Greene, Frank Lester, soldier, journalist, was born Feb. 10, 1870, in Saint Albans,
eral in the
Vt. Since 1899 he has been editor of the Saint Albans Daily Messenger. He has been president of the Vermont press association; and vice-president of the Vermont historical society. During the SpanishAinerican war he was captain and adjutant-
Henry Copley, author, was born Nov. 21, 1871, in Vienna, Austria. He ia the author of The Children's Crusade; Theophile, a Miracle Play; and Plains and Uplands of Old France, a Book of Prose and
Greene, George Francis, clergyman, author, 5, 1858, in North Greenbrush, N.Y. Since 1885 he has been pastor of the presbyterian chiirch of Cranford, N.J. He is the author of The Many-Sided St. Paul; and other works. Greene, George Sears, soldier, civil engineer, was born May 6, 1801, in Warwick, E.I. In 1836 ho, became a civil engineer, and has built railroads in the states of Maine, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New York, Maryland, and Virginia. He designed and built the reservoir in Central Park of New York City. He served through the civil war; and in 1865 was brevetted major-general of volunteers. He died Jan. 28, 1899, in Morris-
was born June
town, N.J. Greene, George Sears, civil engineer, surveyor, was born Nov. 26, 1837, in Lexington, Ky. In 1875 he was appointed engineer in chief of the department of docks, New York City, ip which capacity he designed and executed river walls, wharves and piers in difficult
Short History of Rhode
Historical View of the American Revolution; The Life of General Nathaniel Greene; Biographical Studies; and History and Geography of the Middle Ages. He died Feb. 2, 1883, 'in East Greenwich, R.I.
Greene, Henry Alexander, soldier, was born Aug. 5, 1856, in Matteawan, N.Y. In 1879 he graduated from the West Point military academy; and was appointed second lieutenant of the twentieth infantry; and until 1881 did garrison and field duty. In 1882-85 he was assistant instructor in mathematics in the infantry and cavalry school. In 1886 he became first lieutenant; and in 1891 was promoted to captain of infantry. He served throughout the Santiago campaign in Cuba; in 1899-1900 he was assistant secretary and aide-de-camp to General Otis; and in 1900 became major of infantry at .Manila.
Verse. Greene, Herbert Wilber, musician, composer, author, lecturer, was born May 20, 1851, in Holyoke, Mass. He is the founder and director of the Metropolitan college of music; and is the author of many short stories and verses; and is a composer and lecturer
on musical and historical subjects. Greene, Homer, lawyer, author, poet, was
born Jan. 10, 1853, in Ariel, Pa. He is the author of The Blind Brother; Burnham Breaker; Coal and the Coal Mines; The Riverpack Rebellion; What My Lover Said;
Daughter Louise; The Banner of the
Greene, Mrs. Isabella Catherine, author, 17, 1842, in Pittsfield, Vt. She is the author of New England Conscience; Adventures of an Old Maid; New England Idyl; The Hobbledehoy; The Study of a Growing Boy; and Mr. and Mrs. Hannibal Hawkins. Greene, Jacob L., soldier, lawyer, insurance president, was born Aug. 9, 1837, in Waterford, Maine. In 1859 he began the practice of law in Lapeer county, Mich. and in 1860 was appointed court commissioner. In 1861 he enlisted in the seventh regiment Michigan volunteer infantry; and was captured and imprisoned at Libby, Macon and Charleston. He was paroled and exchanged in 1864; joined the staff of General Custer with rank of major; and was brevetted lieutenant-colonel. Since 1866 he has been in the insurance business; and in 1878 became president of the Connecticut mutual life insurance company of Hartford, Conn. He died in 1905 in Connecticut. Greene, James Durell, soldier, inventor, was born in 1828. During the civil war he attained the rank of brevet brigadiSr-general. He was the inventor and manufacturer of breech-loading rifles. Greene, John Priest, clergyman, college president, was born in 1849 in Scotland county. Mo. In 1882-93 he was pastor of the third baptist church of St. Louis, Mo. Since 1892 he has been president of the William Jewell college of Liberty, Mo. Greene, Joseph Chase, physician, author, was bom July 31, 1829, in Lincoln, Vt. In 1888 he left Buffalo for a tour of the world; and during his travels he collected a museum of more than three hundred originals and copies, illustrating the political, religious and social history of ancient Egypt, Syria and other oriental countries. He died Jan. 3, 1899, in Buffalo, N.Y. Greene, Maria Louise, litterateur, author, was born in Providence, R.I. She is the au-
was born March
Greene, George W., educator, lawyer, jurist, congressman, author, was born July 4, 1831, in Orange county, N.Y. He came to the bar in 1860; and in 1861-64 was judge of Orange county. In 1869-70 he was a representative from New York to the forty-first congress. Greene, George Washington, educator, author, was born April 8, 1811, in East Greenwich, R.I. He was professor of American history at Cornell university from 1872. He was the author of Historical Studies; The German Element in the American War of
war department
D.C. Greene,
assistant adjutant-gen-