HERRINGSHAWS LIBRARY OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. thor of The Development of Religious Liberty in Connecticut; and other works. Greene, Milburg Miller, builder, railroad president, was born May 11, 1831, in Lewiston, Maine. In 1849 he was engaged on the construction of the Vermont Central railway; and in 1851 he formed the firm of French, Dodge and company, and was engaged in the constructing of railroads, securing a four million dollar contract at the outset. He built the Columbus; Hocking Valley; and many other railroads. He died June 26, 1887, in Columbus, Ohio. Greene, Millen Sanford, educator, author, poet, was bom Dec. 23, 1825, in North Stonington. Conn. Since 1869 he has been engaged in the insurance and real estate business in Westerly, E..I. He is the author of Fireside Stories.
Greene, Nathaniel, soldier,
was born May
R.I. He never gained a decided victory, yet his retreats, for which
27. 1742, in
noted, had the of successes.
Congress the
honors, consider-
and Metropolitan hospitals of New York City. He is the author of Healthy Exercise. Greene, Roger Sherman, soldier, lawyer, jurist, philanthropist, was born on Dee. 14, in Boston, Mass. He graduated in 1859 from Dartmouth college; and in 1888 received the degree of LL.D. from the university of Washington. He entered the union
for the
promoted to
of the rebellion, and was lieutenant and captain. He was judge advocate of the district of Vicksburg at the close of 1864 and beginning of 1865, and judge advocate of the western division of Louisiana from 1865 until retirement from service. While residing in Kenosha, Wis., he was appointed associate justice of the supreme court of Washington territory, residing at Olympia; and was twice reappointed, holding the ofSce until 1879, when he was appointed chief justice of the same court, residing at Seat-
territory. In 1883-87 he chief justice. Since then he has practiced law in Seattle, Wash. Greene, Roy Farrell, journalist, author, poet, was born Dec. 20, 1873, in Three Rivtle,
ment be erected to
Since 1891 he has been engaged and is a regular contributor to the leading magazines of America. He is the author of Cupid is King, a volume of society verse. Greene, Samuel Dana, naval officer, was born Feb. 11, 1839, in Cumberland, Md. He received a vote of thanks from the legislature of Rhode Island for his gallant services in the action between the Monitor and Merrimac. He died Dec. 11, 1884, in Ports-
ton, D.C.,
mouth, N.H.
and he was ed,
next to Washing-
ton, the greatest general of the revolution. He was general in command in numerous battles. He died June 19, 1786, near Savannah, Ga. Congress duly voted that a monu-
his memory in Washingwhich has not yet been done.
Greene, Nathaniel, journalist, author, was bom May 20, 1797, in Boscawen, N.H. He was postmaster of Boston in 1829-40 and 1845-49. He published a translation of Sforzosi's History of Italy; Tales from the German; and Tales and Sketches from the German, Italian and French. He died Nov. 29, 1877, in Boston, Mass. Greene, Phillip, lawyer, jurist. In 176869 he was an associate justice of the supreme court of Rhode Island.
Greene, Ray, lawyer. United States senawas bom Feb. 2, 1765, in Warwick, R.I. In 1794 he was attorney-general of Rhode Island. In 1797-1803 he was United States senator from knode Island. He died Jan. tor,
11, 1849, in
Greene, Richard Gleason, clergyman, au-
was born June 29, 1829, in East Haddam, Conn. He was editor of the Library of Universal Knowledge, in sixteen volumes and Columbian Cyclopedia, in thirty-two thor,
volumes. In Greene, Richard W., lawyer, jurist. 1848-54 he was chief justice of the supreme court of Rhode Island. Greene, Robert Holmes, surgeon, author, was born April 27, 1861, in Brunswick, Maine. He is surgeon to the City, French
in journalism;
Greene, Samuel Harrison, educator, clergyman, college president, was bom Deo. 25, 1845, in Enosburgh, Vt. In 1894-95 he was president of Columbian university; and from 1900 has been pastor of the Calvary church in Washington, D.C. Greene, Samuel Stillman, educator, author, was born on May 3, 1810, in Belchertown, Mass. He was an educator of Providence; and professor at Brown university in 185183. He was the author of Analysis of the English Language; several text-books on English grammar; and a Genealogy of his family. He died Jan. 24, 1883, in Provi-
dence, R.I.
Greene, Mrs. Sarah Pratt, author, was born in July, 1856, in Simsbury, Conn. She is the author of Cape Cod Folks; Towhead and Some Other Folks; Peter Patrick; Vesty of the Basins; Last Chance Junction; Leon Pontifex; Stuart and Bamboo; and The Moral Imbeciles. Greene, Theodore Phinney, naval officer, was bom Nov. 1, 1809, in Canada. He was appointed midshipman from Vermont in 18216; and in 1837 became lieutenant. He served with distinction through the Mexican and civil wars; and was retired with ranK of commodore. He died Aug. 30, 1887, in JaflTrey, N.H.