Gifford, Oscar Sherman, soldier, lawyer, congressman, was born on Oct. SO, 1842, in Watertown, N.Y. He served in the union army, as private from Illinois in the Elgin battery in 1863-65. In 1874 he was elected attorney for district Lincoln county, Dakota; and in 1882 and 1883 was mayor of He was a Canton.
author of The Fifth American Chess Congress; Crumbs from the Chess Board; American Chess Nuts. He died in 1898 in Brooklyn. N.Y. Gilbert, Abijah, merchant, was born June 18,
He was a
university in 1842-44; York City in 1845. His
and moved to New best paintings are The Storm; and Camp of the Seventh Regiment. His San Georgio, Venice, and Mount Renier were exhibited at the Paris salon in 1878. William Logan Rodman, writer, was born Nov. 5, 1862, in New He is a librarian by proBedford, Mass. fession. In 1884-95 was assistant librarian Gifford, librarian,
Bedford free public library; 1895-1904 was librarian of CamSince 1904 he has bridge public library. been librarian of the St. Louis mercantile of
library. Giger,
George Musgrave, educator, clergyman, philanthropist, was born June 6, 1822.
in Philadelphia, Pa. He was elected adjunct professor of Greek in 1846; and pro fesaor of latin in 1854 in Princeton uni-
He bequeathed his books and thirty thousand dollars to that college. He died versity.
Oct. 11, 1865, in Philadelphia, Pa.
Gihon, Albert Leary, surgeon, author, was born Sept. 28, 1833, in Philadelphia, Pa. In 1872 he was medical inspector; and in 1879 medical director. He completed forty years of active service in 1895; and was retired from active duty by limitation of age with rank of commodore. For six years he was editor of Annual of the Medical Sciences. He was the author of Practical Suggestions in Naval Hygiene; Need of Sanitary Reform in Ship Life; and Sanitary Commonplaces Applied to the Navy. Gilberg, Charles Alexander, chess-player, author, was born June 17, 1835, in Camden, N.J. He is widely known as an amateur chess-player; and has served as judge in almost every public contest that has taken His chess library of more than fifplace. teen hundred volumes is the largest in this country, with the exception of that of John He is the G. AVhite, of Cleveland, Ohio.
He engaged
mercantile pursuits in
New York
where. He removed to Florida for the health of his family; and in 1861-75 he was United States senator as a
ed at Sioux Falls in 1883; and in 1885-91 he was a territorial delegate from Dakota to the forty-ninth and fiftieth congresses as a republican; and to the fifty-first congress
but ill prevented him from graduating. He was an early advocate of the abolition of slailton
Dakota which conven-
student at
member of the constitutional convention of
from South Dakota. Gifford, Sanford Robinson, landscape painter, was born in Saratoga county, N.Y. He
United States
republican. He 1881, in Gilbertsville, N.Y.
philanthropist, was bom Nov. 23, 1808, in Gloucester, Mass. For fifty years he was active in the public affairs of Gloucester, being frequently sent to the legislature. He was president of the city national bank from its organization in 1876, and of the Cape Ann savings bank from 1880, both of which he assisted in founding. He was an opponent of slavery; and in the civil war gave financial aid to the government. Among various bequests to public charities in Gloucester he left one hundred thousand dollars for a city hospital, seventy-five thousand dollars for an old people's home, and ten thousand dollars to the widows' and orphans' society. He died in July, 1888, in Gloucester, Mass. Gilbert, Mrs. Anne Jane Hartley, actress, author, was born in 1821 in England. She was the author of Stage Reminiscences. She died in 1904. Gilbert, Benjamin, miller, author, was bom in 1711 near Philadelphia, Pa. He was a miller of Northumberland, Pa.; and wrote
on theological themes. He was the author of Truth Defended; Discourses on Perfection; and Further Discourses on Sin, Election, Reprobation and Baptism. He died June 8, 1780, on St. Lawrence River, Gilbert, Benjamin Davis, journalist, author, was born Nov. 21, 1835, in Albany,
Since 1877 he has been secretary and treasurer of Utica dairy board of trade. He is the author of Cheese Industry of the State of New York. Gilbert, Cass, designer, architect, was born Nov. 24, 1859, in Zanesville, Ohio. He was architect of the new state capitol and many other buildings in St. Paul, Minn.; and of the Chambers building of New York City.
Gilbert, Charles Allen, illustrator, artist, Sept. 9, 1863, in Hartford, Conn. He has illustrated leading magazines. He
was born
has published Portfolio of Heads; Drawings