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Vail, one hundred ſockets, a talent for a ſocket, is thirty ſeven thouſand five hundred pounds,

Verſ: 28. And of the thouſand ſeven hundred ſeventy 5 ſhekels be made the books for the pillars, is two hundred twenty one pounds ſitxeen ſhillings eight pence.

Verſ. 29. And the Braſs of the Offering was ſeven Talents and two thouſand four hundred ſhekels in weight is eight thouſand eight hundred fifty pounds in weight or ſeventy nine tun and a half.

Lev. 27. 3. 4. The eſtimation of a Male from twenty Years old to ſixty, fifty ſhekels of ſilver of the Sanctuary, is ſix pounds five ſhillings; if a Female thirty ſhekels, is 2 l. 15 s.

Verſ. 5. If it be from five to twenty years old of male, twenty ſhekels, is fifty ſhillings, And I(illegible text) ſhekels, is twenty five ſhillings.

Verſ.6. If from a month to five years old of a Male five ſhekels, is twelve Shillings three Pence, A Female three ſhekels, is ſeven Shillings and ſixpence.

Verſ. 7. If from ſixty and above, of a Male fifteen ſhekels, is thirty ſeven Shillings ſix Pence. A Female ten ſhekels, is twenty five Shillings.

Verſ. 16. An homer of Barly ſeeds at fifty ſhekels, is ſix Pounds five Shillings.

Num. 3. 47. Thou ſhalt even take five ſhekels for every perſon by the tole, after the Shekel of the Sanctuary, is twelve Shillings ſix Pence a man.

Verſ. 50. Of the firſt born of the children of Iſrael (illegible text) be the Money, a thouſand three hundred threeſcore and five ſhekels, after the ſhekel of the Sanctuary, is one hundred ſeventy Pounds twelve Shillings ſix Pence. Shekel of the Sanctuary is twenty Gerahs, a Gerah is a Penny Half-penny.
