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Judg. 9. 4. And they gave him ſeventy pieces of ſilver or ſilverings, is 8l. 10. ſh.

Judges 16. 5. And the Lords of the Philiſtines came to Dalilah to have her entice Sampſon, and ſaid they would give her every one eleven hundred pieces of ſilver, which were alſo called ſilverings, is one hundred thirty ſeven pounds ten ſhillings each Lord, being five of them in the whole, is 687 l. 10 s.

Judges 17. 12. And Micah ſaid to his Mother the eleven hundred ſhekels of ſilver was with me, which were common, which comes to ſixty eight pounds fifteen ſhilling.

Ezra 8. 20. I even weighed unto their hands ſix hundred and fifty talents of ſilver, being of the Sanctuary, is two hundred fourty three thouſand ſeven hundred and fifty pounds, of ſilver Veſsels one hundred talents, is thirty ſeven thouſand five hundred pounds, and of gold Veſſels an hundred talents, amounts unto four hundred and fifty thouſand pounds; and twenty Baſons of gold a thouſand Drams each Dram being worth ſeven ſhillings ſix pence is three hundred ſeventy five pounds. There were Two Veſſels of fine Copper, as precious as gold, but the weight not mentioned: the total ſum of all the Veſſels of gold and ſilver, amounts to ſeven hundred thirty one thouſand ſix hundred twenty and five pounds.

Eſther 3. 11. If it pleaſe the King let it be written that they may be deſtroyed, and I will pay a thouſand talents of ſilver, being the Kings, comes unto two hundred eighty one thouſand two hundred and fifty pounds.

1 Sam