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Page:Hill's manual of social and business forms.djvu/110

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Different—unlike, various, diverse.

Difficult—trying, arduous, hard, troublesome.

Difficulty—obstacle, embarrassment, trouble, obstruction, perplexity, trial, impediment.

Diffident—retiring, fearful, bashful, distrustful, modest, hesitating.

Dignified—exalted, elevated, honored, stately.

Diligent—industrious, assiduous, laborious, active, persevering, attentive.

Diminish—shorten, curtail, decrease, abate, lessen, subside.

Direct—show, guide, conduct, manage, regulate, sway.

Direction—command, address, order, superscription.

Directly—at once, quickly, instantly, immediately, promptly, instantaneously.

Disagree—dispute, dissent, differ, quarrel, vary.

Disappoint—foil, defeat.

Disaster—misfortune, calamity, mischance, mishap.

Disavow—disown, deny, disclaim, repudiate.

Discard—cast off, dismiss, discharge.

Discern—distinguish, discriminate, penetrate, behold, discover.

Discernible—plain, evident, manifest, perceptible, apparent.

Disclose—reveal, discover, divulge.

Disconcert—disorder, confuse, defeat, ruffle, fret, vex, unsettle, interrupt, derange.

Discord—contention, dissension, inharmony.

Discover—make known, detect, communicate, reveal, impart, tell, disclose.

Discredit—dishonor, scandal, disgrace, disrepute, ignominy, reproach.

Discretion—prudence, judgment.

Dispain—scorn, contempt, arrogance, pride, haughtiness.

Disease—sickness, distemper, malady, order.

Disgrace—degrade, debase, dishonor, abase.

Disguise—cover, disfigure, conceal, dissemble.

Disgust—loathing, nausea, dislike, aversion.

Dishonor—shame, disgrace.

Dislike—antipathy, aversion, hatred, repugnauce, contempt, abhorrence.

Dismiss—discharge, divest, discard.

Disorder—confusion, bustle, tumult, malady, disease, distemper, irregularity.

Disparage—lower, undervalue, degrade, detract, decry, depreciate.

Disperse—scatter, dissipate, spread, distribute, deal out.

Display—parade, exhibit, show, ostentation.

Displease—offend, anger, vex.

Dispose—regulate, place, arrange, order, adapt.

Dispute—contest, debate, quarrel, altercation, difference, controversy.

Disseminate—spread, circulate, scatter, propagate.

Dissertation—discourse, essay, treatise, disquisition.

Dissipate—disperse, squander, waste, expend, consume, dispel.

Distaste—aversion, disgust, contempt, dislike, dissatisfaction, loathing.

Distinct—clear, obvious, different, separate, unlike, dissimilar.

Distinguish—discriminate, see, know, perceive, discern.

Distinguished—noted, conspicuous, eminent, celebrated, illustrious.

Distress—grief, sorrow, sadness, suffering, affliction, anguish, agony, pain, misery.

Distribute—deal out, scatter, assign, allot, apportion, divide.

District—locality, section, tract, region, territory, province, county, circuit.

Diversion—enjoyment, pastime, recreation, amusement, sport, deviation.

Divide—separate, part, share, distribute.

Divine—suppose, conjecture, foretell, guess.

Divulge—disclose, impart, reveal, communicate, disclose, publish.

Docile—gentle, tractable, teachable, pliant, quiet, yielding.

Doctrine—belief, wisdom, dogma, principle, precept.

Dogmatical—positive, authoritative, arrogant, magisterial, confident.

Doleful—awful, dismal, sorrowful, woeful, piteous, rueful.

Doubt—suspense, hesitation, scruple, plexity, uncertainty.

Doubtful—unstable, uncertain, dubious, precarious, equivocal.

Drag—pull, bring, haul, draw.

Dread—fear, apprehension.

Dreadful—fearful, awful, frightful, terrible, horrible.

Dress—array, apparel, vestments, garments, attire.

Droop—pine, sink, fade, languish, decline.

Dumb—mute, still, silent, inarticulate.

Durable—lasting, constant, permanent, continuing.

Dutiful—submissive, obedient, respectful.

Dwelling—home, house, abode, habitation, residence, domicile.


Eager—earnest, excited, ardent, impetuous, quick, vehement.

Earn—acquire, win, make, gain, obtain.

Earth—globe, world, planet.

Ease—rest, quiet, repose, lightness, facility.

Economical—careful, frugal, close, saving, thrifty, sparing.

Ecstasy—happiness, joy, rapture, transport, delight, elevation, enthusiasm.

Edifice—building, fabric, structure.

Education—culture, cultivation, breeding, refinement, instruction, nurture, tuition.

Efface—destroy, obliterate, erase, expunge, eradicate.

Effect—consequence, purpose, result, event, issue, meaning, reality.

Effects—things, goods, chattels, furniture, movables, property.

Efficient—competent, capable, able, effectual, effective.

Effort—endeavor, essay, attempt, exertion, trial.

Elegant—graceful, lovely, beautiful, handsome.

Eligible—suitable, fit, worthy, capable.

Embarrass—trouble, entangle, puzzle, perplex, distress.

Embellish—ornament, decorate, adorn, illustrate, deck, beautify.

Emblem—symbol, figure, type.

Embrace—hold, clasp, hug, comprehend, comprise, include, contain.

Emergency—necessity, exigency, casualty.

Emolument—reward, profit, gain, advantage, lucre.

Emotion—feeling, tremor, agitation, excitement.

Employment—occupation, trade, profession, business, avocation.

Empower—enable, delegate, authorize, commission.

Empty—untenanted, vacant, void, evacuated, unfurnished, unfilled.

Enchant—beguile, charm, bewitch, fascinate, captivate, enrapture.

Encomium—eulogy, praise.

Encounter—quarrel, assault, attack, combat, engagement, meeting.

Encourage—cheer, animate, incite, stimulate, countenance, instigate, sanction, support.

Encroach—intrude, trespass, infringe.

End—finish, close, stop, extremity, termination, finish, sequel, cessation, consequence, death, purpose.

Endeavor—aim, exertion, effort, attempt.

Endless—unending, everlasting, perpetual, interminable, incessant, infinite, eternal.

Endurance—submission, patience, fortitude, resignation.

Enemy—adversary, opponent, antagonist, foe.

Energy—determination, force, efficacy, vigor, strength, potency, power.

Enervate—weaken, enfeeble, debilitate, unnerve, deteriorate.

Engage—employ, enlist, fight, induce, pledge, promise, attract, win.

Enjoyment—happiness, joy, pleasure, gratification.

Enlarge—extend, lengthen, widen, increase.

Enmity—spite, hatred, hostility, malignity, animosity.

Enough—ample, sufficient, plenty, abundance.

Enrage—excite, irritate, inflame, incense, aggravate, exasperate.

Enrapture—Charm, attract, captivate, fascinate, enchant.

Enterprise—business, adventure, attempt, undertaking.

Entertainment—Pastime, amusement, sport, recreation, diversion, performance, banquet, feast.

Entice—tempt, decoy, seduce, allure, attract.

Entire—full, whole, complete, perfect, total, integral.

Entirely—perfectly, completely, wholly.

Entitle—Style, designate, characterize, name, denominate.

Entreat—ask, solicit, crave, beg, beseech, implore, petition, supplicate.

Envy—suspicion, jealousy, grudging.

Epitomize—lessen, abridge, reduce, curtail, condense.

Equal—commensurate, adequate, uniform.

Equitable—just, right, satisfactory, impartial, fair, reasonable, honest.

Eradicate—exterminate, extirpate, root out.

Erase—expunge, efface, obliterate, cancel.