mariner. Fry, Gary
Harrison, soldier, was 20, 1813, in C'arrard county, Ky.
brigadier-general United States army in 1867, and 1869-73 was chief paymaster of various military divisions. He died March 5, 1873, in San Francisco, Cal.
Fry, Henry Clay, soldier, manufacturer, banker, was born Sept. 17, 1840, near Lexington, Ky. In 1861 he enlisted in the civil war; and served in various battles and skir-