HERRINGSHAWS LIBRARY OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. union convention of 1866. He was counsel for President Johnson during the impeachment trial of 1868. He died July 8, 1897, in Cincinnati, Ohio. Groff, George G., physician, educator, founder, was born April 5, 1851, in Chester
county. Pa. Since 1879 he has filled the chair of natural sciences in Bucknell university of Lewisburg, Pa.; and was president of the Pennsylvania state board of He organized the health for four y^ars. sanitary work at Johnstown after the great disaster of 1889. During the Spanish-American war he was surgeon-major United States army; and is now superintendent of public instruction. Groin, William M., congressman. United States senator, was born in 1805 in Tennessee. In 1841 he was elected to congress from Mississippi; and was a member of the United States senate. He died in 1885 in New York. Grondahl, Jens Kristian, journalist, composer, was born Dec. 3, 1869, in Norway. Since 1891 he has been a newspaper editor at Red Wing, Minn. In 1894 he was elected to the Minnesota state legislature; and At the in 1896 was speaker of the house.
outbreak of the Spanish-American war he composed the song Fighting for Cuba. He was one of the first to refuse to accept railroad passes while in the state legislature of Minnesota. Groner, Virginius Despauex, soldier, business president, statesman, was born Sept. He served in the 14, 1836, in Norfolk, Va. confederacy during the civil war; and was brevetted a brigadiergeneral. He has been a candidate for governor of his native state
and on several
occahis name was. placed in nomination for United States senator. He is president of the national com-
press association; and of the steamship line run by that association between Norfolk and Liverpool. He was a commissioner from Virginia to the World's Columbian exposition. Gronlund, Laurence, lecturer, author, was
13, 1846, in Denmark. He is a upon socialistic topics. He is the author of The Co-operative Commonwealth in Its Outlines; Ca Ira, or Danton in the French Revolution; Our Destiny; Socialism and The Single Tax; and The New Economy. He died Oct. 15, 1899, in New York City-
born July lecturer
Gronna, Asle J., farmer, merchant, bankcongressman, was born Dec. 10, 1858, in He taught school for two El'kader, Iowa. He removed vears at Wilmington, Minn.
South Dakota in 1879 where he was engaged in farming and teaching. He is a merchant and banker; and also extensively engaged in farming. He was a member of
the territorial legislature of 1889. In 190531 he was a representative from North Dakota to the fifty-ninth, sixtieth and sixtyfirst congresses.
Groome, James Black, lawyer, governor, United States senator, was born April 4, 1838, in Elkton, Md. In 1867 he was elected to the state constitutional convention; in 1871 was elected to the Maryland state legislature; and was re-elected. In 1875-76 he was the thirty-third governor of Maryland; and in 1879-85 he was United States senator. Ho died Oct. 4, 1893, in Balti-
more, Md.
Groome, John Charles, merchant, public was born March 20, 1863, in Phila-
delphia, Pa. He was educated at the protestant episcopal academy. He became a successful merchant of Philadelphia, Pa.; is president of the Philadelphia horse show association; and identified with the business and public affairs of his city. Since 1905 has been superintendent of the department of state police of Pennsylvania and captain first troops Philadelphia city cavalry.
Howard Benjamin, clergyman,
lege president, author, was born Sept. 5, He studied two 1851, in Millerton, N.Y. years. in the old university of Chicago; in
1876 graduated from Rochester university; received the degree of A.M. in 1879; and in 1907 received the degree of D.D. from Brown university. In 1883 he was ordained to the baptist ministry. In 1883-87 he was pastor of the First church at Poughkeepsie, N.Y.; in 1888-90 was pastor of the Fourth avenue church at Pittsburg, Pa.; and in 1890-92 was president of the state university of South Dakota. In 1892-96 he was recorder, registrar and assistant professor of history in the university of Chicago. In 1896-1900 he was associate editor of the Watchman of Boston, Mass.; and since 1904 has been editorial secretary of the American baptist home mission society. He is the author of Aliens or Americans; The Incoming Millions; and other works. Gross, Charles, educator, author, was bom Feb. 10, 1857, in Troy, N.Y. Since 1888 he has been an instructor at Harvard university. He is the author of The Gold Merchant; Select Cases from the Coroners' Rolls; Bibliography of British Municipal History.