Page:Hidden things brought to light for the increase of knowledge in reading the Bible.pdf/23

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( 23 )

ſeersː And their ſucceſſors who had the Government of the Church, as they are mentioned in the Epiſtles of Paul and Peter: Alſo Deacons, who were to Preach the Goſpel, and take care of the poor.

In the Old Teſtament or Bible, are 777 chapters. In the New Teſtament, 260 chapters. In the Apocrypha 173 chapters. In the Old Teſtament are Verſes twenty three Thouſand two hundred and three.

Several Books mentioned in the Scriptures, ſuppoſed to be loſt

The Book of Enoch. Of Idde, and Gad Seers.

Samuel wrote a Book of the Office and Inſtruction of a King.

Solomon wrote a Book of three thouſand parables, and five thouſand ſongs. Alſo of the nature of Herbs, Trees, Plants, from the Cedar to the Hyſop.

A Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Judah and Iſrael.

The Third of the Corinthians.

The Third Epiſtle of Peter.

The worth of Gold by Troy weight.

One Pound of Gold is worth Fourty Pound.

One Ounce is worth 3 pound 6 s. 8 d.

One grain worth three half penny,

The worth of Silver by Troy weight.

One pound is worth three pound.

One Ounce worth five ſhillings.

One penny weight worth three pence.
