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The Kings ſhekel of Gold is three Drams, worth one pound two ſhillings ſix pence.

The ſhekel of Gold of the Temple is four drams or half an ounce, worth 1 l. 10. s.

The common Talent of Gold is worth two thouſand two hundred fifty Pounds,

The Kings Talent of Gold, is worth three thouſand three hundred ſeventy five pounds.

The Talent of Gold of the Sanctuary or Temple, is worth four thouſand five hundred pounds

The Jews had another weight called Mina, but not of ſo much uſe as the other; the common Mina of ſilver, which is ſixty Drams, or thirty ſeven ſhillings ſix pence.

The Kings Mina being eighty Drachms, or Drams, is fifty ſhillings.

The Mina of the Temple, is one hundred drams that is three pounds two ſhilling ſix pence.

There is alſo a Gerah, which is one penny halfpenny.

Now fellows, what the Money throw the whole Bible is worth, with the Names of the Chapters, and Verſe, or Verſes where it is mentioned.

GEn. 20.16. And to Sarah, King Abimelech ſaid I have given to thy Brother, one thouſand pieces of ſilver, which were called ſilverings is one hundred twenty five pound.

Gen. 23. 16: And Abraham bought a Burying place for 400 ſhekels of ſilver current money with the merchant, which were common ſhekels, is twenty five pounds.
