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In 1849 he was appointed collector for Cali-

and went there overland, fighting his way through hostile Indians with a small company of dragooons. When he had reached his destination he was the only officer there; and for some time he acted as military govfornia,

ernor. Ohio.


died Feb.


1873, in Steubenville,

Collier, John A., lawyer, congressman, was born in 1787 in Broome county, N.Y. In 1831-33 he was a representative to the twen-

ty-second congress. He was state comptroller in 1845-46; and was commissioner to revise the code in 1847. He died March 34, 1873, in Binghamton, N.Y. Collier, Joseph Avery, clergyman, author, was born Oct. 26, 1828, in Plymouth, Mass. He was a clergyman of the reformed Dutch church of Kingston, N.Y. He was the author of The Right of "Way, or the Gospel Applied to the Intercourse of Individuals and Nations; The Christian Home; The Young Men of the Bible; Pleasant Paths for Litttle Feet; Little Crowns; and Dawn of Heaven. He died Aug. 13, 1864, in Kinderhook, N.Y. Collier,


Peter, chemist, author,

was born


For sev-

17, 1835, in Chittengo,

eral years he was attached to the department of agriculture at Washington. He is the author of Sorghum, Its Culture and

Manufacture Economically Considered; and Investigations of Sorghum as a Sugar Producing Plant. Collier, Peter Fenelon, publisher, was born Dec. 12, 1849, in Ireland. In 1873 he entered the publishing business. He has published the life of Pius ninth; Chambers Encyclopaedia; Collier's Library; and also other works. Collier, Price, clergyman, naval officer, author, was born May 25, 1860. For nine years he was a unitarian minister. He served through the Spanish- American war as a naval officer. He is the author of 'Mr. Picket Pin and His Friends; and America and the Americans from a French Point of View. Collier,

Irving, a Sketch lish Home Life. Salisbury, Md. Collier,

and a Criticism; and Eng-


He S.,

was born Nov.

died July 28, 1890, in



14, 1842, in


New York

He served in the navy through the war; and was retired in 1883. His poems have been collected in one complete volume, entitled Song Spray. He died in 1893. Collier, William, clergyman, author, was born Oct. 11, 1771, in Scituate, Mass. He was active in the city mission and kindred enterprises; and was a pioneeer in the temperance movement. He prepared editions of civil



William Miller, lawyer, diplomat, author, was born Nov. 11, 1867, in Lodi, N.Y. Since 1893 he has practiced law in Auburn, N.Y. in 1899-1903 he was president of the New York state civil service commission. In 1903 he became lecturer of the law of bankruptcy in the New York law school. In 1905 he was appointed United States envoy and minister to Spain. He is the author of Collier on Bankruptcy and Collier on Civil ServCollier,



CpUin, Alonzo, educator, scientist, was born Aug. 14, 1837, in Hillsdale, N.Y. Since 1860 he has been a professor of physics and chemistry; and since 1906 he has been a professor of physics and chemistry; and since 1906 he has been a, professor of emeritus at the Cornell college. He is a fellow of the American association for the advancement of science. Collin, John F., state legislator, congressman, was born April 30, 1802, in Hillsdale,

He served in the New York state legislature in 1834; and was a member of the county board of supervisors. In 1845-47 he


was a representative from twenty-ninth congress. 1889, in Hillsdale, N.Y.

New York



to the Sept. 16,

Collin, Nicholas, clergyman, pioneer, was in 1744 in Sweden. He came to Amer-


ica in 1770; and preached to the settlers near Philadelphia, Pa. In 1799 he translated Acreleus' History of New Sweden into English. He died Oct. 7, 1831, in Wicaeo, Pa.

Collingwood, Francis, civil engineeer, was born Jan. 10, 1834, in Elmira, N.Y. He was educated in the public schools and academy at Elmira, N.Y. and graduated from the Rensselaer polytecnic




For over fourteen years he was employed on the first East river bridge, sink'"g caissons and coustructing a large por-


Robert Laird, clergyman, author,

was born Aug. 7, 1837, in Salisbury, Md. He was a unitarian clergyman; and in his later years was London correspondent of the New York Herald. He was the autl^or of EveryDay Subjects in Sunday Sermons; Meditations on the Essence of Christianity; Henry

poet, City.

Saurin and Andrew Fuller; and compiled a hymn-book. He died Oct. 11, 1771, in Scitu-

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tion the towers, anchorages and the ap-







of of the New York civil service. He is a fellow of the American association for the advancement of science; is a member of the New York academy of sciences; and various other scientific bodies.

Collingwood, Herbert Winslow, journalist, author, was born April 21, 1857, in Plymouth, Mass. In 1883-85 he was editor of the Southern Live Stock Journal; and in 1885 became editor of the Rural New Yorker. He is the author of Andersonville Violets; Chemicals and Clover; Fertilizer Farming;

and The Farmer's Garden.