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In 1886-90 ajid 1893-97 he served in the naval academy. In 1897 he was commissioned lieutenant-commander; and in 1897-98 was executive officer on the Concord in the battle of Manila Bay and the subsequent surrender of the city of Manila. In 1898-99 he was executive officer on the flagship Olympia; and in 1900 was commissioned commander. From 1901 he attended the naval war college; and attained the rank of rear admiral United States navy. Colvocoresses, George Musalas, naval offiwas born Oct. 22, 1816, in Grecian Archipelago. In 1867 he received his commission as captain, and was retired. He was mysteriously murdered in Bridgeport. He was the author of a work on Wilkes's expedition, entitled Four Years in a Government Exploring Expedition. He died June 3, 1873, in Bridgeport, Conn. cer,

Colwell, J. B., clergyman, was born 19, 1834, in Herefordshire, England. In

July 1862

he graduated from the Garret biblical institute of Evanston, 111.; has since attained eminence as one of the foremost clergymen of the methodist episcopal church in Illinois; and now fills a pastorate at Eidge



Stephen, merchant, author, was born March 25, 1800, in Brooke county, Va. He was an iron merchant of Philadelphia, Pa. He was the author of Ways and Means of Commercial Payment; Money on Account; Removal of the Deposits from the Bank of the United States; Domestic Production and Internal Trade; Hints to Laymen; Charity Colwell,

and the Clergy; Politics for American Christians; and ^Tew Themes for Protestant Clergy. He died Jan. 15, 1872, in Philadelphia, Pa.

Colyar, Arthur St. Clair, lawyer, manuwas born June 23, 1818, in Washington county, Tenn. He opposed secession in 1861; but became a member of the confederate congress and served till 1865: Afterthe civil war he reorganized the Tennesse& coal and railroad company, becoming its president; and also engaged in manufacturing. He died in Washington county, Tenn. facturer,

Colyer, Vincent, painter, artist, was born in 1825 in Bloomington. N.Y. He was an artist of Darien, Conn. His paintings include

Columbia River; Pueblo; Passing Shower; Rainy Day on Connecticut Shore;, and Winter

on Connecticut Shore.


died July 12,

1888, in Connecticut.

Coman, Charlotte

B. painter, artist,


born about 1845 in Waterville,. N.Y. After painting in France and Holland for six years she opened a. studio in New York City. Her best works are French Village; Sunset a,t the Seaside, France; Peasant Home in Normandy; Cottage in Picardy; Old Windmills in Holland; Spring-Time in Picardy; and Poppy-Field in Normandy.•

Coman, Henry B., lawyer, jurist. In 1907 he was elected justice of the supreme court of New York for the term ending in 1920.

Coman, Katharine, educator, author, was born in 1857 in Newark, Ohio. She was educated at the university of Michigan. She has been an instructor in English, in history, and is now professor of economics at Wellesley college. She is the author of two histories of England; and an Industrial History of the United States. Comha, Richard, soldier, was born in Ireland. During the civil war he received the brevets of major and lieutenant-colonel. He enlisted as a private in 1855. He served in the Santiago campaign; and was made brigadier-general of volunteers in 1898 for distinguished service in Cuba. He died in 1907. Combe, Frederick J., physician, surgeon, public official, was born March 4, 1867, in Matomoros, Mexico. Pie was educated at the university of Notre Dame of Indiana; and at Tulane university of New Orleans, La. He is a. successful physician and surgeon of Brownsville, Texas; and a member of the association of military surgeons of the United States. In 1890-97 he was city and county physician of Brownsville and Cameron county, Texas; and in 1890-98 was acting assistant surgeon in the M.H. service. In 1899-1902 he was major and surgeon in the United States volunteers during the Spanish-American war. He is a director of the Brownsville board of trade; a director of the Brownsville rice milling company; and in 1907-08 was mayor of his city. Combs, Gilbert Raynolds, musician, composer, founder, was born Jan. 5, 1863, in Philadelphia churches; became a capable

and choirmaster in some of the leading Philadelphia churches became a capable orchestral conductor; an excellent performer on stringed instruments

In 1885 he founded the Broad street conservatory of music of Philadelphia, Pa., of which is director and proprietor. He has held many positions and offices in national, state and city musical associations; and is past president of Sinfonia; and past president of the Crochet club.


Combs, Leslie, farmer, diplomat, was born July 31, 1852, in Little Compton, R.I. He was engaged in the stock raising and tobacco planting in Texas for several years. In 1898-1902 he was pension agent for Kentucky. Since 1903 he has been United States minister to Guatemala and Honduras. Comegys, Benjamin Bartis, banker, author, was born in 1819 in Delaware. He is a' banker of Philadelphia. He is the author of Tour Round My Library, and Other Papers Advice to Young Men and Boys A Prince of

Ethics; Talks with Boys and Girls; How to Get On, a Book for Boys; and Old Stories with New Lessons. He died in 1901 in Philadelphia, Pa.