book form.
The Renaissance
the author of
of Israel.
Grinnell, Morton, farmer, physician, author, was born Jan. 3, 1855, in New York City. In 1887-93 he was surgeon to the New York police department; and since 1898 has been engaged in agricultural pursuits. He was the author of An Eclipse of
Memory; and Neighbors of Field, Wood and Stream. He died Dec. 10, 1905, in Keelford, Conn. Grinnell, Moses Hicks, merchant, congressman, was born March 3, 1803, in New Bedford, Mass. In 1839-41 he was a representative from New York to the twentysixth congress; and was a presidential elector in 1856. In 1869 he was appointed collector of the port of New York. He died Nov. 24, 1877, in New York City. Grinnell,
William Morton, lawyer, author,
was born Feb.
28, 1857, in
New York
In 1886-92 he practiced law in New York City; and in 1892-93 was third assistant secretary of state of the United States. In 1893-1900 he was in the banking business He was the author of Regeneration of the United States. He died in 1906 in New
Physical Indications of Longevity. He died April 28, 1874, in New York City. Griscom, Lloyd Carpenter, lawyer, diplomat, was born Nov. 4, 1872, in Riverton, N.J. In 1891 he practiced law. In 1892 he accepted an appointment as attache to the embassy in London. In 1897 he was deputy assistant district attorney of New York He served in the Spanish-American City. war; and was commissioned captain and assistant quartermaster. Griscom, Rodman E., banker, railroad president,
was born
Oct. 21, 1870, in Philadelphia,
In 1889 he graduated from the univerUntil 1904 he was sity of Pennsylvania. manager of the American and Red star line, owned by the International navigation comHe resigned to enter the banking pany. He is a director of the Girard business. national bank; vice-president of the Susquehanna railway; vice-president of the Light and power company and various other corporations in Philadelphia, Pa. Griswold, Alexander Viets, clergyman, bishop, author, was born April 22, 1766, in Simsbury, Conn. He was educated in the Pa.
England. He was the third protestant episcopal bishop of Massachusetts. the author of Discourses on the Most
Griscom, Clement Action, president of the International navigation company, was born March 15, 1841, in Philadelphia. In 1871 the International nav^ igation company was t^ '-jM?^^^^ !..
- !<WvLi^^»
organized in Philadelphia by the old firm of Peter Wright and
ers; from the start its vice-president; and in 1888 became president.
owns nearly
all the stock of the Belgian corporation known as the Red Star line, which operates ten large steamers in the trade to Antwerp. In 1886 he bought for his company the old Inman line, then running to Liverpool.
and theological of New
sons. Mr. Griscom was one of its found-
He was
Important Doctrines The Reformation and
Apostolic Office
and Remarks on Prayer Meetings. He died Feb. 15, 1843, in Boston. Mass., from heart disease while visiting Bishop Eastburn.
Griswold, Alphonso Miner, journalist, author, was horn Jan. 26, 1834, in Westmoreland, N.Y. His paragraphs and humorous essays under the pen-name of The Fat Contributor won him reputation; and he spent the years 1865-78 in the lecture field, hia topics being American Antiquities; Injun Meal and Queer Folks. From 1886 he was an editor and one of the proprietors of Texas Siftinga. He died March 14, 1891, in
Griscom, John, educator, chemist, author, Sept. 37, 1774, at Hancock's Bridge, N.J. He was professor of chemistry at Rutgers college in 1812-18; and subsequently established a monitorial high school. He was the author of Year in Europe; and Monitorial Instruction. He died Feb. 26, 1852, in Burlington, N.J.
was born
Griscom, John Raskins, physician, author,
was born Aug.
14, 1809, in
New York
In 1842 he became city inspector of New York City; but a year later resigned and became visiting physician to the New York hospital. He was the author of Animal Mechanism and Physiology; Prison Hygiene: Use and Abuses of Air; Use of Tobacco and Evils Resulting Therefrom; and
New York
Griswold, Casimir Clayton, painter, artist, was born in 1834 in Delaware, Ohio. He studied wood engraving in Cincinnati; and removed to New York City about 1850. In 1867 he became a member of the national academy of design. Among his works are
December; Winter Morning; The Last
the Ice; August Day, Newport; and Early Spring. Griswold, Mrs. Frances Irene, author, was born in 1826 in Rhode Island. She is a writer of Sunday-school tales, among which are the Bishop and Nannette Series; and
Miriam's Reward.