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Minister—contribute, supply, administer.

Mirth—merriment, joy, hilarity, cheerfulness, vivacity, jollity.

Mischief—damage, harm, hurt, misfortune, injury.

Miserly—stingy, covetous, penurious, niggardly, avaricious.

Misfortune—calamity, harm, disaster, mishap, ill luck.

Misttake—error, blunder, misconception.

Misuse—ill-treat, pervert, misapply, abuse.

Mitigate—lessen, alleviate, ameliorate, abate, appease, assuage, soothe, mollify.

Model—pattern, copy, sample, mould, specimen.

Moderation—temperance, sobriety, frugality, forbearance, modesty.

Modern—recent, late, new, novel.

Modest—quiet, retiring, reserved, diffident, bashful, unassuming.

Modify—re-arrange, change, alter, extenuate, moderate.

Molest—annoy, vex, tease, trouble, disturb, incommode,

Mollify—ease, appease, moderate, mitigate, assuage, soften.

Morose—sour, sullen, gloomy, peevish, forbidding.

Motive—incentive, reason, cause, principle.

Mourn—grieve, lament, sorrow, bewail, bemoan.

Move—change, pass, stir, influence, persuade, incite, actuate, instigate, impel.

Munifcient—bounteous, bountiful, generous, beneficent, plentiful, liberal.

Muse—study, ponder, wonder, think, reflect, meditate, contemplate.

Mutable—changeable, unsteady, inconstant, fickle, wavering, unstable, variable, alterable, irresolute.

Mutilate—deface, injure, destroy, deprive, mangle, maim.

Mutinous—turbulent, seditious, insubordinate.

Mysterious—hidden, obscure, dim, mystic, latent, dark.


Naked—exposed, nude, unclothed, uncovered, simple, plain.

Name—cognomen, appellation, title, reputation, credit, denomination.

Narrow—contracted, confined, limited, curtailed, close.

Native—indigenous, genuine, intrinsic.

Near—adjoining, adjacent, close, contiguous.

Necessary—needful, expedient, indispensable, essential, important, requisite.

Need—poverty, want, penury, indigence.

Nefarious—evil, wicked, unjust, wrong, iniquitous.

Negligent—careless, heedless, remiss, neglectful, inattentive.

New—tresh, late, modern, novel.

Nigh—close, adjoining, near, contiguous, adjacent.

Nosie—distinguished, elevated, exalted, illustrious, great, grand.

Noisy—boisterous, turbulent, clamorous, high, loud, sounding.

Noted—renowned, distinguished, conspicuous, celebrated, eminent, notorious, illustrious.

Notice—warning, information, intelligence, advice.

Notion—thought, opinion, sentiment, whim, idea, conception, perception.

Notorious—celebrated, distinguished, noted, public, conspicuous, renowned.

Notwithstanding—nevertheless, however, in spite of, yet.

Nourish—feed, uphold, maintain, cherish, nurture, support.


Obdurate—inflexible, unfecling, callous, impenitent, hardened, insensible, obstinate.

Obedient—submissive, compliant, yielding, dutiful, respectful, obsequious.

Object—end, subject, aim.

Object—oppose, except to, against.

Oblige—compel, coerce, bind, force, engage, favor, please, gratify.

Obnoxious—offensive, liable, disagreeable, unpleasant, exposed.

Obscure—hidden, concealed, indistinct, difficult, dark, abstruse.

Observance—Ceremony, rite, form, attention, respect.

Observant—watchful, attentive, mindful, regardful.

Observe—See, notice, watch, follow, remark, keep.

Obsolete—disused, old, worn-out, antiquated, ancient, old-fashioned.

Obstacle—impediment, obstruction, difficulty, hinderance.

Obstinate—stubborn, resolute, headstrong.

Obstruct—impede, hinder, stop, prevent.

Obtain—gain, secure, get, win, acquire, procure, earn.

Obvious—plain, apparent, open, clear, evident, visible, manifest.

Occupation—work, profession, calling, trade, business, avocation, employment.

Occupy—keep, hold, use, possess.

Occurrence—event, contingency, adventure, incident.

Odor—smell, fragrance, scent, perfume.

Offense—trespass, crime, injury, sin, outrage, insult, misdeed, wrong, transgression.

Offensive—mean, abusive, insulting, impertinent, insolent, rude, scurrilous, obnoxious, opprobrious.

Officious—busy, active, forward, obtrusive, intrusive.

Only—solely, singly, alone, simply, merely.

Open—unravel, reveal, disclose, unlock.

Opening—fissure, aperture, hole, cavity.

Operation—performance, agency, action.

Opinion—belief, idea, sentiment, notion.

Opinionated—stiff, obstinate, egotistical, conceited, stubborn, self-willed.

Opponent—opposer, adversary, foe, enemy, antagonist.

Opposite—contrary, repugnant, adverse.

Opprobious—reproachful, abusive, offensive, insolent, insulting, scandalous, scurrilous.

Opprobrium—shame, disgrace, reproach, infamy, ignominy.

Oration—speech, sermon, lecture, discourse, address, harangue.

Ordain—appoint, invest, order, prescribe.

Order—brotherhood, fraternity, rank, method, succession, series, degree, genus.

Order—mandate, injunction, command, precept.

Orderly—precise, regular, systematic, methodical.

Ordinary—usual, common.

Origin—rise, cause, source, foundation, beginning, descent, fountain.

Original—primitive, first, pristine, primary.

Ornament—decorate, beautify, adorn, deck, embellish.

Ornate—decorated, adorned, embellished, bedecked, garnished.

Ostentation—parade, display, show, boast.

Outrage—insult, injure, affront, violence.

Outwarp—extraneous, apparent, extrinsic.

Overbearing—repressive, haughty, impertinent, lordly.

Overcome—vanquish, conquer, surmount, subdue.

Overflow—fill, inundate, deluge, abound.

Oversight—mistake, error, misapprehension, inattention.

Overwhelm—overpower, crush, upturn, overthrow, subdue.

Owner—holder, proprietor, possessor, master.


Pacify—calm, still, quiet, conciliate, soothe.

Pain—distress, afflict, torture, torment, suffer, burt.

Paint—portray, represent, depict, sketch, color, describe, delineate.

Pair—join, two, couple, brace.

Pale—fade, wan, white, pallid, fair.

Palpable—gross, plain, discernible, perceptible, apparent.

Palpitate—tremble, throb, beat, flutter, gasp, pant.

Pang—torture, torment, distress, agony, anguish, sorrow.

Pardon—acquit, free, forgive, discharge, release, remit, clear.

Parsimonius—mean, frugal, miserly, avaricious, penurious, niggardly.

Part—share, portion, division, piece, concern, action.

Particular—individual, exact, appropriate, circumstantial, peculiar, specific, exclusive, punctual, distinct.

Particularly—principally, chiefly, mainly, especially, distinctly, specifically.

Partisan—disciple, adhercnt, follower.

Partner—associate, accomplice, colleague, coadjutor.

Passion—desire, feeling, love, anger, excitement.

Passionate—hot, angry, irascible, hasty, excitable.

Passive—submissive, unresisting, patient, resigned.

Pathetic—affecting, moving, touching.

Patience—endurance, resignation, fortitude.