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ment New York infantry; and in 1865 attained the rank of brigadier-general of volunteers.

Harry Sands, educator, chemwas born April 13, 1864, in Champaign, 111. He was educated at the university of Illinois and at Harvard university; and has received the degrees of B.S. and Sc.D. from those institutions of Grindley,



learning. He has been assistant in chemistry at Harvard university; and assistant and associate professor of chemistry at the university of Illinois. He is now professor of general chemistry and director of the chemical laboratory at the university of

Since 1896 he has been doing refor the United States departof agriculture upon the nutrition of and as a result of these researches,



ment man;


ten of his bulletins and papers have been published by the United States department of agriculture and by representative chemical journals.

Gring, David, railroad president, was born Since 1890 June 8, 1857, in Denver, Pa. he has been president of the Newport and Sherman's valley railroad at Newport, Pa. Grinnell, Charles Edward, lawyer, author, was born May 7, 1841, in Baltimore, Md. He is the author of A Study of the Poor Debtor Law of Massachusetts; The Law of Deceit; and Points in Pleading and Practice. Grinnell, Frederick, mechanical engineer, business president, was born Aug. 14, 1836, in New Bedford, Mass. In 1869 he became president, manager and mechanical engineer of the Providence steam and gas pipe company. He introduced and did much to perfect the automatic fire extinguisher and alarm, taking out about forty patents in connection with it. He died in 1905 in Providence, R.I.

Grinnell, George Bird, business president, ethnologist, author, was born Sept. 20, 1849, in Brooklyn, N.Y. He was educated at Churchill's mi 1 i t a r y school of Ossining, N.Y. and received the degree of A.B. Ph.D. from Yale university. In 1874-80 he was assistant in osteology at the Peabody museum of Nev.'


Haven, since

Conn. 1880 has

Jack, the


is also

Young Canoeman; Jack,



Trapper; and various other works. Grinnell, Henry, merchant, explorer, was born Feb. 14, 1800, in New Bedford, Mass. He was the first president of the American geographical society; and fitted out two expeditions in search of Sir John Franklin. Grinnell Land, in the Arctic seas, is named He died June 30, 1874, in in his honor.

New York


Joseph, merchant, banker, congressman, was born Nov. 17, 1788, in New Bedford, Mass. In 1839-41 he was a memGrinnell,

ber of the governor's council of Massachusetts. In 1843-51 he was a representative to the twenty-eighth, twenty-ninth, thirtieth and thirty-first congresses. He originated the idea of a reduction of postage and the establishment of life boats. He died Feb. 7, 1885, in New Bedford, Mass. Grinnell, Josiah Bushnell, farmer, state senator, congressman, author, was born Dec. 22, 1821, in New Haven, Vt. It was to

him that Horace Greeley addressed the remark, Go west, young man, and grow up with the country. He was the founder of the city of Grinnell, Iowa. He was a member of the Iowa state senate for four years; and a special agent for the general postoffice for two years. In 1863-67 he was a representative from Iowa to the thirtyeighth and thirty-ninth congresses. He was the author of Go West, Young Man, Go West; Home of the Badgers; Cattle Industries of the United States; and Men and Events of Forty Years. He died April 1, 1891, in Marshalltown, Iowa. Grinnell, Mrs. Katharine Van Allen, educator, lecturer, sociologist, author, was April 20, 1839, in Pillar Point, N.Y. She


received her education at the Falley seminary of Fulton, N.Y.

and has attained prominence as a teacher and writer of the principles of the social order. She advocates the social scientific


the scientific discoveries of Sivartha in his

of the direc-




est and Stream pubis also president of the

tor in various other corporations.


Hunting in



president and editorial manager of the Forlishing company. He Bosworth machine company; president Lansing investment company; and a

Lands; and Trail and the author of Indians of To-day; Blackfoot Lodge Tales; Story of the Indian; Pawnee Hero Stories and Folk Tales; Jack, the Young Ranchman; Jack Among the Indians; Jack in the Rockies; ing;


laborated with President Theodore Roosevelt in writing American Big Game Hunt-



based upon



has contributed poems to the periodical press; edited and published the Logos, a scientific magazine; and is the author of a series of lectures which where given at the World's Columbian exposition, at the Louisiana purchase exposition and other places, and which have been pub-