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Irrational—unreasonable, absurd, foolish, silly.

Irrefagable—undeniable, indisputable, incontrovertible, unquestionable.

Irritate—plague, anger, tease, excite, provoke, aggravate, exasperate.

Irruption—opening, bursting forth, invasion, inroad.

Issue—offspring, progeny, end, result, sequel, egress, evacuation, effect, consequence.


Jade—harass, weary, tire, dispirit.

Jelaousy—suspicion, envy, emulation.

Jest—fun, joke, sport.

Jocose—funny, witty, merry, pleasant, jocular, waggish, facetious.

Jocund—joyful, lively, merry, gay, sprightly, sportive, vivacious, light-hearted, mirthful.

Join—unite, add, combine, adhere, close, confederate, league.

Joke—rally, sport.

Jollity—hilarity, mirth, merriment, gayety, festivity, joviality.

Journey—travel, trip, voyage, tour.

Joy—happiness, delight, gladness, charm, rapture, ecstasy, exultation, felicity, pleasure, transport.

Judgment—sentence, decision, doom, opinion, discernment, discrimination, penetration, intelligence, sagacity.

Just—exact, accurate, correct, honest, barely, upright, righteous, equitable, incorrupt.

Justify—defend, excuse, absolve, maintain, clear.

Justness—exactness, accuracy, correctness, equity, propriety.


Keen—sharp, penetrating, piercing, cutting, acute, shrewd.

Keep—hold, detain, support, retain, maintain, guard, reserve, sustain.

Kind—indulgent, compassionate, tender, lenient, gentle, affable, courteous, benignant, bland.

Kind—sort, manner, class, race, species, way, genus.

Knowledge—understanding, learning, perception, erudition, skill, acquaintance.


Labor—toil, work, strive, exert.

Lament—sorrow, mourn, complain, deplore, bewail, grieve, regret.

Language—tongue, speech, dialect, idiom.

Languid—weary, weak, faint, exhausted, dull, drooping.

Large—comprehensive, capacious, extensive, big, great, huge.

Lassitude—prostration, weariness, languor, enervation, fat.

Last—latest, hindmost, final, ultimate, end.

Lasting—durable, continuous, continual, foreyer, permanent, perpetual, eternal.

Latent—unseen, hidden, secret.

Laudable—praiseworthy, commendable.

Laughable—droll, ridiculous, comical, mirthful.

Lavish—profuse, wasteful, extravagant.

Lazy—indolent, idle, slothful inactive.

Lean—bend, incline, totter, waver.

Learning—intelligence, knowledge, erudition, science, literature, information.

Leave—abandon, desert, resign, relinquish, bequeath.

Legitimate—real, legal, lawful, genuine.

Lengthen—protract, extend, continue, draw out.

Lessen—diminish, decrease, abate, reduce, subside, shrink, degrade.

Let—allow, permit, suffer, leave, hire.

Lethargic—dull, tired, weary, heavy, drowsy, sleepy.

Level—even, smooth, plain, flat.

Levity—giddiness, gayety, vanity, fickleness, lightness.

Liable—exposed, responsible, subject.

Liberal—benevolent, generous, munificent, charitable.

Liberate—free, set free, deliver, release.

Liberty—freedom, permission, license, leave, exemption, privilege.

Lie—deception, untruth, fabrication, fiction, falsehood.

Life—being, energy, vitality, vivacity, briskness.

Lifeless—deceased, dead, inanimate, inactive, stale, flat, dull.

Lift—raise, elevate, exalt, hoist.

Light—illuminate, enlighten, kindle, nimble.

Like—probable, similar, uniform, resembling.

Likeness—resemblance, picture, portrait.

Liking—inclination, attachment, fondness, affection.

Linger—wait, delay, loiter, saunter, hesitate, tarry, lag.

Liquid—fluid, liquor.

Listen—hearken, attend, hear, overhear.

Little—small, diminutive.

Live—exist, subsist, dwell, abide, reside.

Lively—active, energetic, brisk, nimble, jocund, merry, sprightly, vigorous.

Lopar—accommodate, entertain, shelter, harbor.

Loftiness—height, haughtiness, stateliness, elevation, dignity, pride.

Loiter—lag, saunter, linger.

Lonely—dreary, lonesome, solitary, retired.

Look—see, behold, view, inspect, appearance.

Loose—unconnected, open, unrestrained, dissolute, licentious, unjointed.

Loss—injury, damage, waste, detriment.

Lot—share, portion, fate, fortune, destiny.

Loud—noisy, vociferous, clamorous, turbulent, vehement.

Love—liking, affection, fondness, kindness, attachment, esteem, adoration.

Lovely—attractive, amiable, charming, elegant, handsome, delightful, fine, beautiful.

Lover—beau, wooer, suitor.

Loving—kind, affectionate, tender, attentive, amorous.

Low—humble, mean, base, abject, debased, dejected, despicable.

Lower—humble, humiliate, debase, degrade.

Lucky—successful, fortunate, prosperous.

Ludicrous—amusing, comical, droll, laughable.

Lunacy—mania, derangement, insanity, madness.

Luxuriant—excessive, voluptuous, abundant, exuberant.

Luxury—profusion, abundance, excess.


Magnificent—noble, grand, glorious, sublime, splendid, superb.

Magnitude—size, greatness, bulk.

Maintain—sustain, keep, support, help, continue, assert, defend, vindicate.

Malady—evil, disease, affliction, disorder, distemper.

Manage—control, direct, conduct.

Mandate—command, charge, order, injunction.

Mangle—cut, lacerate, tear, mutilate, maim.

Manifest—evident, clear, apparent, obvious, open, plain.

Margin—edge, verge, rim, brim, brink, border.

Mark—stamp, impress, imprint, brand, show, observe.

Marriage—matrimony, wedlock, nuptials.

Marvel—wonder, prodigy, miracle.

Massive—large, ponderous, heavy, bulky.

Master—achieve, overcome, surmount, conquer.

Mature—perfect, complete, ripe.

Maxim—saying, adage, proverb.

Mean—abject, low, despicable, miserly, sordid, penuriovs, niggardly.

Meaning—sense, import, signification, intention, purpose, design.

Meanwhile—meantime, interim, intervening.

Mechanic—artisan, artificer.

Meddle—interpose, interfere, interrupt.

Mediate—intercede, interpose.

Meek—mild, soft, gentle, humble.

Meet—assemble, join, fit, becoming.

Meeting—assembly, company, auditory, congregation.

Melancholy—sadness, distress, depression, dejection, gloom, grief.

Melody—harmony, happiness, unison, concord.

Melt—dissolve, soften, liquify.

Memory—remembrance, reminiscence, recollection.

Mend—improve, repair, rectify, correct.

Merciful—mild, tender, gracious, benignant, compassionate, forgiving.

Merciless—hard-hearted, pitiless, cruel, unmerciful.

Mercy—pity, clemency, compassion, lenity.

Merry—happy, gay, joyous, cheerful, lively, mirthful, sportive, sprightly, vivacious.

Messenger—bearer, carrier, harbinger, forerunner, precursor.

Metaphor—similitude, trope, allegory, emblem, symbol.

Method—order, manner, mode, rule, system, plan, regularity.

Mighty—strong, powerful, great, potent.

Mild—meek, gentle, kind, easy, sweet, tender, mellow.

Mindful—heedful, observant, attentive.