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HERRINGSHAW'S LIBRARY OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. valuable articles to the Reference Handbook of Medical Sciences and also to the American System of Practical Medicine. Coleman, Thomas Wilkes, lawyer, banker, jurist, statesman, was born March 31, 1834, in Eutaw, Ala. In 1853 he graduated from university Princeton of New Jersey. For fifteen years he was solicitor for the state

Alabama; later became chancellor and


ualism. For many years he has been student of Orientalism, and has written numerous treatises on Oriental subjects. Mythology, Philology, Archaeology, and kindred subjects; and is a member of the principal Oriental societies of America and Europe. Coleman, William, soldier, miner, merchant, pioneer, was born Jan. 25, 1847, in Germantown, Ohio. For forty years he has been in the mercantile business in Deer Lodge,


and has had branch stores in Montana at Pioneer, Philipsburg, in Butte and Anaconda. During the

subsequently for many years was judge of the supreme court of Alabama. He was a confederate soldier and surrendered at Vicksburg. Miss; and subsequently was wounded at the battle of Missionary Ridge. In 1865 and 1901 he was a delegate to the constitutional conventions of Alabama; and was the author of the suffrage article providing for qualified








and farmer's bank of Eutaw,

Ala. and is prominently identified with the business and public affairs of his state.

Coleman, William, lawyer, jurist. In 1758 he became an associate justice of the state supreme court of Pennsylvania. Coleman, William, soldier, lawyer, journalist, was born Feb. 14, 1766, in Boston, Mass. During Shay's rebellion he served against the insurgents. He removed to New York City about 1794; and was for a short time a law partner of Aaron Burr. He died July 13, 1829, in

New York

war he served a private soldier; and he participated in civil

numerous battles and the At skirmishes. close of the civil



Coleman, William Macon, tor, diplomat, author,



dent of

and the



state woman's rights association in 1870. He was a member of the republican state central committee of Virginia in 1869--70; and a member of advisory councils world's congress of Evolutionists and Psychic science, Columbian exposition at Chicago, 1893. He is now chief clerk of the quartermaster's office. United States army, San Francisco, C'al. In 1863-1874 he was an actor and stage manager; and adapted several novels for the stage, notably that of East Lynne, in 1864. He is the author of several government publications; has lectured on Evolution, Darwinism, Spectrum Analysis; and for thirty years has been an active writer and speaker for higher spirit-



with the degree of A. B. from the university North Carolina; of studied theology for three years at Princeton and Columbia, N. C.; and then studied until Heidelberg in the outbreak of the civil war. He served confederate in the states army. He then taught private school;

Richmond library. He was president of the


was bom Jan.

Washington, D.C. In 1858 he graduated

Coleman, William Emmette, lecturer, oriwas born June 19, 1843, in Shadwell, Va. During 1854-57 he was assistant librarian of the

member of three republican state conven-


he crossed the plains with a mule team via Denver; and settled in Montana. He engaged in mining in Alder Gulch and in all the principal mining camps in Montana, and is still interested in a great


board of registration of Bland county, Va., under the federal rea, construction law


entalist, author,






in Dallas, Tex., and lectured one year on philosophy and logic at Columbia university. He had five years' experience in teaching law by correspondence; and for over fifteen



years was engaged in teaching law to advanced students. In 1868 he was elected attorney-general of North Carolina; and in 1869 was appointed United States consul- to Stettin. He is now professor of common law in the intercontinental university at Washington, D.C. He is the author of The Beautiful, a poem; Criticisms of Doctor Charles

Hodges' Theology; The Primitive Yankees in England and Holland; The Wandering Jew in America Parentage of Abraham Lincoln; An Epitome of Fearne on Remainders; and other works. Coleman, William T., pioneer, was bom Feb. 29, 1824, in Cythiana, Ky., He was a pioneer of California. He died Nov. 32, 1893,


San Francisco,

Coler, Bird born 1867, in

Cal. financier,





author, was comptroller
