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The Money, Heights and Meaſures, mentioned in the Old and New Teſtament, with their Value, and how much it is in Engliſh current Money either in Gold or Silver. In regard Troy weight being the moſt ancient weight, by which was follows counted or caſt up in Coin or Weight, &c. Troy weight eight Drams makes an Ounce, and Twelve Ounces a pound.

THere are three ſorts or kinds of ſhekels, alſo of Talents mentioned in Scripture.

Firſt, the common ſhekel, which was a quarter of an ounce, or 2 Drams, worth fifteen pence.

The Kings ſhekel weighed 3 drams, worth one ſhilling ten pence half penny.

The ſhekel of the Sanctuary or Temple, weighed four Drams, or half an Ounce, worth two ſhillings ſix pence.

Alſo there are three ſorts of Talents. The common Talent, which weighed three thouſand quarters of Ounces, or common ſhekels, which is ſix thouſand Drams; and is one hundred eighty ſeven pounds ten ſhilling.

The Kings Talent weighed three thouſand of the Kings ſhekels, which is nine thouſand Drams and is 281 l. 5. s.

The Talent of the Temple weighed three thousand ſhekels of the Temple, which is ſo many half Ounces; which comes to 300 ſeventy five pounds.

A ſilvering or peice of ſilver often mentioned, worth two ſhillings ſix pence.

The common ſhekel of Gold; is two drams worth 15 s.
