Grose, William, soldier, lawyer, legislator, was born Dec. 16, 1813, in Dayton, Ohio. "He was chosen a judge of the court of common pleas in 1860, but resigned in 1861, and he recruited the thirty-sixth Indiana infantry, of jurist,
which he became
Shiloh his regiment was the only part of Buell's army that joined in the first day's fight, and after engagement he the commanded a brigade. He was subsequently promoted to brigadier-general. He died July 30, 1000, in Newcastle, Ind. Gross, Ezra C, lawyer, congressman, was born in Windsor county, Vt. He was surrogate of Essex county in 1815-19; and in 1819-21 he was a representative from New York to the sixteenth congress; and was elected to the assembly of that state in 1828 and 1829. He died before the close of his second term in 1829 in Essex county, N.Y. Gross, Haller Albert, lawyer, author, was onel.
born 1868 ney 1882
March 18, 1844, in Louisville, Ky. In he was appointed United States attorfor New Mexico. He was elected in
a member of the select council of Philadelphia, Pa. In 1885 he declined the United States consulship to Athens, Greece. He is the author of Autobiography of his father;
and a work on Cremation.
Gross, John Daniel, educator, clergyman, author, was born in 1737 in Germany. He was a regent of the university of New York in 1784; and a trustee of Columbia in 1787. He was the author of Natural PrinHe died Hay 25, 1812, ciples of Eectitude. in Canajoharie, N.Y. Gross, Joseph B., clergyman, author. He was the' author of The Heathen Religion in Its Symbolical Development; Teachings of Providence; Truth in Eeligion; Belief in Immortality on Purely Logical Principles; and Old Faith and New Thoughts. He died in 1891. Gross, Magnus, journalist, author, was born Sept. S8, 1817, in Germany. Prior to 1860 he had control of the New York Staata Zeitung, a journal with which he was connected for about nine years. He held several offices in the city government; acted as commissioner of health; and was commissioner of education. He is the author of The
Crisis; and Languages and Popular Education. He died March 17, 1890, in New York City. Gross, Samuel, congressman, was born in
Montgomery county. Pa. In 1819-23 he was a representative from Pennsylvania to the sixteenth and seventeenth congresses. He died in Pennsylvania.
Gross, Samuel David, educator, physician, surgeon, author, was born July 8, 1805, near Easton, Pa. He was a distinguished surgeon of Philadelphia; and was professor of surgery in Jefferson medical college in 1856-82. System of Surgery; He was the author of Lives of Eminent American Physicians and Surgeons of the Nineteenth Century; Manual of Military Surgery; History of American Medical Literature; John Hunter and His Pupils; Pathological Anatomy; Wounds of the Intestines; and Diseases of the Urinary Organs. He also edited American MedHe died May 6, 1884, in ical Biography. Philadelphia, Pa.
Gross, Samuel Eberly, capitalist, founder, author, poet, was born Nov. 11, 1843, in Dauphin, Pa. He is a descendant of John Gross, the revolutionary hero. He is probably the greatest subdivider of real estate ^1^ in the United States. In 1880 he located the New City to the southwest. In 1882 he began Chicago's on
bound ary
eventuated flourishing
into the village of
Gross Park. In 1886 he founded the town of Brookdale on the Illinois Central railway; and opened Underthe-Linden, the villages of Calumet Heights and Dauphin Park; and in 1889 he founded Grossdale. He is the author of Merchant Prince of Cornville, which was virtually copied by a French author, and became popular under the title of Cyrano de Bergerac. Gross,
Samuel Weissel, educator, physi-
cian, surgeon, author, was born Feb. 4, 1837, in Cincinati, Ohio. He was a surgeon of
Philadelphia; and succeeded his father as professor of surgery in Jefferson medical college in 1882. He was the author of Tumors of the Mammary Gland; and Treatise on Impotence, Sterility, and Allied Disorders. He died April 16, 1889, in Philadelphia, Pa. Gross, William Hickley, clergyman, archbishop, was born June 12, 1837, in Balti-
more, Md. He was consecrated Roman catholic bishop of Savannah in 1873; and in 1884 he became archbishop of Oregon. He died Nov. 14, 1898, in Baltimore, Md. Grosscup, Peter Stenger, lawyer, jurist, was born Feb. 15, 1852, in Ashland, Ohio. In 1874-83 he practiced law at Ashland, Ohio and was city solicitor for six years. In 1883-92 he practiced law in Chicago, 111. In 1893-99 he was United States district judge for the Northern district of Illinois; and since 1899 has been judge of the United States circuit court for the seventh circuit of Illinois. Among his notable judicial acts