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City as assistant and since 1903 has been Roman catholic bishop of Buffalo, N.Y. Colton, Chauncey Sill, merchant, banker, was born Sept. 21, 1800, in Springfield, Pennsylvania. He was educated in the Mason academy of Massachusetts. He was engaged in farming and the manufacturing of leather. In 1836 he erected the first build-

church of



ing in Galesburg, 111., for over seventeen years conducted a general merchandise business. He assisted in the organization of the farmers and mechanics bank and is a director of the first national bank and a director of the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy railroad. In 1862 he assisted in the formation of the eighty-third regiment Illinois infantry. Colton, Francis, banker, diplomat, was born May 22, 1834, in Galesburg, 111. In 1866 he was appointed United States consul for Italy. On 1869 he became general passenger agent of the Union Pacific railroad. For many years he has been president of the farmers and mechanics bank of Galesburg,



Colton, Gardner Quincy, inventor, author, bom Feb. 7, 1814, in Georgia, Vt. He discovered the remarkable properties and made a practical application of the use of nitrous oxide; and commenced a series of lectures on the effect of nitrous oxide upon the human system. He also achieved some celebrity as a writer on various theological subjects. He died in August, 1898, in Paris, France. Colton, George Hooker, poet, was born on Oct. 27, 1818, in Westford, N.Y. In 1845-47 he was editor of a political magazine called the American Whig Review. He was the author of a poem entitled Tecumseh. He died Dec. 1, 1847, in New York City.


Colton ,Julia M., litterateur, author, was born in New York City. She was educated at the Packer institute of Brooklyn, N.Y. She is the author of Annals of Switzerland; and Annals of Old Manhattan. Colton, Walter, educator, journalist, author, was bom May 9, 1797, in Rutland, Vt. He established the first newspaper in Calibuilt the first schoolhouse there. in the United States navy he visited many parts of the world. He was the author of Visit to At"hens and Constantinople; Land and Lee in the Bosphorus and Mgea,n; and other works. He died Jan. 32,



As chaplain

1851, in Philadelphia, Pa. Columbus, Christopher, discoverer, was born about 1436. He discovered America on Oct. 12, 1492. He died May 20, 1506, in Valladolid.


Colve, Anthony, colonial governor. In 166364 he was Dutch colonial governor of New York. Colver, Nathaniel, clergyman, founder, was born May 10, in Orwell, Vt. He was noted as an anti-mason and abolitionist. He founded and put in successful operation at Richmond, the Colver institute for educating young men of color for the ministry. He died Sept. 25, 1870, in Chicago, 111. Colvill, William, soldier, was born in 1830 in New York. In 1862 he was captain in the first regiment Minnesota infantry; and in 1865 was brevetted brigadier -general of volunteers. He died June 13, 1905, in Minneapolis,


Colvin, Addison Beecher, journalist, public official, was born in 1858 in Glens Falls, N.Y. In 1894-98 he was treasurer of the state of New York; and in 1896-97 was president New York state league of republican clubs. He was one of the organizers and is a charter member of the United Press association; was one of the organizers and first vice-president of the Commercial union

telegraph company; was organizer and president of the Glens Falls Messenger Service company; and was one of the organizers and vice-presidents of the Glens Falls board of trade. Colvin,

Stephen Sheldon, educator, author,

was born March

29, 1869, in Phoenix, R.I. Since 1904 he has been associate-professor of psychology at the university of Illinois. He is the author of The Thing in Itself of Colvin, Verplanck, geologist, was born Jan. 4, 1847, in Albany, N.Y. He was educated at the Albany academy; studied law under his father; and practiced his profession for a short time. He studied geology and topogi-aphy; and in 1865 began the exploration of the Adirondacks wilderness, correcting many errors in existing maps. Since 1883 he has been superintendent of the New York state land survey ; is a life fellow of the American association for the advancement of science and has filled numerous positions of trust and honor. Colvocoresses, George Partridge, naval officer, was born April 3, 1847, in Norwich, Conn. During the civil war he served over two years as captain's clerk on the Supply and the Saratoga. In 1869 graduated from the United States naval academy. In 1870 was commissioned en;

sign; in 1872


sioned master; in 1875 he was commissioned lieutenant; in 1876-79 was on the Gettsyburg and the Enterprise in the European station. In 1879-82 he was in the hydrographic office; and subsequently served on the Hartford, Saratoga, Enterprise, Concord and Atlanta.