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Gen. 24. 22. That the man took a golden Ear-ring half a ſhekel weight, is ſeven ſhillings ſix pence; and two bracelets for her hands, of ten ſhekels weight of (illegible text)d, is 7 pound ten ſhillings.

Gen. 37. 28. Joſeph's Brethren ſold him for 20 pieces of ſilver, which is two pound 10 ſhilling.

Gen. 45. 22. He gave to Benjamin 300 pieces of silver is 37 l. 10 s.

Exodus 25. 29. Of a talent of pure gold ſhall be like it, with all theſe veſſels, is four thouſand five hundred pounds.

Exod. 30. 13. Every one that was numbred to give (illegible text) a ſhekel of ſilver of the Sanctuary; is one ſhilling (illegible text)e pence.

Exod. 37. 23. 24. And he made his ſeven Lamps, his ſnuffers, and his ſnuff-diſhes of pure gold of a ta(illegible text) weight, is four thouſand five hundred pounds, Engliſh current money.

Exod. 38. 24. All the gold that was occupied, the (illegible text) of the Offering was twenty nine talents, and ſeven hundred thirty ſhekels, after the ſhekels of the Sanctuary; One hundred twenty one thouſand five hundred (illegible text)ty five pounds.

Verſ. 25. And the ſilver of them that was numbred (illegible text)e Congregation was one hundred talents, and one thouſand ſeven hundred ſeventy five ſhekels after ſhek(illegible text) the ſanctuary, comes to thirty ſeven thouſand (illegible text)n hundred twenty one pounds ſeventeen ſhillings ſix pence.

Verſ. 27. And of the hundred talent of ſilver were the ſockets of the ſanctuary, and the ſockets of the
