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of New York City. He is the author of Mu- nicipal Govemment.

Colerick, Walpole G., lawyer, congressman, was born Aug. 1, 1845, in Fort Wayne, Ind. He has attained success as one of the foremost An image should appear at this position in the text. lawyers of In- diana. In 1879-83 he was a representative to the forty-sixth and the forty-seventh cong- resses. In 1883 he be- came one of the su preme court commis- sioners of the state of Indiana, and served until the expiration of the commission by the limitation of the law creating the court.

Coles, Abraham, physician, author, was born Dec. 26, 1813, in Scotch Plains, N.J. He was the author of Old Gems in New Sett- ings; The Microcosm, a psychological poem; The Evangel in Verse; The Light of the World; The Psalms in Verse, with notes; and other works. He died May 3, 1891, in Monterey, Cal.

Coles, Edward, diplomat, governor, was born Dec. 15, 1786, in Albemarle county, Va. He was private secretary to President Madi- son, who sent him on a mission to Russia in 1817. On his return in 1818 he removed to Illinois, taking with him his slaves whom he had liberated. Ile was the second gover- nor of Illinois in 1822-26. He died July 7, 1868, in Philadelphia, Pa.

Coles, George, clergyman, author, was born in 1792 in England. He was the author of The Antidote, or Revelation Defended; Con- cordance of the Scriptures; and Heroines of Methodism.

Coles, Isaac, congressman, was born in Virginia. In 1789-91 and 1793-97 he was a representative from Virginia to the first, third and fourth congress. Died in Virginia.

Coles, Jonathan Ackerman, physician, philanthropist, was born May 6, 1843, in Newark, N.J. In 1891 he was elected presi- dent of the Union medical society of New- ark, NJ. He gave a magnificent colossal bronze bust of his father, Dr. Abraham Coles to Washington Park, Newark, N.J.

Coles, Walter, congressman, was born in 1789, in Pittsylvania county, Va. In 1835- 45 he was a representative from Virginia to the twenty-fourth, twenty-fifth, twenty- sixth, twenty-seventh, and twenty-eighth congresses. He died Nov. 9, 1857, in Rober- sons Store, Va.

Colesworthy, Daniel Clement, bookseller, author, poet, was born July 14, 1810, in Portland, Maine. He was a noted bookseller of Boston. Some of his poems for children, like Don't Kill the Birds, and Little Words of Kindness, have been extremely popular. He was the author of Sunday School Hymns Advice to an Apprentice; Opening Buds; Chronicles of Casco Bay; A Group of Child- ren, and Other Poems; School is Out; The Year; and Day in the Woods. He died April 1, 1893, in Chelsea, Mass.

Coley, William Bradley, physician, sur- geon, author, was born Jan. 12, 1862, in Westport, Conn. Since 1888 he has practiced his profession in New York City. He is the author of Twentieth Century Practice of Medicine,

Colfax, Schuyler, vice-president of the United States, was born March 23, 1823, in New York City. In 1850 he was a member An image should appear at this position in the text. of the state constitu- tional convention; and in 1848 and 1852 a delegate to the whig national conventions; In 1855-69 be was a representative from Indiana to the thirty- fourth to the fortieth congresses; and also in 1853-69 he was the speaker of the house to the thirty-eighth, thirty-ninth and four- tieth congresses. In 1869-73 he was vice- president of the United States with Gen. Grant for president. He died Jan. 13, 1885, in Mankato, Minn.

Colgate, James Boorman, banker, philan- thropist, was born March 4, 1818, in New York City. He is a son of William Colgate, who came to America in 1798, settled in Harford county, Md.; and in 1804 removed to New York, where he established the now widely known industry of manufacturing Colgate's soaps. James B. Colgate was for many years a banker and dealer in securities and bullion. He has given large sums to Colgate university; and built and liberally endowed Colgate academy. He died in 1904 in Yonkers, N.Y.

Colgate, Robert, manufacturer, was born in 1812. While long connected with his fath- er's firm, his greatest achievement was the manufacture of white lead by corrosion for use in paints. About 1845 he organized the firm of Robert Colgate and company, and built works in the city of Brooklyn under the name of the Atlantic white lead and linseed oil company. He died July 4, 1885.

Colgate, Samuel, manufacturer, philan- thropist, was born March 22, 1822, in New York City. He was a son of the late William Colgate. In conjunction with his brother, James B. Colgate, be erected the Colgate academy building, in Hamilton, N.Y., at an expense of sixty thousand dollars. He was president of the New York baptist educa- Lion society; and of the Society for the sup- pression of vice. He died April 23, 1897, in Hamilton, N.Y.

Colgate, William, manufacturer, was born Jan. 25, 1783, in England. He emigrated to Maryland in 1795; and in 1804 became ap- prentice to a soap boiler of New York City, whose business he subsequently followed with success. He died March 25, 1857, in New York City.