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Page:Hill's manual of social and business forms.djvu/118

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Reveal—impart, divulge, communicate, disclose, expose.

Revenge—vindicate, avenge.

Revere—adore, worship, reverence, venerate.

Review—examine, survey, notice, revision.

Revive—enliven, renew, reanimate, refresh, renovate.

Revoke—cancel, annul, abolish, repeal, abrogate, efface, retract.

Reward—recompense, remuneration, compensation, satisfaction.

Riches—wealth, opulence, affluence.

Ridicule—deride, banter, laugh at.

Ridiculous—droll, absurd, ludicrous, preposterous, unreasonable, improbable.

Right—correct, just, honest, proper, privilege, claim, direct, straight, immunity.

Righteous—just, godly, upright, honest, incorrupt, virtuous.

Rite—form, custom, ceremony, observance.

Road—path, way, course, route.

Roam—wander, ramble, stroll, range, rove.

Room—chamber, apartment, space, place.

Rough—harsh, uncivil, rude, uncouth, unmannerly, unpolished, rugged, severe, stormy.

Round—globular, spherical, circuit, orb, tour.

Route—path, coarse, way, road.

Rude—rough, impertinent, coarse, impudent, unpolished, saucy, bold, disagreeable.

Rule—authority, government, law, regulation, custom, maxim, habit, precept, guide.


Sacred—holy, divine, devoted.

Sap—sorrowful, mournful, dejected, gloomy, melancholy.

Sagacity—perception, penetration, acuteness, discernment.

Salary—wages, pay, stipend, hire, reward, remuneration.

Sanction—maintain, sustain, uphold, support, ratify, countenance.

Sapient—discreet, wise, sage, sagacious.

Sarcasm—satire, irony, ridicule.

Satisfaction—compensation, remuneration, contentment, reward, atonement.

Saving—prudent, economical, thrifty, frugal, close, sparing, stingy, penurious.

Saying—adage, maxim, proverb, by-word, relating, speaking, uttering, communicating.

Scandal—disgrace, reproach, discredit, baseness, infamy.

Scarce—uncommon, unusual, singular, rare.

Scatter—disseminate, dissipate, spread, disperse.

Scent—odor, smell, perfume, fragrance.

Scoff—ridicule, sneer, jeer, jibe, belittie.

Score—object, tendency, aim, drift.

Scruple—hesitate, doubt, fluctuate.

Scrupulous—truthful, upright, correct, careful, conscientious, cautious.

Scrutinize—Search, examine, investigate.

Scurrilous—disgusting, abusive, offensive, insulting, insolent.

Search—inquiry, examination, scrutiny, pursuit, investigation.

Secede—withdraw, retire, recede.

Seclusion—quietude, privacy, solitude, retirement, loneliness.

Secondary—subordinate, inferior.

Secret—hidden, quiet, still, concealed, latent, mysterious, clandestine.

Secular—temporal, worldly.

Secure—Safe, certain, confident, sure, procure, warrant.

Security—pledge,-warranty, deposit, defence, guard, protection.

Sedate—serene, unconcerned, calm, unruffled, still, composed, quiet.

Seduce—decoy, betray, attract, allure.

See—examine, look, behold, observe, perceive, view.

Sense—idea, feeling, meaning, judgment, import, reason.

Sensitive—keen, susceptible, appreciative.

Sentence—mandate, judgment, decision, period, phrase, proposition.

Sentiment—expression, opinion, notion, feeling.

Separate—dissociate, detach, disengage.

Settle—determine, fix, establish, arrange, adjust, regulate.

Settled—conclusive, decided, confirmed, established.

Sever—separate, disjoin, divide, detach.

Several—sundry, different, various, diverse.

Severe—cold, stern, harsh, sharp, rigid, cruel, heartless, rough, strict, unyielding, austere, rigorous.

Shake—shiver, quiver, shudder, quake, agitate, totter.

Shame—dishonor, disgrace, ignominy.

Shameless—insolent, impudent, immodest, indelicate, indecent.

Shape—form, fashion, mould.

Share—divide, distribute, apportion, participate, partake.

Sharpness—shrewdness, penetration, keenness, acuteness, sagacity, cunning.

Shaleter—Shield, defend, screen, harbor, protect, cover.

Shine—illumine, glisten, gleam, glitter, glare.

Shining—bright, glittering, radiant, glistening, brilliant.

Shocking—disgusting, terrible, dreadful, horrible.

Short—brief, concise, scanty, defective, brittle.

Shorten—lessen, contract, abridge, reduce, curtail.

Show—display, exhibition, parade, representation, spectacle, sight, pomp.

Snowy—grand, ostentatious, gay, gaudy, fine, sumptuous.

Shrewd—sharp, acute, keen, precise.

Shun—evade, avoid, elude.

Sickly—unwell, sick, ill, diseased, indisposed.

Sick—indication, omen, symptom, signal, note, mark, token.

Signify—imply, express, betoken, denote, declare, utter, intimate, testify.

Silence—quietude, stillness, muteness.

Silent—dumb, mute, speechless, still.

Silly—ridiculous, foolish, absurd, stupid, dull, weak, simple.

Similarity—resemblance, likeness, similitude.

Simple—weak, silly, artless, foolish, unwise, stupid, plain, single.

Simply—solely, merely, only.

Since—for, as, inasmuch, after.

Sincere—true, honest, frank, upright, incorrupt, plain.

Singular—particular, eccentric, odd, strange, remarkable, rare, scarce.

Situation—place, position, employment, site, locality, case, condition, plight.

Skillful—expert, adroit, adept, dexterous, accomplished.

Slander—defame, vilify, calumniate, detract.

Slavery—servitude, bondage, captivity.

Slender—slight, slim, fragile, thin.

Slow—tardy, dilatory, tedious, dull.

Small—little, minute, diminutive, narrow, infinitesimal.

Smooth—easy, mild, bland, even, level.

Smother—suffocate, stifle, suppress, conceal.

Snarling—Surly, snappish, waspish.

Sober—grave, temperate, moderate, abstemious.

Social—sociable, companionable, convivial, familiar.

Society—fellowship, company, congregation, association, community.

Sort—fiexible, ductile, pliant, yielding, mild, compliant.

Solicit—request, ask, entreat, implore, beg, beseech, supplicate, importune.

Solicitation—entreaty, invitation, importunity.

Solicitude—care, anxiety, earnestness.

Solid—enduring, firm, hard, substantial.

Solitary—sole, alone, only, lonely, desolate, remote, retired.

Soothe—quiet, compose, calm, appease, tranquilize, pacify, assuage.

Sorrow—trouble, grief, affliction.

Sort—order, kind, species.

Sound—tone, firm, whole, hearty, healthy, sane.

Sour—tart, acid, acrimonious, sharp.

Source—head, origin, fountain, cause, spring, reason.

Spacious—large, capacious, ample.

Sparkle—glitter, glisten, shine, glare, radiate, corruscate.

Speak—utter, talk, articulate, pronounce, converse, say, tell, recite, relate.

Species—order, kind, class, sort.

Sprcific—definite, particular, special.

Specimen—Sample, pattern, model.

Spectator—beholder, observer, auditor.

Speech—oration, address, harangue, lecture, sermon.

Speechless—dumb, silent, mute.

Spend—expend, exhaust, squander, dissipate, waste.

Sphere—orb, circle, globe.

Spirited—quick, animated, ardent, vivacious, active.

Sprritrual—ethereal, immaterial, unearthly, incorporeal.

Spite—pique, malice, grudge, malignity, hate.

Splendid—superb, magnificent, grand, sublime, heavenly.

Splendor—magnificence, brightness, luster, brilliancy.

Splenetic—peevish, melancholy, morose, sullen, gloomy, fretful.

Sport—play, game, amusement, pastime, diversion, recreation.