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Page:Hill's manual of social and business forms.djvu/109

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Couple—brace, pair, two, join, connect.

Courage—heroism, valor, bravery, firmness, intrepidity, fearlessness.

Course—mode, way, track, line, career, progress, method, passage, road, route, series, succession.

Courteous—kind, civil, affable, polished, respectful, polite, well-bred.

Covenant—arrangement, agreement, contract, pledge, stipulation.

Covering—concealing, screening, sheltering, hiding, overspreading.

Covertness—greed, avarice, cupidity, inordinate desire.

Coward—sneak, dastard, poltroon.

Cowardice—fear, timidity, cowardliness.

Crafty—underhanded, cunning, artful, wily, deceitful, sly, subtle.

Cave—beg, pray, beseech, entreat, implore, request, solicit, supplicate.

Create—build, form, make, cause, invent, originate, shape, produce.

Crime—evil, guilt, wickedness, vice, sin.

Crisis—juncture, critical point.

Criticism—stricture, censure, review, remark, judgment.

Crooked—bowed, turned, awry, bent, curved, disfigured, deformed.

Cross—ill-tempered, fretful, peevish, spleeny, petulant, splenetic.

Cruel—barbarous, brutal, inhuman, pitiless, inexorable, unmerciful, harsh.

Cultivation—advancement, civilization, improvement, refinement, tillage.

Cure—heal, restore, remedy.

Curious—prying, inquisitive.

Curse—imprecation, malediction, anathema, execration.

Cursory—hasty, careless, slight, desultory, superficial.

Curtail—shorten, contract, abbreviate, abridge.

Custom—habit, manner, usage, prescription, practice.


Damage—injury, hurt, loss, detriment.

Dampness—wet, moisture, humidity.

Danger—hazard, peril, risk, venture.

Daring—bold, fearless, valorous, courageous, intrepid, brave.

Dark—dim, dismal, obscure, gloomy.

Date—time, period, epoch, era, age.

Dead—still, lifeless, inanimate, deceased.

Deadly—fatal, mortal, destructive.

Dealing—trade, practice, commerce, traffic.

Dearth—famine, need, scarcity, want.

Debar—deter, hinder, prevent, exclude, preclude.

Debase—lower, degrade, humble, disgrace.

Debate—argue, wrangle, dispute, controvert, contest.

Debilitate—impair, weaken, enervate, enfeeble.

Debility—infirmity, weakness, incapacity, imbecility, feebleness.

Decay—decline, consumption.

Decease—demise, death, departure of life.

Deceit—fraud, duplicity, deception, cunning, artifice, guilt, trickery.

Decent—comely, fit, seemly, becoming.

Decide—settle, resolve, fix, determine.

Decision—sentence, determination, judgment, resolution, conclusion.

{{hill synonym|Decisive|ending, conclusive, convincing,

Declare—announce, pronounce, testify, proclaim, assure, assert, affirm.

{{hill synonym|Decline|droop, decay, shun, reject, repel, sink, refusev

Decorative—embellish, ornament, beautify, adorn.

Decoy—allure, tempt, seduce, entice, inveigle.

Decrease—lessen, diminish, lower, subside, abate.

Dedicate—devote, consecrate, set apart.

Deduction—abatement, inference, conclusion.

Deed—action, exploit, achievement, feat.

Deface—mar, disfigure, destroy, mutilate.

Defame—slander, vilify, scandalize, calumniate.

Defeat—beat, baffle, conquer, overcome, overpower, overthrow, vanquish, frustrate.

Defect—want, flaw, blemish, imperfection.

Defective—wanting, imperfect, deficient.

Defender—protector, advocate, pleader, vindicator.

Defence—apology, excuse, justification, protection, vindication.

Defer—delay, hinder, prolong, retard, postpone, protract, procrastinate.

Deference—respect, regard, condescension, submission, veneration.

Defile—taint, poison, vitiate, corrupt, contaminate, pollute.

Deficent—lacking, wanting, imperfect.

Definite—exact, precise, positive, certain, bounded, limited.

Defraud—swindle, cheat, rob, deceive, trick.

Degrade—lower, disgrace, lessen, reduce, decry, depreciate, disparage.

Degree—rank, position, station, class, order.

Dejection—depression, melancholy, lowliness.

Delay—hinder, defer, detain, prolong, protract, postpone.

Deliberate—Slow, hesitating, considerate, thoughtful, cautious.

Delicate—frail, fine, nice, tender, beautiful, weak, elegant, dainty.

Delighted—pleased, glad, grateful, joyful.

Delightful—sweet, lovely, delicious, charming, gladsome.

Deliniate—describe, draw, paint, sketch, depict, represent.

Delinquent—Criminal, offender.

Deliver—give up, save, yield, utter, surrender, concede, rescue, transmit.

Delude—mislead, deceive, cheat, beguile.

Deluison—cheat, illusion,deception, fallacy.

Demand—Claim, require, ask.

Demolish—overthrow, destroy.

Demonstrate—illustrate, show, prove, manifest.

Denominate—name, title, style, designate.

Denote—imply, signify, mark, betoken.

Deny—refuse, disown, contradict, oppose.

Departure—leaving, going away, forsaking, abandoning, exit.

Dependence—trust, reliance, confidence, connection.

Deplore—bemoan, bewail, lament, mourn.

Deportment—behavior, character, carriage, conduct, demeanor.

Depraved—degraded, corrupt, abandoned, profligate, vicious, wicked.

Depreciate—underrate, disparage, detract, undervalue, degrade, lower, traduce.

Deprive—prevent, hinder, depose, divest, strip, abridge.

Depute—authorize, appoint, constitute.

Deputy—agent, substitute, representative, delegate.

Derange—disarrange, discompose, disorder, confuse, disconcert.

Deride—mock, ridicule, make fun of, banter, laugh at.

Describe—illustrate, narrate, delineate, recount, relate, represent.

Description—account, illustration, narration, explanation, recital, relation, detail.

Design—intend, plan, scheme, purpose, project, sketch.

Designate—name, show, point out, indicate, choose, distinguish, style.

Desist—stop, leave off, discontinue, cease.

Desperate—desponding, hopeless, mad, careless, furious, regardless.

Despicable—mean, vile, worthless, pitiful, outrageous, contemptible.

Despise—hate, scorn, loathe.

Despotic—arbitrary, self-willed, absolute.

Destination—point, location, design, fate, lot, purpose, appointment.

Destitute—bare, forlorn, poor, scanty, forsaken, needy.

Destroy—ruin, waste, demolish, consume, annihilate, dismantle.

Dersultory—hasty, slight, loose, roving.

Dettach—sever, separate, disjoin, divide.

Detail—account, tale, description, narration, recital.

Detain—keep, restrain, confine, hold.

Detect—find, discover, convict.

Determine—fix, decide, bound, limit, settle, resolve, adjust.

Determined—firm, resolute, decided, fixed, concluded, ended, immovable.

Detest—hate, loathe, abhor, abominate.

Detestable—hateful, loathsome, abominable, execrable.

Detract—defame, degrade, slander, vilify, calumuniate, scandalize, derogate.

Detriment—inconvenience, loss, injury, disadvantage, damage, hurt, prejudice.

Develop—grow, unravel, clear, unfold, disclose, exhibit.

Deviate—stray, wander, err, digress, swerve.

Device—design, scheme, plan, contrivance, invention, stratagem, show.

Devote—give, apply, consecrate, set apart, dedicate.

Devout—pious, holy, religious, prayerful.

Dexterity—adroitness, expertness, aptness, ability, skillfulness, skill, tact.

Dialect—language, speech, tongue.

Dictate—propose, direct, order, prescribe, instruct, suggest.

Die—expire, depart, perish, languish, wither.

Differ—dispute, dissent, vary, contend, disagree.