HBRRINGSHAW'S LIBRARY OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY and trust company. He has been presidential elector; was president of the constitution commission in 1894; and in 1897-1902 was attorney-general of New Jersey. Grider,
Gridley, Richard, soldier, was born Jan. 1711, in Boston, Mass. He entered the patriot army in 1775; and was made a major-general in command of the continental artillery. He died June 20, 1796, in 3,
lawyer, congress-
man, was born Jtily 16, 1796, in Garrard county, Ky. In 1827 and 1831 he was elected to the Kentucky state legislature; and in 1833' to the state senate, where he served four years. In 1843-47 and 1861-67 he was a representative from Kentucky to the twenty-eighth, twenty ninth, thirtyseventh, thirty-eighth and thirty-ninth con-
He died Sept. 14, 1866, in Warren county, Ky. Gridley,' Albert Leverett, soldier, clergyman, cosmologist, author, was born Oct. 17, 1839, in Caton, N.Y. He received his education at the academy of Oxford, New York, Oberlin college, and the Oberlin theological seminary. He served for four years as a, union soldier during the civil war. In 1871 he discovered a in cosmology, law
Stoughton, Mass. Grldon,
The American Mathematical Monthly of July, 1897.
the author of a volume entitled Jesus Only. Gridley, Asahel, merchant, soldier, banker, was bom April 21, 1810, in Cazenovia. N.Y. In 1831 he settled in Bloomington, 111.; and there engaged in the mercantile is
business. his Bloomington arrival
jomprised families.
fourteen He
in the Black Hawk war; and was promoted to the rank of brigadier-general. Returning to Bloomington he there resumed h i s former business, riding on horseback to St. Louis to purchase his goods. He was elected to the Illinois state senate; and in 1850 was re-elected for a term of four years. In 1853 he established the McLean county hank at Bloomington, 111.; and became its president. Gridley, Charles Vernon, naval officer, was bom June 23, 1845, in Logansport, Ind. He was commander of Admiral Dewey's flagship, Olympia, in the great battle of Manila Bay. Just before the naval battle began Captain Gridley took his station in
the conning tower with Commodore Dewey on the bridge. Admiral Dewey gave him the order, you may fire, Gridley, when you are ready; and the great conflict began. He died June 4, 1898, in Japan.
born Aug. 20, 1858, in St. Louis, Mo. He has practiced medicine since 1879; and in 1886-95 was a lecturer on the diseases of the skin. Since 1900 he has been a professor of clinical dermatology and syphilogy at the Washington university. He is the author of Diseases of the Skin. Grier, David Perkin, soldier. He was a union soldier during the civil war; and attained the rank of brigadier-general. He
forth in
died April 22, 1891.
Grier, James Alexander, soldier, educator, clergyman, author, was born May 8, 1840, in Waltz, Pa. He was a soldier in the civil war. He is a united presbyterian clergyman of Pennsylvania; and Mills professor in Alleghany theological seminary. He is the author of Secret Societies; and Biography of Jeremiah Rankine Johnston. Grier, Robert Cooper, lawyer, jurist, was born March 5, 1794; in Cumberland county. Pa. In 1846-70 ho was an associate justice of the supreme court of the United States.
died Sept. 25, 1870, in Philadelphia, Pa.
William Nicholson, soldier, was Pennsylvania. He served in the war; and in 1865 attained the rank
Grier, born in civil
of brigadier-general. Grierson, Benjamin Henry, soldier, merchant was born July 8, 1826, in Pittsburg, Pa. He was educated in the academy at Youngstown, Ohio. In 1861 he was a, volunteer aide-de-camp to General Prentiss. In 1861 he was appointed major in the sixth regiment Illinois cavalry; and in 1866 he was appointed colonel. In 1890 he attained
the rank of brigadiergeneral; and was retired. In 1863 he the celebrated raid through Tennessee, Mississippi and Louisiana; and was brevetted major-general and brigadier-general in the United States
army. Griest, facturer,
William Walton, journalist, manu-
railroad president, congressman. a manufacturer of iron; and publisher He is of a newspaper in Lancaster, Pa. president of railway and lighting companies. In 1909-11 he was a representative from Pennsylvania to the sixty-first congress as
a republican. Grieves, Edward W., mechanical engineer, was born July 31, 1843, in Wilmington, Del.