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Diſciples or Scholars. Wiſe Men called ſo in imitation of the Wiſe Men of the Eaſt, or Grecian Philoſophers. Scribes, Writers or Expounders of the Law, Rabbies, Doctors or Teachers of Iſrael. Libertines, or freed out of Rome, who being Jews or Proſelites has a Synagogue, or Oratory for themſelves. Gablonites, or Galileans, who pretended it unlawful to obey an Heathen Magiſtrat. Herodians who ſhaped their Religion to the times, and in particular flattered Herod. Epicureans, who placed their happineſs in the pleaſures and delights of this life, Stoicks who denyed the liberty of the Will, and pretended all events was determin'd by fatal neceſſity. Simon Magus, Author of the Hereſie of the Gnoſticks, who taught, that men, however vicious; in their practice, ſhould be ſaved by their knowledge. Nicolathians, the Diſciples of Nicholas one of the ſeven Deacons, who taught the Community of Wives, or men to have more Wives than one. Nazarites, who under a Vow abſtained from Wine. Nazarens, profeſſing Chriſtianity. Zelots or Siccori, or murmurers, who under the pretence of the Law thought themſelves authorized to commit any out-rages.Phariſees, ſeparatiſts, who having an opinion of their own Godlineſs deſpiſed others. Saducees, who denyed the Reſurrection, of Angel or Spirit. Samaritans, mungrel profeſſors, partly Heathen and partly Jews, the off-ſpring of the Aſſyrians ſent to Samaria. Apoſtle miſſion or ſent our Saviour had twelve, and after ſeventy, and ſent them to preach the Goſpel. Biſhops, or O-
