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1 Samuel 2 36. Shall come and bow to him for a piece of Money, or ſmall piece of ſilver, &c. is penny half penny farthing.

1 Sam. 9. 8. And Saul's ſervant ſaid, I have the fourth part of a ſhekel of ſilver, which is three pence three farthings.

1 Sam, 17. 4. 5. Goliath of Gath, whoſe height was ſix Cubits and a ſpan; he was armed with a coat of Mail, which weighed five thouſand ſhekels of braſs, which is one hundred four pounds two ounces, and the ſtaff of his ſpear, was like a Weavers beam: and his ſpears head weighed ſix hundred ſhekels of Iron, which is twelve pounds and a half.

2 Sam. 14. 26. When Abſalom polled his head at every years end he weighed his hair at two hundred ſhekels by the Kings weight, which is ſix pounds Three Ounces.

2 Sam. 18. 11, 12, And Joel ſaid, I would have given thee ten ſhekels, being the Kings, is eighteen ſhillings nine pence, and the man anſwered, if I ſhould receive a thouſand ſhekels of ſilver in my hand, &c. is 93 l. 15. ſh.

2 Sam. 12. 30. And he took their King of Amon's Crown from off his Head, which weighed a talent of gold; being the Kings, is three thouſand three hundred ſeventy five pounds, current Engliſh money.

2 Sam. 24. 24. David bought the threſhing Floor, and the Oxen, for fifty ſhekels of ſilver, being of the Sanctuary, is ſix pounds five ſhillings.

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1 Kings