town, Md. She Wonderlands.
the author of In Eastern
Gibson, Ella Elvira, lecturer, poet,
born May 8, 1821, in Winchendon, Mass. During the early part of the civil war Miss Gibson was engaged in organizing soldiers ladies' aid societies in Wisconsin. She was connected with the eighth Wisconsin regiment volunteers, known as the Live Eagle regiment. In 1864 she was appointed chaplain of the first Wisconsin heavy artillery. Gibson, Eustace, soldier, lawyer, congress4, 1841, in Culpeper, Va. In 1876 he was elected a representative in the state legislature, and was chosen speakIn 1883-87 he was a representative from er. West Virginia to the forty-eighth and fortyninth congresses as a democrat. He died in 1900 in Huntington, W.Va.
man, was born Oct.
Eva Katherine Clapp, author, was born in Bradford, 111. She is the author of Her Bright Future; A Lucky Mishap; Mismated; A Woman's Triumph; A Dark Secret; Songs of Red Rose Land; Patriotic Songs; and The Anthem of the Free. Gibson, Frank Markey, lawyer, clergyman, author, was born Jan. 16, 1857, in Bedford Springs, Pa. He was educated in Gibson, Mrs.
Dickinson college and received the degree of A.M. studied in t h e university of Michigan
from in
degree of
Johns college Annapolis, Md. For St.
four years he practiced law; and in 1884 was ordained a priest of the protestant episcopal church. In 189099 he was examining chaplain of the dioceses of
Maryland and Washington; and
1897-98 was a
member of now rector
the ecclesiastical of the Ascension church at Westminster, Md. He is the author of The Amateur Telescopist's Handbook. court.
Gibson, George, soldier, was born Oct. 10, 1747, in Lancaster, Pa. When the revolution began, he raised a company of one hun-
dred men and was appointed captain of a state regiment. In 1791 he took command of a regiment in the St. Clair expedition against the Ohio Indians. He died Dec. 14, 1791, in Fort Jefferson, Ohio.
Gibson, George, soldier, was born in 1783 He entered the army from civil life. He was appointed captain of infantry in 1808; and was promoted major in 1811. He served throughout the Mexican war; and was brevetted major-general. He was at the head of the commissary department more than fifty years. He died Sept. 59, 1861, in Washington, D.C. in Pennsylvania.
Gibson, George Rutledge, financier, author, 20^ 1853, in Auburn, 111. He is the author of The Berlin Bourse; and The Stock Exchange of London, Paris and New
was born Jan.
York. Gibson,
Henry Richard, lawyer,
journalist, congressman, author, was born Dec. 24, 1837, in Kent Island, Md. In 1870 he was a member of the Tennessee constitutional convention; a member of the state senate in 1871-72; and a member of the house of representatives in 1875. In 188694 he was judge of the chancery court of Tennessee; and in 1890 was elected professor of. medical jurisprudence in the Tennessee medical college. In 1895-1905 he was a
representative from Tennessee to the fiftyfourth, fifty-fifth, fifty-sixth, fifty-seventh and fifty-eighth congresses as a republican. He was the editor of the Republican and Chronicle of Knoxville, Tenn.; and the author of Suits in Chancery. Gibson, Horatio Gates, army oflScer, was born May 22, 1827, in Baltimore, Md. In 1847 he graduated from the United States military academy at West Point; and was brevetted second lieutenant in the second artillery. In 1847-48 he served in the Mexican war; and in 1847 became first lieutenant in the third artillery. In 1861 he was promoted to captain and served throughout the civil war; and took part in the battles
South Mountain, Antietam, Fredericksburg and various other battles. He was brevetted major in 1862; became lieutenant-colonel in 1863; and in 1865 was brevetted brigadier-general United States volunteers and colonel United States army for gallant and meritorious services during the civil war. In 1882 he attained the rank of colonel in the third artillery; and in 1904 was given the rank of brigadier-general United States army. Gibson, Isaac, clergyman, author, was bom in 1828 in Rappahannock county, Va. He has been rector of various churches; for twenty-six years was rector of St. John's church of Norristown, Pa.; and in 1898 was retired as rector emeritus. He is the author of The Pentateuch and Joshua; The Holy Communion; and other works. Gibson, James King, soldier, farmer, merchant, congressman, was born Feb. 18, 1812, in Abingdon, Va. He was postmaster at of Williamsburg,
Abingdon in 1838-49. He was teller in the Exchange bank of Virginia at Abingdon in In 1869-71 he was a representative 1849. from Virginia to the forty-first congress as a democrat. He died in Abingdon, Va. Gibson, John, soldier, lawyer, jurist, was May 23, 1740, in Lancaster, Pa. He served in the revolutionary war. He was a judge of the court of common pleas; and a general of militia. In 1800 he was appointed secretary of the territory of Indiana, holding the position until it became a state. He was acting governor of the territory of In-