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He commenced

life as a mechanic; and soon became chief draughtsman on car work with the Harlan and HoUingsworth company of Wilmington, Del. In 1884-97 he had sole





sleeping, passenger

and freight cars on the Baltimore and Ohio railroad; and since 1897 has been mechanical expert with the Galena oil company of Franklin, Pa. He has been president of the master car builders' association and of other institutions. Griifin, Appleton Prentiss Clark, librarian, author, was born in Wilton, N.H. In 18971900 he was assistant librarian of the library of congress at Washington, D.C. He is the author of Discovery of the Mississippi; and Index of Articles Upon American

Local History In Collections. Griffin, Charles, soldier, was born in Ohio. In 1847 he joined the United States army as second lieutenant in the fourth artillery;, and In 1865 attained the rank of majorHe general in the United States army.

died Sept. 15, 1867. Griffin,





in 1749 in Virginia. He was a member of the Virginia state legislature; and in 1778-81 and 1787-88 he was a dele-

man, was born

gate from Virginia to the continental congress; and in 1788 he was its president. He was president of the supreme court of admiralty; a commissioner in 1789 to the Creek nation; and judge of the United States district court for Virginia in 1789. He died Dec. 14, 1810, in Yorktown, Va. Griffin, Daniel F., soldier, was born in Nova Scotia. In 1861 he was first lieutenant and adjutant in the thirty-eighth Indiana infantry; and in 1865 was brevetted brigadier-general of volunteers. He died Feb. 14, 1865. Griffin, Edward Dorr, clergyman, college president, author, was bom Jan. 6, 1770, in East Haddam, Conn. He was a congregational clergyman of Boston and elsewhere; and was president of Williams college in 182] -36. He was the author of Lectures in Park Street Church, Boston; and Sixty Sermons on Practical Subjects. He died Nov. 8. 1837, in Newark, N.J. Griffin, Eugene, soldier, was born in Maine. In 187.5 he was second lieutenant of engineers in the United States army; and in 1899 attained the rank of brigadier-general.


died in 1907.

Francis Butler, merchant, was born 1852, in Catskill,. N.Y. In 1876 he entered into partnership with E. Jennings. He is treasurer of the Jennings and Griffin manufacturing company; and is also a wholesale dealer in hardware. Griffin, Frank, journalist, lawyer, prohibitionist, was born March 8, 1848, in Wiscoiisin. He was the editor and owner of the Daily Review and Weekly Advocate of Maryville, Mo. He has waged an incessant warfare upon the saloons through his pubGriffin,



For his persistence in fighting his presses were broken, dynamite thrown into his office, and himself and family were shot at a number of times; and finally was killed. He died in 1899 in Maryville, Mo.




Frank M.," soldier, journalist, lawwas born Aug. 17, 1859, in Greenup Union, Ky. He is the editor and owner of For the Eagle Knight of Greenup, Ky. three years he was postmaster at EnterGriffin,


very prominent in frater1898-99 he served in th& Spanish-American war; and in 1900 became Uoited States pension attorney.


prise, JCy.,

nal orders.



Griffin, George, lawyer, author, was born Jan. 14, 1778, in East Haddam, Conn. He was the author of Sufferings of Our Savior; Evidences of Cbristianity; and The Gospel Its Own Evidence. He died May 6, 1860,


New York


Gilderoy Wells, journalist, diplomat, author, was born March 6, 1840, in Louisville, Ky. He was consul in Australia and elsewhere. He was the author of Studies in Literature; Danish Days; Visit to Stratford ; New Zealand, her Commerce and Resources; and Life of Geqrge Prentice. He died Oct. 21, 1891, in Louisville, Ky. Griffin,

Griffin, talist,

Heneage Mackensie, banker,

was born June


1848, in England. a position in a banking 1,

In 1872 he held house of Jay Cooke and company, and was entrusted with their large foreign correspondence. In 1876 he became interested in cattle raising near Denver; and later became one of the largest individual owners of

mine property.

was born in In 1813-17 he was a representative from Pennsylvania to the thirteenth and fourteenth congresses. He died in Pennsylvania. Griffin, John, lawyer, jurist. He was an early emigrant to Indiana; and in 1800 was appointed a judge of the United States court for that territory. In 1806-24 he was an associate justice of the supreme court of the territory of Michigan. He died in MichGrifiin,

Isaac, congressman,


igan. Griffin,


K., congressman,

was born

in Milton, S.C. sentative from

In 1831-41 he was a repreSouth Carolina to the twenty-second, the twenty-third, twenty- fourth, twenty-fifth and twenty-sixth congresses. He died Aug. 1, 1841, at Milton, S.C. Griffin, Levi Thomas, soldier, lawyer, congressman, was born May 23, 1837, in Clinton, N.Y. In 1858 he began the practice of law in Grand Rapids, Mich.; and a few years later removed to Detroit. During the civil war he served as first lieutenant adjutant and captain to brevet-major. In 188697 was Fletcher professor of law in the university of Michigan. In 1893-95 he was a representative from Michigan to the fifty-