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Greene, Thomas, lawyer, jurist. In 176365 and 1769-70 he was an associate justice of the supreme court of Rhode Island. Greene, Thomas Lyman, author. He was manager of the Audit company of New York City; and a writer on fiianoe. He was the author of Corporation Finance. He died in 1904 in New York City. Greene, Thomas M., congressman. He was a delegate to congress from the territory of Mississippi in 1803-03.


died in Missis-


Greene, William,




born March 16, 1695, in Warwick, E.I. He became deputy governor of Knode Island in 1740, and became colonial governor in 1743-



died Feb. 22, 1758, in Providence,


Greene, William, lawyer, jurist, state legislator, colonial governor, was born Aug. 16, 1731, in Warwick, R.I. In 1774-77 he was associate justice of the supreme court of Rhode Island; in 1777-78 was chief justice;

and was

colonial governor of Rnode Island in 1778-86. He died Nov. 29, 1809, in Warwick, R.I.

Greene, William Batchelder, soldier, clergyman, author, was born April 4, 1819, in Haverhill, Mass. In early life he was a member of the noted Brook Farm community. He was subsequently a unitarian minister; and during the civil war served as colonel

a Massachusetts


was the author




Remarks on the Science

Theory of the Calculus; SocialFragments; and Reflections and Modern Maxims. He died May 30, 1878, in of History; istic,



William Brenton, educator, au-

Greene, thor,

was born Aug.

largely interested in mining, lumbering and stock-raising. Greene, William Houston, educator, chemist, author, was born Dec. 30, 1854, in Columbia, Pa. Since 1880 he has-been professor of chemistry in the Central high school of Philadelphia. He is the author of Medical Chemistry; and Lessons in Chemistry.

Greene, William L., lawyer, jurist, congressman, was born Oct. 3, 1849, in Pike county, Ind. In 1895 he was elected judge of the twelfth judicial district of Nebraska; and in 1S97-1903 he was a representative fifty-sixth and fiftyto the fifty-fifth, seventh congresses as a populist, of which party he was one of the founders. He died March 11, 1899, in Omaha, Neb. Greene, William Stedman, businessman, congressman, was bom April 28, 1841, in Tremont, 111. He has been in the real estate and insurance business since 1866 in Fall River, Mass. In 1877-79 he was president of the common council. In 1880, 1886, 1895, 1896, and 1897 he was mayor of Fall River, Mass. In 1898-1911 he was a representative from Massachusetts to the fifty-fifth, fiftysixth, fifty-seventh, fifty-eighth, fifty-ninth, sixtieth and sixty-first congresses as a, re-


Greenebaum, Henry, founder, banker, was born June 18, 1833, in Germany. In 1848 he emigrated to Chicago, 111. He became a clerk in the banking house of R. K. Swift; and in 1855 in company with his brother, he duly established the banking house of the

Greenebaum brothers,

16, 1854, in Providence,

now having

He is the author of Christian Science, Mind Cure; The Function of the Reason

a branch



or in Christianity; Reality, same; The Function of the Miracle; and The Bible Student.

City. In 1860 he was a presidential elector; and in 1867 was appointed as one of the state board of equal-

Greene, William Cornell, copper miner, business president, was born in 1851 in New York City. In 1868 he went west; and became a government contractor in Colorado and Kansas. He organized the Greene consolidated copper company, which now operates at La Cananea the largest copper smelting plant in the world, with offices in

New York


Farmington, Maine. college

New York

In 1871 he founded the German national bank of Chicago, 111. He is one of the trustees and treasurer of the Chicago university; and has been one of the West Chicago park commissioners since its organization.


Greener, Richard Theodore, lawyer, edu-

Greene, William Ellsworth, lawyer, legislator, jurist, was born Nov. 14, 1836, in



He was graduated from

and adopted the profession

of law. In 1866-67 he was a California state legislature;


of the

and in 1867-74

was county judge and ex-officio probate judge of San Joaquin county, Cal. He then resigned and resumed the practice of law. In 1879 he was elected judge of the superior -court of California in and for Alameda county; and since that time has been thrice re-elected, his present term of office expiring in 1909. He has been at times


cator, diplomat, author, was Jan. 1844, in Philadelphia, Pa. In 1874-77 was professor of metaphysics and logic the university of South Carolina; Jan.


he In 14,

1898, he was appointed United States consul to Bombay, India; and May 25, 1898,

he was appointed United States consul at Vladivostok, Russia. He is the author of Scholar; Eulogy on the Life and Services of William Lloyd Garrison; Socrates as a Teacher; The Intellectual Position of the Negro; Free Speech in Ireland; Benjamin Banneker, the Negro Astronomer; Henry Highland Garnet; and An African Roscius.